You look like you enjoyed yourself
By: Date: May 9, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , ,

“I don’t think she can hear us”, I whispered to Jessie. “I know she
definitely can’t see us.”
“So she probably doesn’t even know we’re here, hmm” Jessie conjectured
aloud. There was a mischievous tone in Jessie’s voice, not an unfamiliar
aspect of her personality.
My attention, now drawn to Jessie, noted a change come over her face. It
went from one of surprise and dismay to that bright glint in her eyes
with a slight smile on her wonderfully kissable lips.
“Jessie. What’s going on in that beautiful and devious mind of yours?”
“I was just wondering how we can find out for sure if she’s aware we’re
here or not. Wait I know how.” With that Jessie stepped right up to the
dais, reached out and clasped the gold chain with two fingers about half
way between the belly ring and the clit ring. Giving the chain a sudden
pull away from the girl’s body caused the chain to pull at both the
nipples and the clit. Both of the girl’s nipples just as suddenly
distended as her full round melon-sized breasts were pulled forward and
downward. At the other end the clit ring was pulled sharply upward.
The girl’s head snapped quickly to the right and then to the left in
response. She also made a sudden lurch forward with her hips, albeit a
small one. These appeared to be the only movement she was capable of
within the confines of her restraints.
Stifling an impulse to laugh out loud I proclaimed, “Well she knows
someone’s here now.”
As if she expected something more to be done to her, perhaps something
not so gentle, the girl returned to her rigid state and remained
motionless. Her breathing became deeper causing her chest to expand and
contract fully and quickly, which in turn caused the chain to pull tight
between the nipples and clit every time she inhaled.
Jessie was now circling the dais scrutinizing every inch of the girl and
her restrictive bindings. I watched as Jessie stepped behind the girl.
“Well now what do we have here? Come see this Mike.”
As I also moved behind the dais Jessie bent and picked up what appeared
to be a riding crop which had been hidden from our view up to this point
by the mound between the girl’s legs. She held the crop up for both hers
and my inspection. In unison both our heads turned to take in the sight
of the girls muscular round buttocks. Red stripes were clearly visible
on the creamy skin.
Turning our gaze to each other, our eyes locked and both of us found
identical looks of just winning the lottery on each other’s faces.
Reverting to my previous gallant frame of mind, I bent slightly at the
waist and extended my left hand towards the girl’s posterior saying
“After you madam.”
“Why thank you kind sir” came Jessie’s rhetorical reply as she gave a
quick curtsey in her best southern belle impression.
As I backed away Jessie took up position behind the girl. She gave the
crop a quick snap in the air. Without saying a word, Jessie gave me a
nod of her head indicating she was pleased with its springiness.
Then the sound of the crop cutting through the air ended with the crack
of leather sharply meeting soft flesh. A muffled scream came from the
girl. Obviously the hood also acted as a gag. A bright red stripe
appeared high and completely across the girl’s right buttock.
Reaching out, Jessie ran her fingers over the newest welt. She appeared
to be marvelling at the way it suddenly raised and darkened to a bright
red line. Several more lines crisscrossed the girls butt and thighs
before Jessie was done.
Finally satisfied, I watched as Jessie ran her hand over the girl’s
right buttock in gradually enlarging circles eventually spreading to
include both buttocks from the top of the thighs to the small of the back.
Moving to the girl’s left side Jessie continued her ministrations to the
girl’s buttocks while giving me an unfettered view of the erotic
massage. Her left hand was moving downward from the small of the back
towards the thighs in the same circular motion but now each time she
drew her hand back up the buttocks she extended her middle finger
allowing it to draw through the crease separating the twin cheeks. With
each pass Jessie allowed her finger to probe deeper until eventually her
finger was striking the entrance to the girl’s rear passage with each pass.
I was not expecting what Jessie did next. Looking me directly in the
eyes she moved her extended middle finger from the girl’s anus and
placed it in her open mouth. I stood amazed as she made tiny circles on
her tongue wetting the tip of the finger with her saliva. Then closing
her lips around it like a tiny cock she pumped the finger slowly in and
out of her mouth all the way past the second knuckle.
Removing the finger from her mouth she once again returned to massaging
the girl’s buttocks in the same circular movement as before keeping her
saliva coated finger extended and raised so it didn’t come in contact
with the girl’s skin. Drawing her hand up over the split if the girl’s
ass cheeks, she stopped, took aim and then drove the spit soaked finger
entirely up the girl’s anal passage.
Once again a sound was evoked from behind the hood. At first it seemed
to be a gasp of surprise but quickly turned to a moan.
Slowly Jessie withdrew her finger all but completely out. Before that
happened she again drove it back in as far as it would go. For several
seconds she withdrew and plunged her hand forcefully against the girl’s
nether opening only stopping long enough to occasionally return the
finger to her mouth for another coating of saliva.
This wild situation was having its effects on me too. The strain of my
hard prick tightly confined in my jeans was becoming unbearably
uncomfortable. Undoing the zipper I reached in and with some difficulty
managed to fish it free.
Now with my ten-inch cock in hand I slowly stroked it to even harder
proportions as I watched Jessie. Likewise she was watching me stroking
myself when she once again raised her hand to her mouth.
This time, however, not one but two fingers were given a thorough
lubricating. And like the initial insertion of the first finger, these
two fingers were driven up the girl’s back passage with an equal
forcefulness. Again a muffled moan came from behind the hood.
Long strings of pre-cum dangled from my engorged cock when Jessie
ordered, “Come here and kneel behind her. I want to watch you fuck her
There was no need to tell me twice. With the speed and agility of a cat
I stripped completely naked and moved into position behind the girl.
Removing her fingers from the girl’s asshole, Jessie grasped my prong at
its base and with a pulling of her hand moved me into position with my
knob pressed hard up against the girl’s rosebud.
“Don’t move yet” ordered Jessie.
“Don’t move! You’ve got to be kidding!” I thought to myself but I did as
I was told. Jessie moved away and behind me now out of my sight.
Curiosity was rapidly building up in me when I saw the first piece of
Jessie’s clothing fly past me and land on the floor to my right. First
it was her blouse, then her shoes and followed by her jeans. Expecting
to see her panties come next, I was caught completely off guard when I
felt Jessie’s naked body press up against my back as she twisted her
body around my right side bringing her face to mine to insert her tongue
as deeply as she could in my mouth in the most passionate kiss I had
ever received from her.
Breaking the kiss, she pulled back only an inch or two when she brought
her hand up to my mouth. “Open” she said commanding me to open my mouth
wide. As soon as I did she stuffed her panties into my mouth. I could
taste the flavour of her juices as my tongue pressed against them. I
couldn’t believe I could be turned on any more than I had already been
but this was a side of Jessie I had never seen before and I liked it, a
lot. If she didn’t soon let me penetrate the girl’s ass, I knew I was
going to end up shooting off pressed against the girl’s brown hole.
No sooner had I had this thought when I heard the swish of the crop
cutting through the air. Three quick stripes across my ass cheeks sent a
searing pain through me driving my hips forward. The air in my lungs was
forced out to a muted scream in Jessie’s panties.
Smashing my hips against the girl’s buttocks my ten inches were buried
to the hilt in one quick thrust. Again a muffled scream emanated from
behind the hood.
A flood of sensations raced through me. “My God Jessie, what are you
doing to me? This is fucking unreal!” The pain of the crop was
dissipating quickly being replaced by the warmth of the tight sheath
that surrounded my prick.
And then Jessie was kneeling behind me, pressed tightly against me. Her
hands were on my shoulders, her hot breath on my neck, the hard pointed
tips of her bountiful breasts pushed against my back and her bald pussy
lips with the one thin line of fur extending two inches above her cunt
was grinding into the crack of my ass.
“Stay still,” she breathed into my ear.
Her hands followed by her lips and tongue began a journey over my body
starting at the nape of my neck moving slowly along my spine.
As her tongue slowly crept across my shoulders leaving a wet trail, I
felt her hands slide along my ribs moving forward up and across my chest
until her fingers found my nipples. Rolling them between her thumbs and
index fingers they hardened sending a thrill straight through to my groin.
Jessie’s hands continued forward sliding over the girl’s ribcage
reaching onward to cup her breasts in her hands. Lifting upwards on the
girl’s breasts caused the chain to again pull on the nipples and
clitoris. It was the girl’s turn to have her nipples attended to. Unlike
the gentle way she rolled my nipples between her fingers, Jessie just
pinched the girl’s nipples and slowly applied pressure. Initially there
was no noticeable reaction from the girl but as Jessie’s fingers turned
white from exertion two noticeable reactions became very evident.
First, the degree of moaning coming from inside the hood appeared to
grow exponentially with the degree of pain inflicted. Secondly, as the
degree of pain increased so did the tightening of the girl’s muscles,
which included her sphincter?
If there was a heaven, this had to be what it felt like. The girl’s
asshole clenched my dick like a strong hand but ever so much softer. I
couldn’t imagine myself ever being more turned on than I was at this
very moment.
When Jessie released the nipples the girl relaxed loosening her ass’
grip on my tool but now the vibrations of the machine became more
apparent on my sensitive knob.
Jessie’s hands and lips returned to my back and continued on their
journey. They passed over the small of my back and continued to my butt
cheeks. She squeezed and massaged my glutes spreading them and probing
in between with her fingers occasionally dragging a fingertip across my
anal opening.
This was becoming impossible to remain still with my cock imbedded in
the girl’s ass and Jessie running a finger over my hole. I knew my
determination to follow Jessie’s commands was rapidly coming to an end.
Good God, didn’t she know what affect this whole situation was having on
Just when I didn’t think I could take any more I felt Jessie use the
palms of both hands to push my ass cheeks apart. It took me a second to
get over the surprise of the next sensation my asshole was introduced
to. Jessie pushed her face as tightly as she could between my cheeks and
was now probing my hole with her tongue.
“Holy fuck!” was all I could say as Jessie stiffened her tongue and
attempted to push in past my sphincter muscle. In and out the tongue
probed sending waves of stimulation throughout me. Each time her tongue
pressed forward my sphincter relaxed more making access to my anal
passage easier. Each time she pushed her tongue into me she lubricated
my hole with another coating of saliva.
And then the inevitable happened. Jessie pulled her tongue away from my
asshole and replaced it with not one but two fingers. Easing them slowly
into me she gradually managed to sink them in all the way. She gave me a
few seconds to accustom myself to the invasion of her fingers before
slowly withdrawing all but the tips out.
“Now fuck her ass,” she commanded.
Pulling my cock out of the girl’s ass impaled me on Jessie’s fingers.
Each time her fingers sunk deep in my chocolate tunnel the tips rubbed
across my prostrate gland and each time felt like a mini-orgasm on its own.
Faster and faster I pounded into the girl each time marvelling at how I
enjoyed the sensation of Jessie’s fingers in my ass as much as I enjoyed
the sensation of my cock in the girl’s ass.
I could feel the pressure mounting within me. My aching balls were
swollen with the load they were carrying. I could feel the jism
straining to push its way up my shaft.
Suddenly, with her free hand, Jessie reached up and cupped my balls.
That’s all it took. I was out of control. I began slamming my cock
forward into the girl’s ass at an incredible speed. Jessie, sensing my
imminent ejaculation, doubled the speed of the ramming fingers in and
out of my asshole.
With a roar into Jessie’s panties my cockhead swelled. My balls
tightened and then I was coming. Spurt after spurt of cum shot out of my
dick filling the cavity of the girl’s hot ass.
Sweat poured off me and my breath came in gasps. Completely drained of
energy I let my slowly softening hard on slide from the girl’s ass.
Jessie’s fingers, like my shrinking cock, were also withdrawn from the
snug confines of my ass.
On weak and shaky legs I backed away from the girl and attempted to
stand on the floor. My head felt light and I had to lean against the
dais to keep from falling.
Jessie moved quickly positioning herself on the floor between the dais
and me. With her mouth wide open she engulfed my semi-erect prick in her
hot mouth. Her soft tongue danced circles around my cockhead and along
the shaft as she sucked me deeper into her throat. Pushing her face
further on to my dick I felt the head pass the back of her mouth and
move into the tight constrictions of her throat. When her lips pressed
up against the base of my cock her tongue snaked out to lap at my
sensitive balls licking up whatever traces of my cream was leftover from
the explosion in the girl’s ass.
Slowly Jessie pulled her lips back off me, her lips and tongue cleaning
me as they passed. With a smack of her lips she finally pulled her head
free of me. Looking up at my face with eyes shining and a wide satisfied
smile, my beautiful bride knelt on the floor before me. “Mmmm, I liked
that. You look like you enjoyed yourself.”
“Jessie I love you,” I gasped. “That was unreal!”

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