As a single man in his early thirties Dave had little to show for his life so far . living the high life , clubbing , shagging anything he could get hold of and flitting from one dead end job to another .
He lived in a large apartment block in a rundown part of town . it was owned by a large overweight black lady in her late fourties . Her name was Brenda . She was about 6 ft tall and about 300 pounds . She would call at his door each friday and collect the rent . They made smalltalk as he counted out the money and she could not help but notice that he seemed very nervous as he fumbled the notes . “you ok “she asked ….”yes thanks , i just get nervous around ladies” he said quietly .
“Thats ok , relax i wont eat you “she laughed . He laughed along with her then quickly said his goodbyes . She ambled down the hall “Strange man ” she mumbled to herself .
As soon as the door was closed , Dave jumped onto his bed and pulled his pants down . He wanked furiously , he could still see the image of her in his mind . Her heaving bust stretching out the old Tshirt , her large butt in the tight legging that left nothing to the imagination . As he had watched her count the cash out his eyes looked at her cleavage and the thick black hair bushing out of her armpits .She was so close he could smell her sweat . It had been hot lately and she was glistening around her face and cleavage . That was all he needed to remember before he came ,jerking around with his face all screwed up . He calmed down and lay on the bed . What would she say if he told her his desires ?, If he told her he had always fantasized about being sat on by her , about kissing her feet , about licking her armpits and anything else she could think of . He loved the Friday meeting and wanked as soon as she left . This week She took the rent and then asked if she could check the water in the flat as there had been some problems lately . he let her in and she checked the bath and the kitchen sink ” Seem’s fine “she stated . ” But ………….i did notice that the apartment is messy , and you know i dont like that ” she looked at him sternly ” i will check again next week and if it’s still the same i will get my sister becky to come in twice a week and put a few pounds on the rent .. you know i have that option in the lease ” “Ok i will sort it out ” he replied honestly .
But he spent a few hours working that week and earned enough to slouch around all day watching TV and looking at porn clips online . So when he heard a knock at the door Friday he froze as he looked around at the mess . “oh well , too late now ” he thought to himself . He opened the door and handed over the rent . she looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow ” i will have to give Becky a call , expect her mondays and Saturdays ” she said curtly as she turned and lumbered off . he closed the door and cursed his idleness , it was gonna be a few more pounds a week now just because he could’nt be bothered to tidy up . He soon forgot about it as he lay on his bed thinking about her and playing with himself . Becky came twice a week for a few hours and kept the place up to scratch . She was a bit younger than her sister but just as big and heavy . He would watch her from a secret vantage point , seeing her huge bust jiggle and swing as she cleaned . When she left he would be striaght on the bed with his cock in his hand .
It was Saturday and she had’nt turned up and it was already afternoon . maybe she would come by tomorrow he thought . ” no point in wasting a good wank though ” he mused as he walked to his room and lay on the bed .He put his hand under the bed and pulled out some old magazine porn favorites he had stashed there , he arranged them on the bed up the pillow end then lay on his side so he could flick the pages and play with himself . He breathed heavily as each new image of the fetish mag appeared . It was all the same type material . Heavy ladies facesitting . black facesitters . BBW etc
The last image he saw as he blew his top were to big black ladies ,one sitting on the mans face and one on his chest . Only small parts of the white male were visible under the 2 robust women . Dave growled out as he came ,spurting all over the bed cover .
So engrossed in the moment was he , that he didnt hear Becky let herself in to the apartment or open the door into his room to start tidying up . But he did hear a loud gasp and turned in panic to see Becky with her hand over her mouth and a look of wide eyed shock on her face .he realised he was now naked on his back with his dripping cock in his hand surrounded by bbw porn . He tried to blather something out but his sentence petered out half way through . He was caught red handed ! .They gawped at each other without saying anything , Then she pulled herself together a little and said ” So Sorry Dave , i should have knocked ” then she turned and left the room closing the door behind her . She stood gathering her thoughts and trying to stop her mind flashing up the image she had just seen . Shakily she got her coat and went to leave . Just then the door opened and Dave came out in only some hastily grabbed boxer shorts and covering his groin with his hand . His hand didnt quite cover the wetspot that was slowly spreading out across his trunks . ” I’m so , so sorry ” he blurted out obviously in a panic . ” please dont tell Brenda , she has always been good to me and i like living here , please ” he wimpered .
She had not had time to take it in yet and had certainly not thought about what she would do about it . ” please” he whinged . ” Ok let me have some time to think about it “she said quickly just to shut him up .then she left .
The next day was Sunday and he spent most of it worrying and wondering if he should go up to Brenda’s apartment and tell her what happened . he decided it was best not to , maybe Becky would not say anything . He did casual work for a building firm , small mainenance jobs on rented buildings and houses . usually only 2 days a week but this week he was standing in for an ill worker and the firm wanted him till the other worker got back next week . It was a good journey and he would stay in a motel till the end of the week . He was please to be getting away and that he wouldnt have to face brenda on rent day . he popped a note through her door and tip towed away .
He went back to his place and got his tools and stuff ready for his week away . luckily Brenda didnt knock on his door . In the morning he was gone . and as the week went by he worried less and less about what happened . perhaps Becky had really kept it to herself and brenda was non the wiser .
. his note had said that he would pay the rent later in the week as he was away for a few days . As his note had fallen on Brenda’s mat and he quietly snuck off , what he didnt know was that Brenda was in her kitchen comforting the shocked Becky . “Its not your fault ” assured Brenda “and i cant really kick him out on the street for doing what he wants behind closed doors ,can i ?”
” Make sure you knock next time you are late ” she went on
She was eventually calm and told Brenda about the magazines he had been wanking to . She could not see what they were but one looked like a black woman sitting on a mans face . ” Really ” said Brenda ” you would think a normal looking single guy would be peering at young blond bimbo’s and not older black women ” ” That’s what it looked like ” said Becky . Brenda heard the mailbox open and shut and went and read the note . She came back in the kitchen and spoke to Becky ” He is going to be away for a few days why dont we have a look around while he’s gone ” said Brenda ” No Thanks “said becky ” god knows what pervy stuff he has in there . ” Exactly , i would feel happier knowing its only some soft porn , i mean all men do that dont they ? “” but if there is anything too gross then i will kick the pervert out on his ear ”
The day after he left , Becky and Brenda went in and looked around . everything was as expected untill they came to the bedroom . it had been tidied and everything was put away . Becky got on the floor and looked under the bed . Nothing but some old boxes and sports shoes . ” wait a minuite” she said as she reached far back under the bed . She pulled out a pair of large ladies panties ” what -the -fuck ” shouted brenda ” they are my panties that i lost last week in the laundry ” ….” really “said Becky in a disbelieving tone . ” Yes Really , i recognise them because
they are my favorite pair , i wear them all the time ” ” and OMG they are dirty , what has that pervert been up to ” said brenda as she inspected the panties . ” oh now that is just wrong “she said as she noticed the spunk stain on them and threw them on the bed . “Anything else under there “she asked Becky . “Right at the back is a cardboard box that has tape across the top ” stated Becky ” Well pull it out and lets have a look ” said Brenda
They opened the box ” Bingo ” Becky shouted . There were the magazines and several other items including some rough sketches of big ladies sitting on little men . ” told you ” said Becky ” my god what a little perv ” stated Brenda
“lets take this downstairs and have a good look ”
spent a couple of hours scanning everything and then put the box back
To scan the mags brenda had got her eldest daughter to come over and work the scanner . obvuiosly her daughter had seen some of the material and while sorting out the printer and questioned her mum and aunt about were they got it . Eventually Brenda told her .” wow mum you cant go searching your tenents rooms when they are not here , its illegal ” “Dont worry , he wont know we have been there and seen his pervy mags . ” said brenda .
after the scanning was done they all went to his place and placed the box back under the bed . as they were about to leave , the young daughter noticed his PC ‘ i bet there is some stuff on there “she said pointing to it . ” can you work it Hon ?” asked Brenda ” no probs i’m doing computer studies at colledge ”
In a short time they were around the screen watching the young woman open his private files . clip after clip of femdom facesitting and other things , ” what the fuck is ballbusting” asked Brenda pointing to an unopened folder . when the folder was open they all gasped as a clip came on . 2 women were kicking a man in the groin . they watched speachless as the 2 vixons sent there big boots thudding into him again and again . Then came another clip of large ladies sitting on mens faces , ” can you copy this stuff hon and have a look at it and let us know whats on there ” asked brenda . ” Sure thing ” they left and went their seperate ways . It was 2 days later when they met in Brenda’s . Her daughter (eve) was sitting nervously and bursting to tell her mum what she had found . ” all his stuff is femdom , all woman on top and mostly big women and a lot of them are black ” she said ” “and ” she went on excitedly ” he has clips showing a woman pissing in a mans mouth ” she paused to let that sink in . ” Surely not ” said brenda distainfully . ” Oh yes and even worse than that i found a folder full of short stories …….and you’re not going to believe this , but one of them is about you mum” Brenda sat there mouth open ……She was only just taking in the pissing in the mouth news when Eve hit her with this new revelation .
” Oh no , please dont tell me I am part of his sick world ”
Eve handed some papers to Brenda ” makes for some interesting reading ” she said as she raised an eyebrough and smiled at her mum
Brenda and Becky spent the hole evening talking about it . Brenda didnt read the story just then but after she had been in a bed a while and all was quite , she felt compelled to see what he had written about her .
She opened the wad of papers Eve had given her and thumbed through till she found a story titled ( my cruel landlady ) She settled back and started to read . the first few parregrahs introduced himself as a single man in a rented apartment who had a big black landlady called Brenda ” my god it is me ” she mumbled and was suprised to feel a little turned on . In the story , he cant pay his rent and ends up becoming her slave . She started to touch herself and flicked through eagerly . As her slave he perfomes a lot of oral sex and licks her cunt and arse clean everyday . In return she bullies him mercilessly and punishes him . Some of the punishments even involve her using his mouth as a toilet . She wasnt sure why but she came hard as she read that last part , the part were she actually took a shit on his face had shocked and excited her all at once .
By the time Dave returned Brenda and Becky knew all there was to know about his sordid fantasy world .