Wife Shows Off 1.
By: Date: February 9, 2022 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , , ,

“I think I’ll go to bed,” I said to my wife. “You

She looked over at me and said, “No, I’m not tired
right now. I think I’ll stay up and watch TV do you

“No, go ahead it’s all yours,” I said as I went
the bedroom. Usually I can stay up late, but the past
couple of months I’ve been working twelve and fourteen
hour days six days a week so I’m always kind of tired.
I climbed into the bed and was soon dozing.

I don’t know how long I had been asleep, but I heard
vaguely a voice saying, “Larry, are you asleep?” I
opened my eyes a little bit and could see her standing
in the bedroom door. I didn’t say anything, and then
again she said, “Are you asleep?” When I didn’t
respond, she quietly closed the door and it was quiet

As I lay there, I wondered why she had been asking me
if I was asleep. After a few minutes, I decided to go
down and see what she had wanted. I got up and softly
opened the bedroom door and walked down the stairs
towards the den. As I got to the end of the hall, I
could hear the television, and as I got to the
entrance to the den, I could see what was on, and I
could see a couple of naked bodies on the screen. I
glanced over at my wife and couldn’t help but grin
she was watching the late night flicks on pay TV.

As the guy and the girl on the screen got after it, I
watched as her hand began to caress her breast through
her pajama top. Her other hand soon joined the first
one, and I felt my dick begin to stir as I watched her
hands squeeze her breasts together, and then pull on
her nipples. I was only about 15 feet away from her,
but the den was set so that I could see her from the
front without her seeing me, and I could also see the
screen as well. One of her hands dropped down from her
breast into her lap, and it began to rub the front of
her pajama shorts.

The scene on the screen ended, and her hands slowed on
her body. I watched for another second or two, and was
about to go back to the bed, when a new scene came on,
this time showing a couple of girls laying out by a

It wasn’t long until the girls on the screen had
removed their tops, and began to rub lotion on each
other, paying close attention the each other’s
breasts. My eyes went back to my wife, in time to see
her glance around, and then she grabbed the bottom of
her pajama tank top and pulled it over her head,
uncovering her breasts, with the noticeably hard
nipples. She dropped the shirt on the couch beside
her, and her hands immediately went to her breasts.

As the action on the screen increased, she teased and
squeezed them more and more. One of the girls on the
screen bent her head down and began to lick and suck
on the other one’s nipple. I looked back over at my
wife, and watched with amazement as she lowered her
head, raised one of her breasts, and began to lick at
the nipple with her tongue. I didn’t even know she
could do that.

My eyes kept alternating between the action on the
screen, and my wife licking her nipples. Her other
hand had made it down south, and was now inside of her
pajama shorts. It wasn’t long until the girls on the
screen had removed each other’s bottoms, and they were
now completely nude, and began to fondle each other
all over. As I looked back over at my wife, she had
her hands at the waist of her shorts, and she quickly
pulled them down and off, leaving her naked as well. I
could the wetness over her pussy, and her hand quickly
began rubbing her pussy.

She became extremely turned on, as I began to hear her
softly moan, as she rubbed herself between her legs. I
watched as one, then two fingers disappear between her
pussy lips, and she began to move them in and out,
slowly at first, and then the tempo increased.

I looked back at my wife and saw that she had her legs
up on the couch; spread wide apart, furiously moved
her fingers into her pussy. She lifted one of her
breasts back to her mouth, and this time was able to
get the entire nipple between her lips and began to

I saw her body rise off the couch slightly as she came
as well. I heard the sounds of the girls on the screen
and her moans as she collapsed back onto the couch,
her hand still between her widespread legs. I knew I
better get back to the bedroom.

I lay their thinking about what had just happened, and
amazed at how intense it had been. After a moment or
two, the door opened and she came into the room. She
was still naked as she eased herself in to the bed
beside me. It was just a few minutes until she was