Tag: xxx

Oh, and has a woman you’ve been intimate with ever worn boots to bed?

“It still makes my bottom tingle when I hear the clip-clop of a woman wearing boots,” he said. The interviewer listened attentively. “Take all your clothes off,” she instructed. She smiled to herself when he immediately stood up to remove his clothes. She knew that most guys have no reservations about undressing for a female…

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Sexy teen with a crush on her step-father explores her sexuality

From the earliest times I remember my parents would take the whole family to nudist resorts/beaches at least once a summer occasionally more. My family at the beginning of my awakening consisted of my father, who was in his mid 40’s, about 6 feet tall, muscular build from hard work. He had hazel eyes and…

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I’m a fucktoy of THE PRINCE FAMILY

I was left, however, with nothing to do for the afternoon. I could do something other than fuck (but that, at the moment, was all I wanted to do), go out and find something, or create another fucktoy. I decided I didn’t want to create another girl just yet, so I went out. I needed…

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Kinky school sex

Things at school got seriously out of hand during the next week, when a big game was about to take place. The team had their strategy meeting the night before. As was tradition the whole team had a dinner, they kicked around strategies, and discussed the weaknesses of the opposing players. At ten o’clock, they…

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B&D submissive Tamara’s Present

Tamara had been looking forward to this day for quite some time. The 26-year-old female, who lived her life as a B&D submissive, had been promised by her Master Vince that her deepest, darkest fantasy would finally come true today. Tamara, who had been Vince’s devoted slave for almost seven years, had always fantasized about…

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Voyeur in the closet peeking for couples

I rushed back into the house. I had forever been forgetting things and today seemed to be no different. I had left the pictures behind several times already and I couldn’t get by with putting them off another day. So when I remembered I had left them, even though I was nearly a half hour…

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Anal sex Cousin Jacqueline

I’ve had the hots for my first cousin Jacqueline for a fair number of years now, at least since junior high school when I was a horny bastard and had the hots for anything female that was halfway cute. Being the average horny female, she felt pretty much the same way about things male, but…

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The Porno Queen

There was no getting away from it. Even the simplest, most mundane household activity, such as washing the dishes, was charged with erotic promise. Susana finished wiping the last dinnerplate, slipped it into the cupboard, and pressed up against Peter’s back, pinning him to the sink as he swabbed out the bowl. She stuck a…

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Shemale Fashions

For many years I went to a rest stop along a hiway in California. I dressed in many different ways. In short skirts sometimes barely hiding my ass. Sometimes in short dresses or see thru outfits. Sometimes just wearing garters, nylons, panties and heels under an overcoat. I went there in many different ways: like…

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The eager stepmother

Scott Birks awoke with a throbbing hard-on. He scratched his bare chest thoughtfully, his fingers working through the thick crop of dark hair which grew in a mat from just below his shoulders. A moment later and he had run his hand flatly downwards over the hard stomach muscles to where his cock thrust stiffly…

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Beasts are better

“Here, let me do it.” “Yeah, you know how to get a cock hard, just rub it over that honey hole of yours, baby, and I’ll ream it out good for you!” Eileen Tremaine reached down to grasp Hank Barstow’s flaccid cock as he knelt between her widespread thighs and leaned over her prostrate body….

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Time to go fuckies, boy!

Thor came trotting across the room to meet his mistress, squirming and whining as he scented the hot fragrance of her well-fucked but still horny pussy. Barbara dipped at the knees and parted her thighs, letting the big black brute thrust his muzzle into her crotch. He sniffed and yelped with enthusiasm and his long…

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Boys for the wife’s pleasure 2.

“Why don’t you take my cock out and pump it? You’re not the timid type. Hell, I’ve seen you bopping around here, shaking those tits of yours. And you’ve been checking out my crotch too. Don’t think I’ve missed that.” His name was Brad. He was in his early twenties and had only been with…

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Boys for the wife’s pleasure

The moment Jessie touched herself she knew her fingers wouldn’t be enough. She slowly rubbed the slick folds of her wet cunt and let her legs fall open as she contemplated her dilemma. She frequently went to bed long after her husband John was asleep. She had enough energy for six women while John started…

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T-Shirt Teasing At Easter

I got home late, tired from work. Everyone was asleep, that is, except for her, my darling. I did try to keep quiet, coming into the house, not wanting to wake our guests. But she’d waited up for me, quietly. As I sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, she came in to…

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Samantha Pays For Her Mistake with her cunt

Samantha had had a highly successful morning, that is, it went to nearly 3 pm when she closed the deal and signed off. Unusually for her, she went out to have lunch in a street stall with tables under a shady tree. She finished her salad and coffee and, still feeling smug about her morning,…

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Becoming a whore

It was late afternoon on a Saturday, and Callie sat in her apartment, waiting in anticipation. It had been two months that she’d been officially divorced from her husband of five years. A few days before it was finalized, she had moved out of their spacious four-bedroom home and into a cozy one-bedroom apartment. It…

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Cynthia has been using hypnosis to lose weight

Cynthia has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In…

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