The other wives are now taking loads of come into their pussies and then thrilling to having it licked out and sucked out by us hungry men
By: Date: February 5, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , ,

We had been married almost a year when I first got a
taste of my wifes secret fantasy.

One day as I was sitting in my favorite chair reading, when
my wife walked through the living room of our apartment and
out the front door with only her bathrobe on.

She left our door open and walked down the hall to our neighbor,
Jerry’s, apartment. I watched with curiosity while she opened his
door without knocking and went inside. I knew Jerry was a single
man with a reputation with the women.

I’d heard several of the women down by the pool talking about
how they’d like to jump his bones. I don’t know if any of them did
it or not, but I did know my wife had just disappeared into his
apartment with only a robe on, and now she had been gone too long
to be borrowing a cup of sugar. I also knew she never wore
anything under her robe.

Thinking about these things was having an effect on me.
But not as you might think. Instead of feeling jealousy or anger,
I was becoming aroused. My cock had made a tent in the front of
my sweat pants. I put the paper down and started rubbing my
hardon when she suddenly reappeared in the hallway. My wife entered
our apartment and closed the door behind herself. She walked straight
to me and while staring at my erection, she smiled, and said Jerry
had sent me a present.

She sat in my lap, squerming around feeling my boner, then
she leaned over and kissed me; she stuck her tongue in my mouth,
causing me to become even more excited than I already was. While
we kissed I felt her spread her legs wide. She pushed me back far
enough so I could look down between her legs.

I stared at her sloppy cunt for a long while, her pubic hairs
were soaked and matted around her streatched open hole. There was
traces of come on her love nest and I knew that she had just fucked
Jerry and that he had shot his load in her.

She slipped out of my lap and pulled me down on top of her as
we lay on the floor she placed her hand behind my head and pulled
my face to her hot treasure. I was helpless as I realized that
her fantasy had now become mine also.

I dove into her comey wetness, eagerly licking and sucking and
lapping up all the come, Jerry’s and hers, that I could reach.
She started coming for me and had a series of climaxes before
pulling me up for more kissing. I positioned my cock at her
entrance and slipped it into her. I had not even pushed in all
the way when I started shooting my wad. Jet after jet of hot
come flooded into her pussy. I don’t think I had ever come that
hard before. I groaned as I came and she smiled at me and thanked
me for the hottest time of her life. I told her it was the
hottest for me too. Then I lowered my face to her soaked and
oozing pussy and ate her out again.

That day started us on an exploration of sexuality that
lead to other interesting times. One happened at a truck
stop off the interstate. My wife dressed that morning while I
watched. She wore no bra or panties. She slipped a pair of lace
trimmed, silky pants on that clung to her skin and left little
to the imagination. Next was a matching blouse, plunging deeply
in front, exposing most of her tit flesh. Short nylon stockings
and a pair of heels completed her outfit. She handed me a pair
of loose fitting cotton pants and a tee shirt. She told me not
to wear underwear.

I slipped into these cloths and added a pair of sneakers
and we were off to a new adventure.

She told me to drive out to the truck stop on the
interstate. I did and when we arrived she told me to wait in the
car while she went into the restaurant. I waited, getting hot
thinking of the possibilities, but having no idea what she was up
to this time.

The place was full of truckers eating breakfast and
killing time. After about a half hour she came out and got in the
car. I could see she was excited and aroused. She had a wet spot
on her pants over her pussy, so I knew she was turned on, but I still
didn’t know what her plans were. In an enthusiastic tone of voice she
told me what was about to happen. She said that she had talked to a
few of the truckers and had invited them to fuck her in the men’s
room. She also told them I wanted to watch, she said they had agreed,
and were now gathering other volunteers to fuck the sexy lady.

We got out of the car and went to the men’s room. When no
one was looking we slipped inside. There were twelve men in
there waiting for us and I could see most had bulges in their
pants in anticipation of what was to come, and they weren’t
alone. My cock had become hard and was straining at the fabric of
my loose pants. Sue noticed my erection and while rubbing it, she
whispered, “You like this don’t you.” I answered that I liked it
all right and that she should begin.

She walked around the room, kissing and rubbing all the
men’s crotches, while they felt her pussy and tits through her
cloths. Finally one man took out his dick and asked her to suck
it. She bent over at the waist and while holding his hips, she
took his stiff rod into her mouth. Another man then approached
her from behind and began rubbing her ass and pussy. He then
grasped the silky pants and pulled them down to below her knees.
He licked at her crack for awhile and then stood and dropped his
own pants, revealing a large, fully erect cock. He pushed his
meat into her steamy pussy hole until it was buried completely in
her. As he began to fuck her I heard her moan around the other
mans cock.

I approached and knelt down near her head and kissed her on
the cheek, feeling the cock in her mouth through her skin. As she
bobbed on the cock in her mouth the trucker groaned and shot his
load into her hot mouth. I saw a little come dribble from her
lips as she sucked him dry, so I licked it from her face. She
liked that, and when she was finished draining him, she turned
and kissed me full on the lips, pushing some of his semen into my

Another man then took the place of the first in her waiting
mouth, just as the one fucking her announced that he was coming.
I watched him ram his cock into her and shoot into her hot hole.
I helped support her as she started coming too. When he pulled
his wet dick out of her another man took his place and filled
her pussy again with cock. Over and over she took loads of come
into her mouth and into her hot wet pussy.

I think one or two fucked her ass too and left their juice in
that hole. I just watched the entire spectacle from my position
at her head. I had a hardon like an iron bar from the excitement
I felt. She climaxed with every man at least once, and kissed me
each time one shot into her mouth.

More men came in and each took a turn with her. I tried to
imagine how much come was inside her dripping pussy, but I had to
quit thinking about it for fear of shooting my load in my pants
without even touching it. Finally it was over. Each man had come
in one of her holes and left. She stood and kissed me and reached
for my cock. I reached between her legs and ran my fingers over
the gooey mess she had become. The juices were running down her
legs and had filled her pussy hole completely. I showed her my
hand full of come and she then pushed me down to the floor. I
laid on my back as she removed her pants the rest of the way and
stood over me, one leg on each side of my head. I looked up at
her leaking pussy and pulled at her legs to bring it down to my
waiting mouth.

Instead she bent over and opened my pants, taking out
my hard dick and bent over me to suck it. Looking up into her
overflowing pussy, I quickly shot my come into her hot mouth.
Then she lowered her crotch to my tongue. I licked and sucked and
tongue fucked her like a wild man, making her come again and
again. We were a mess when we arrived home that afternoon, but we
just kept fucking, feeling, and eating each other. We fell asleep
like that, with my face in her crotch and her mouth surrounding
my limp cock.

Many times she would arrive home from shopping or other
outings with a satisfied look about her and, I knew, a pussy
full of come juice, placed there by some surprised but happy
stranger. Little did these men know that I not only knew and
approved of her actions, but longed for her to come home this way
so that we could fuck and suck each other to countless orgasms. A
typical happening would be for her to arrive home, approach me,
and perhaps take my hand and place it between her legs. I would
feel the inevitable wet spot in her crotch that would tell me she
had fucked another man, and now wanted my tongue in her slippery
hole, causing climaxes of the intensity she only had with me. The
other men made her come, to be sure, but her orgasms with me
seemed more intense, and more satisfying. And I loved every
encounter, and every soaked and sloppy pussy she brought me.

One day a co-worker announced that he was getting married.
Some of the other guys at work started talking of a bachelor
party. Well I saw a great opportunity arising, so I suggested my
place for the party. I told the boys I could provide top notch
entertainment. One of them joked about being entertained by that
knockout wife of mine, and I just grinned. Little did they know
what I had planned.

I told sue about the plans for the party, and she got very
excited and told me she would arrange everything. I could hardly
wait. She went shopping to arrange for the perfect party, and
I knew that it would be. When the big night came, she stayed busy
in the kitchen, cooking and preparing for the hot time ahead. As
I played bartender, serving drinks to the others, I would steal
feels of her hot crotch and firm titties. Finally she told me to
join the other men and that she would serve for the rest of the

“I’ll serve everything they could want,” is how she put it.
I grinned and rejoined the party. A few minutes later she
appeared in the living room. Every eye turned and stared. She had
dressed in leather motorcycle chaps, and a leather vest. The vest
laced up at the sides and front and showed an ample amount of her
flesh above the waist. The cleavage of her breasts looked very
inviting. But the pants were something else.

From the front they looked like ordinary, skin tight,
leather pants. They were very sexy, and hugged her shapely legs
in a very provocative way. But when she had served us a drink and
turned to leave we all saw the back side was completely open.
There was a belt sized piece of leather at her waist and nothing
else down to below her ass cheeks. She was bare assed. We were
all speechless, and sat there staring as she headed back toward
the kitchen. She looked back at us and giggled.

You could have heard a pin drop when she reentered the room
some long minutes later. She was carrying a soft latex cock in
her hand. A plastic dick, and it was large, larger I’m sure than
any of us. She walked to the center of the room and held it up
for us to see and said, “now where can I put this.” One of the
guys just blurted out that he knew were she could put it. The
rest of us just sat frozen as she walked up to him, handed it to
him and said “well go ahead and show us where to put it.” He took
the fake cock from her and as she turned around and spread her
legs he started pushing it up into her already wet pussy hole.

He looked at me for approval, and when I nodded, he
continued to work that plastic cock up into her. She watched the
rest of us as it entered her, and when it was all the way inside
her she laughed and told us if we didn’t take out our cocks we
would split our pants. I guess she noticed all the bulges in our
pants. I went first, opening my pants, lowering them, and freeing
my hard cock from my jeans. At that the others joined in. Some
removed their pants and briefs completely and some just opened
their fly and held their dicks so no one else could see.

But Sue would have none of that. She walked from man to man,
with the dildo buried in her snatch, and pulled everyone’s pants
down. At the same time she gave each man a quick lick and suck,
just to let them know that hot times were coming. There was a
room full of hardons. She asked who would be the first to fuck
her and we all pointed to Ray, in whose honor this party was

It seemed appropriate. She lead him to the dining room
table, laid down on her back with her legs hanging over the edge,
and invited him in. Ray stepped up to the table and slid his meat
into her, and began to pump in and out. The rest of us gathered
around to watch the action. Sue held her legs straight up to
accept him and began to moan softly as he fucked her. To put
everyone at ease I moved to her head and fed my cock to her
waiting mouth. The others then started playing with her tits,
kissing her belly, and rubbing her thighs, making her very hot.

She had the first climax then, and Ray was right behind her,
shooting a thick load of come deep inside her. We all took turns
then, fucking her, and letting her suck us. After everyone had
shot into her I told them to help themselves to the food and
drink while I helped her clean up. They all agreed, so Sue and I
headed for the bathroom. We didn’t make it however. I pulled her
into our bedroom and kissed her deeply and pulled her to me. She
asked if I was turned on from watching her fuck, and I responded
by thrusting my hand between her legs and sucking her tongue into
my mouth.

Then she went crazy. She pushed me down on the bed and
crawled on top of me. My hard cock sank into her sopping pussy
and I fucked her and she fucked me until we both came. Then she
slowly rose up and moved her wet crotch to my waiting mouth.
Straddling my head with her legs, she lowered her full pussy to
my tongue. I ate her, and sucked her through a few good climaxes,
when she rose up off me. I then saw all the guys crowded around
the bed, watching what I was doing. So my secret turn on was out.

They laid her down on her back and one by one they mounted
her and fucked her. Some of them were so turned on by what they
just saw that they pounded into her hard and long. I laid on my
side next to her and watched. She really was getting it now, hard
and fast, the way she liked it. I liked it too. each of them shot
another load into her hot box and when they were through, they
lifted me by my arms and placed me astride her legs. Then they
pushed my face into her soaked, slippery pussy and said “here’s
more juice for you, enjoy.” With that they returned to the living
room while I sucked and licked like there was no tomorrow.

Sue and I returned to the party after a while and it went on
all night. With her getting fucked over and over and my being
totally turned on by the entire idea. I came in her pussy too and
one of the others would then eat her, so I wasn’t the only one
who enjoyed that little game.

The parties are a regular thing now at our house. The guys
from work, sometimes with a wife or two, and Ray with his new
wife, get together often to fuck and suck, and generally enjoy
each other. Rays wife especially likes sucking cocks, and is very
good at it. When she gets a good mouthful of sperm, which is
often, she and Sue share it with a sister kiss. Most of the other
wives are now happily taking loads of come into their hot pussies
and then thrilling to having it licked out and sucked out by us
hungry men.

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