T-Shirt Teasing At Easter
By: Date: October 4, 2023 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , , , , , , , ,

I got home late, tired from work. Everyone was asleep,
that is, except for her, my darling. I did try to keep
quiet, coming into the house, not wanting to wake our
guests. But she’d waited up for me, quietly. As I sat
in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, she came in to
greet me, wearing a long T-shirt, legs and feet bare.

I like T-shirts on girls. Not so fancy as nightgowns
for sleeping in, and not as purely comfy as pajamas.
Nothing at all like fancy party dresses, intended to
attract attention. T-shirts are enticing all the same,
especially when you wonder what is underneath. The
cloth conforms nicely to the shape of the body. Raw
nudity is wonderful, too, but the impression of being
dressed, especially in a public situation, while being
secretly exposed, is exciting.

“Hello, lover,” she said, moving to stand next to where
I was sitting, then leaning to hug me. I put my coffee
down to hug her back, closely. Then, I looked up to
invite her to kiss me. The thin cloth she wore didn’t
slow down sensations much at all, either way. She
kissed me, sweetly and softly, not insistently. But
slowly, taking her time, sharing the warmth and wetness
of our tongues. I ran my hands down her back, rubbing
gently. Then, slowly, lower and lower, feeling the soft
flesh underneath her shirt, smooth skin barely covered
by thin cotton.

I reached the hem at mid-thigh, and continued past it,
caressing her bare legs. She felt chilled, and I
pressed on her skin, rubbing it to warm her. When I
reached the back of her knees, I stopped, and began to
reverse my path. I’d felt no interruption in the
smoothness of her body, underneath her shirt, as I’d
ran my hands down. That made me curious, as well as
adding a new warmth inside me, contemplating the

When I reached the hem of her T-shirt again on the way
up, I let my hands slip inside, underneath the cloth,
stroking the bare skin on the back of her naked thighs.
Our kiss hadn’t stopped, all the while, arousing me,
and perhaps her as well. I cupped my hands together as
I reached her bare bottom, hugging her bare behind.
Pulling her closer, as I felt my way up along the
crease in her backside, with nothing but skin and
sensitive places beneath my fingers.

I didn’t try to pull her shirt up, observing her naked
self only by touch. I held her bare bottom for a while,
kneading and hugging her, as we kissed. Then, I moved
my hands down slowly, gently following the line in the
center with my fingers. Right between her legs,
stroking her sweet, warm, wet place, feeling her soft
fur, and pressing gently into her moist opening.

Not for long, this was just a greeting, saying ‘Hello,
I’m glad to feel and see you again.’ No words were
needed, our kisses and touches were enough to let me
know that she wanted me. But hunger for food also hit,
and I needed the energy. If I wanted to do more than
sleep, I had to eat food. So this sweet exploration
would have to wait.

She stopped kissing me, and went to get me supper,
before I took my fingers off her sweetness and asked
her to do that. I said “Hello, darling,” and talked a
little about my day, and how very nice it was to see
her again. It wasn’t like I couldn’t have gotten my own
food, especially since all we did was microwave it to
warm it up. I didn’t even ask her to do it. She just
did it, knowing that I was tired, and would appreciate

I could have said something sexual, teasing or
suggestive, now that I’d confirmed my suspicions about
her attire. She truly had only that single thin garment
to cover her. Her legs were well exposed, soft and
lovely. Her naked bottom would only be concealed if she
were standing upright. We could be interrupted easily,
by our children who might not care or even notice,
being too young to worry much about such things. But
our holiday guests certainly might, and I didn’t know
how they might react.

Shock, or desire, but certainly some kind of teasing,
at the least. Yet she seemed not to care about that at
all, as if it was just she and I, alone in the house,
together. Waiting for our time to get romantic, with no
need to get up early for work the next day.

I didn’t need to speak of this. For one thing, if
anyone was up, talking much about it might draw their
attention, though we did try to speak quietly. Her
naked bottom said more than words, inviting me to touch
it, caress, it. Her wetness, and my touch to bring out
more of it, was my offer to her. Words seemed
unnecessary, and if someone was listening, it might be

As she leaned over to get my warmed food out of the
microwave, I got a brief view of the bare flesh above
her legs. Seeing it added to my excitement, even though
I’d often seen her lovely naked bottom. Despite the
fact that I’d just held it, long and lovingly, in my
hands, something about seeing it made it more exciting,
especially since we weren’t alone in our house.

This added to my appetite, both for food and other
things. I attacked my meal, eating quickly. Though I
felt exhausted when I arrived home, I felt new energy
fill me. I didn’t believe that it was merely the taste
of food which did that for me.

She let me eat, silent, as she picked up things in our
kitchen. She was facing away from me, as she bent over
completely to get something off the floor. This exposed
her bare bottom fully. Since her legs were apart, the
opening of her sex, the soft sensitive button above
that, and her thin, trimmed pubic hair, were all
clearly visible. This was a lovely sight, and I gasped,
as it literally took my breath away.

She stayed in that position, not saying anything, as if
she might be looking for something on the floor. But I
knew better. I loved to look at her, no matter how
often I saw her like this. She was well aware of that,
posing like this, showing her sweet, wet pussy to me.

I was tempted to interrupt my quick supper, as I’d
already stopped for the moment to gape at her. A taste
for something sweeter than food, delicious and warm,
filled me. I could see it, so inviting and open. But
she stood and turned around, completing her cleanup
task, after remaining bent over long enough to tease me
well. Making love in the kitchen with guests about
would be risky, anyway, I told myself.

I resumed my meal, as she finished what little tasks
she could find.
Then, she pulled a chair out next to me, sitting and
talking with me. To me, mostly, telling about her day,
and all sorts of things, letting me listen as I ate.

The chair she found a bit uncomfortable, perhaps,
because she got up and moved it, away from the table.
As she sat down, with the chair facing directly at me,
her legs parted to give me a clear vision of her soft
pubic hair, and the places below. Only a momentary
flash, though, as she closed her legs, then pushed the
hem of the T-shirt down. The view of her sweet pussy
from the front added to my pleasure, and my appetite
seemed to grow even more.

She then pushed the T-shirt down further, past her
knees, catching it on them. While this concealed the
lower parts well, it tightened the cloth above,
pressing it against her breasts.

“It is cold. Brrr!” she told me, shaking her body. I
could have mentioned that more clothing could make her
warmer, but her breasts jiggled so nicely, and the hard
nipples poked out, distinctly visible, almost as though
nothing was in the way.

“I’m sure I can find some way to warm you up, soon,” I
said, smiling, licking my lips suggestively. “I can
think of some things we could rub together for warmth.
You heat me up nicely, my love, just sitting there.”

Her T-shirt teasing reminded me of other situations in
the past. With her – but we knew them already – and
with others. I mentioned how nice T-shirts were for
warming up, and that led to talking about past
encounters, hers and mine. Telling each other sexy
stories, true or otherwise, is always fun. The best are
true stories, not because they are always the hottest,
but because they let us share our memories. Becoming
closer, because of our shared secrets.

Since I was the one who brought up T-shirts, I started
telling her my hot T-shirt story first.

“There was this friend of mine, a guy, and we were
supposed to get together for something or other, a road
trip thing. So I stopped by his place early that
morning. He wasn’t up yet, but his girlfriend was.
She’d answered the door wearing just a T-shirt, maybe
not even as long as yours, but darker.”

My darling asked me, “Was she pretty?” with a smile on
her face. I
knew that meant she liked this, teasing comparisons
with other women, because she’d always win, no matter
how nice I found someone else.

“Very lovely, and I flirted with her often. It wasn’t
serious, really, because she was with my friend. But I
did let her know that I admired her, finding her sexy.”

Stopping a moment to finish the last bit of my meal, I
went on. “Well, she invited me in for coffee. Not an
unusual thing, but she didn’t go and get something else
to cover up with.”

“Interesting,” my darling said, eyes twinkling at me,
as she spread her legs under her shirt, pulling it even
tighter, but away from her body, concealing everything

“After pouring my coffee, she got some creamer off a
high shelf. Reaching up made her shirt rise, and it
wasn’t really long enough to cover her when she was
standing. Her bottom was exposed to her waist. I was
single and horny, and the sight of her bare ass, from
an angle so I couldn’t see her pussy. It was still
awesomely lovely, and went straight to my cock, no way
to hold my reaction back there.

“As she turned back towards me, spotting my reaction
and stare, her pussy briefly popped into view, before
her shirt dropped down to conceal it.”

Talking about this generated a reaction in me now, if
not quite as strong as the original exposure. I’m sure
my darling noticed that too, as I spread my legs a
little and turned toward her, trying to making it
harder to spot. I wondered if she was reacting as well,
but other than her face, it was hard to see anything. I
liked how her legs wiggled slightly, rocking on the
chair, knowing that her bare bottom was rubbing
directly against the hard wood.

I went on with my story after this brief pause for such
thoughts, while sipping my coffee. She didn’t interrupt
me, waiting patiently. “Well,” I said, “she went off to
check on my friend, to see if he was awake or not.
She’d told me he’d gone out the night before, and
didn’t seem likely to wake up, but she’d try it

I smiled, thinking about what I remembered, and said,
“When she came back, she said ‘He’s out of it. Maybe
he’ll wake up. I told him you were here, but he didn’t
say anything. Didn’t even move.’

“She went about the kitchen, picking up and moving
things, which gave me brief flashes of her bottom, from
both sides. Her shirt wasn’t long enough to cover her,
and she knew that, but was still walking around in
front of me. It was possible she did this only by
accident, or it was normal for her to be bare-bottomed
in her own place. The next thing, though, certainly was
no accident.”

“What happened?” my darling asked me, letting her shirt
fall tight against her breasts again, pulling one leg
up on the chair, sliding her pussy right to the edge,
though I couldn’t see it. Her shirt concealed the
details, but I knew her well, what she’d be letting
touch and rub to please herself.

I said, “The next thing? She sat on the chair across
from me, pulling it away from the table so that nothing
would stop me from seeing her body. While doing that,
she let her T-shirt slide up, so her entire bare bottom
was in contact with the chair. The front of her T-shirt
barely covered her pussy, and that was mostly due to
her legs being crossed, not the cloth concealing it.”

My darling interrupted me a moment as she stood up,
hiked her shirt up a little, but not quite enough to
uncover her bottom for my view. Then, she sat back
down, shirt no longer under her at all, legs crossed in
front of her.

I liked this game, her playing the part from the story.
I went on, saying, “Well, the girl leaned towards me a
little, and said, ‘You’ve always been a lot of fun to
be around, you know?’ As she said this, she uncrossed
her legs, spreading them slightly. Then, slowly, she
opened them up wide, pulling her T-shirt up a little so
nothing would block my sight of her bare pussy. Fully
exposed, open wide, a lovely patch of fur surrounding
her sweet slit and opening.

Her clitoris was visible, peeking out, looking so
delicious, I sighed with desire looking at it. Moisture
glistened on her opening below, and droplets were
present all along her slit, and her hard clit. There
was no pretense about an accidental show of her sweet
pussy. This was for me, something to arouse me, tease
me, maybe something beyond that, and I couldn’t ignore

My darling asked me, grinning, “Like this?” She pulled
her T-shirt up past her navel, uncovering her tiny
pubes, her lovely mons, and her lovely abdomen. She
uncrossed her legs, spreading them wide, giving me a
dazzling view of her sweetest place. My dick was
already twitching from the vision from my memories, but
this real life show made it rock hard, and I contracted
my muscles, to reduce the pressure of it trying to
escape from my pants.

“Yes, that is what it was like,” I replied, in a quiet
voice. “I don’t think it was as pretty as that, but it
certainly affected me strongly. I wanted to reward her
for the show she was giving me.”

“Hmm, what kind of reward did you offer?” my darling
asked me. She closed her legs tight, then opened them
wide again, putting pressure on herself.

“An oral one. I told her that I’d like to kiss her
pussy, to make her feel what she was doing to me.”

“And did she like the tip you gave her?”

“She stopped me before I could give her much of one, at
least, as much as I felt I owed her.”

“That’s too bad,” my darling replied, sticking her
tongue out at me and licking her lips. “You give good

“I think she liked the tip of my tip,” I said, sticking
my tongue out and flicking it, suggestively, to make my
point. “When I knelt down between her legs, her sweet
aroma drew me right in. I love the sweet taste of wet
pussy, and I hadn’t tasted hers before. The thought of
a new treat, and one which looked and smelled so good,
was overwhelming. Besides, I’m a sucker for plump, hard
clitorises, sticking up to eat.
Er, clitorii?”

My lover said, “Something like that. You sure like to
suck it, whatever you call them, anyway.” She put one
hand on her thigh, then ran one finger right up between
her legs, right to her clit. Flicking it, drawing it up
to peek out for us. We both shared a fascination with
this particular area of female anatomy, playing with it
with excessive frequency.

I resumed my story, saying, “Her clit wasn’t just fully
visible, sticking out hard, it was wet. As though her
arousal had spread far, or she’d helped it along when
she’d left the room to check on my sleeping friend.”

“Imagining you tasting my clit could make me wet like
that,” my darling said. Hers was moist now, as her
finger softly stroked it in front of me.

“I did start with her vagina, not her clit, lapping her
flavor right up. She was wet, but I didn’t want to
rush. But she seemed so ready for more, and I couldn’t
resist tasting her clit, feeling its hardness pulled
between my lips. I sucked it in hard, flipping my
tongue rapidly across it, licking it hard. I would have
done that for hours, it felt so good, and her sighs of
pleasure let me know that I was doing her right.”

“So, why didn’t you?” my darling asked, flicking her
clit hard with her fingernail, making it jump each time
she hit it, her whole body shaking a little each time
as well.

“She came, almost right away. She cried out, but
covered her mouth, to stifle her noises. I didn’t let
up on her clit, either, because she kept getting off on
my sucking it hard. Coming hard, long and strong,
pushing her pussy into my face. But when she slowed
down, I did as well. To my surprise, she got up
suddenly and ran off, out of the room, leaving me
kneeling alone on her kitchen floor.”

“What happened next?”

“She came back, not long after that, and said, ‘I’m
sorry, sorry for teasing you.’ Then, she hugged me, and
said ‘Thank you, for understanding. Don’t say anything
about this, OK?’

“I don’t think she was planning to do more than tease
me, get herself hot, maybe show off a little for me.
She was my friend’s girlfriend, you know? Anyway, I
didn’t mind helping her out if she was feeling horny
that day.”

“Hmm,” my darling answered me, “I think that I’d like a
tip like that. If you think that this show is worth
it?” She spread her legs further, tucking her feet
behind the chair legs for leverage. Then, she rubbed
her whole pussy with her hand, plunging two fingers
inside her, drawing moisture out on them. She ran her
fingers up her slit, catching the center between them,
drawing my attention to the hard, wet pearl she held
between them. Letting me know that her arousal was
real, not just a bit of teasing.

Yet she didn’t leave herself exposed for long, teasing
me even more. I didn’t even get to answer her question,
though I think both of us already knew. Quickly, she
plopped the front of her shirt down again, pulling it
past her knees, stretching it over them. Making a tent
which again concealed every detail from view, yet I
knew that her bare bottom was still pressed against the
chair, and for certain, the edge was riding between her
thighs, one leg down to the side. From below, her
bottom would be easily visible.

“I’m freezing, it is so cold,” she said to me.

However cold the rest of her might be, her pussy sure
seemed hot enough. Another story came into my mind,
thinking of hot pussy. I was enjoying this teasing
game, and I told her, “This might warm you up. Another
naked T-shirt story.”

“Please, yes, tell me,” she said.

“I stopped for gas, and another car pulled up next to
mine. A boy and girl, teenagers, were in it. The boy
went into the station, and the girl got out to pump the
gas. She was about 16, and wearing a long T-shirt and
tennis shoes, pretty blonde hair, slim, a girl to look
at no matter what she was wearing. I saw no lines under
the shirt, but it was loose enough to make it easy to
imagine shorts, or at least a bikini bottom, being

On top, though, there was no doubt that it was the only
covering. It wasn’t transparent, but the bounce of her
pert breasts made me imagine that she truly had nothing
under it, not just no bra, but nothing at all. Just as
strongly, I figured that no one else had that idea. I
saw no one else looking at her in an obvious way.

“I was younger then, so it didn’t take much to make me
hard. And I could do little to stop it happening. I
wore loose pants that day, with no underwear on myself.
My observations excited me, and though I tried to hold
back my response, I still got visibly hard. I didn’t
think that anyone would notice, not unless they were
close enough to me to see what I was seeing. An almost
naked teen girl, pumping gas.”

My darling said, “It would be fun to be out like that,
bare bottom barely covered, wind blowing up into my

“It did seem like she was having fun, because she was
smiling brightly while doing that. A gust of wind made
her T-shirt pop up, proving me right. Her long blonde
hair was flying in the wind, looking very pretty, but I
saw something even better to stare at. She was facing
towards me, looking at me, so when her shirt came up
her bare pussy was on display, sun shining brightly on
it. A tiny patch of pubic hair, trimmed to just a
circle on her mons, nothing concealing her cleft, it
looked lovely like that. Made her look more naked that
way, you know, with the pink details of her pussy
clearly visible.”

“I know that you like looking at mine that way,” my
darling interjected.

“I smiled at her, watching this happen. And she smiled
back. I’m sure she could see my hard-on, but I was too
far away to see any clear signs of arousal from her.
Her legs weren’t closed tight, and I could see more
than just her bare slit. Imagining her naked pussy
wasn’t as good as really seeing it.

“As the wind died down, and her shirt fell to conceal
her nakedness, she finished pumping her gas. Rather
than go into the station for her boyfriend, or back
into her car, she ran around her car. All the way
around to the side facing me, with her car blocking
anyone else but me from seeing her body. She’d already
accidentally shown me her naked bottom, but she wanted
to be doubly sure I realized what she was doing. That
there was nothing under her T-shirt but her lovely
body, though, I knew already.

“She pulled her T-shirt up, staring at me, watching to
see how I’d react. Not just up to her waist, either.
Using both hands, she lifted the front of her shirt to
expose her lovely little breasts, firm and round, with
hard nipples, hurting me with desire. Legs apart,
spread, not tight at all, let me see her pussy clearly,
her lips parted, showing her lovely pink middle. We
weren’t far apart, a few feet, and I could see
everything so clearly.

“I didn’t say anything, or move. I just smiled at her,
nodding my head in approval. My dick also nodded its
approval, but I couldn’t control it. Then, her
boyfriend came back, and she dropped her shirt down.

“He didn’t say anything, but I’m sure he noticed her
showing herself to me. He was grinning broadly, smiling
at her, at me, probably at everybody. They both got
into the car and drove away. He looked very happy,
ecstatic even. I felt that he was a very lucky boy,
enjoying such a girl in his life.”

My darling stood up, stretching her arms and legs,
letting her bare bottom, her lovely pussy, pop into
view as her shirt rose. She then pulled the T-shirt up,
over the top of her lovely breasts, showing me that her
nipples were hard, her breasts swaying in front of me.
I stared, entranced at this lovely vision, and her
daring in doing so with our guests not far away.

“Do you feel lucky, hmm?” she asked me, shaking her
body to make her breasts bounce even more.

“Yes,” I said, softly, sighing. It was hard to speak,
and I didn’t say more. I knew that I was lucky. It
didn’t matter how often I’d seen her this way, it
always excited me. She could make me hot with desire
with a glance, but her naked body, showing off, teasing
me and herself with touches and flashes, made me crazy
with lust. She covered herself up, but not before I
turned away from looking at her, which took a long
time, a couple of minutes in reality. But it felt like
an eternity. I only looked away to see if someone might
be coming to catch us like that, not because I’d tired
of looking at her.

I’d finished my meal, so I put the dishes in the
washer. We went to the bathroom together, to share
warming up in the hot water of our shower. I was a
little worried that our guests might wake up from our
activities, but figured that they would understand if
we wanted to do something more amorous than merely
washing up in the shower. I did expect that we’d mostly
wash up, then escape to the privacy of our room for the
main event.

I stripped naked first, dropping my dirty clothes into
the hamper. I could cover myself with a towel for the
trip to our room, so it didn’t matter that I’d brought
nothing to change into. I said, “Wait until I get
cleaned up a little. No need for you to get all dirty,
just to warm up with me, OK?”

I hopped in the running shower first, and did the usual
routine of washing, slick with soap all over my body,
rubbing my hard cock to calm it a little. We talked,
teasing about what we’d be doing to each other soon.
Not that we’d likely do it exactly that way, because
improvising was so much fun, but talking about sucking
on each other’s bodies really turned me on. She could
have gone to sleep, rather than waiting up for me, but
I think she wanted this as much as I did. Maybe more. I
loved her so, and wanted to make her happy tonight. I
knew that it wouldn’t take that much to get me off, but
there is more to sex than just an orgasm.

“T-shirts make you hot, don’t they?” she asked, as she
got into the shower with me. Still wearing her T-shirt,
and I expected her to pull it off rather than getting
it soaked, because she liked to sleep in it when it was
chilly. Instead, she moved next to me under the spray,
soaking it up. The water quickly made it slick,
sticking tight to her body, and transparent enough to
have a good impression of the details, if not a clear
view. Her breasts, still with pointy hard nipples, were
wrapped in tight, wet cloth. Her bottom was clearly
visible. The lovely shape of her ass, the darker color
of her pubic triangle, even the center of her slit
below, all could be seen through the wet material. Not
clearly, as if she were naked, but definitely showing
her form in detail, revealing her nakedness under the
garment. Like a wet T-shirt contest, soaked and sexy.

“I’d pick you as the winner in our wet T-shirt contest,
you sexy thing!” I said, smiling at her, holding her
hands in mine, but not pushing our bodies together.
That way, we could touch, but still look at each other
well. Then, I added, “But won’t you get cold, sleeping
with your shirt all wet like that? I don’t know if I
want you next to me like that,” I teased, laughing. She
was teasing me, for sure, letting me see her covered in
the soaked T-shirt, not naked as usual.

“You can keep me warm tonight,” she answered, serious
in her sexiness, almost purring with the desire
dripping off her tongue, like the water falling off our

I hugged her tightly, turning us within the shower so
both could enjoy the warm, gentle spray. We rubbed our
bodies together, using a little soap but mostly just
our fingers, and everything else, and soon any chill we
might have felt faded away.

“This shirt does get in the way,” she told me, and she
pulled it off, tossing it out of the shower to the
floor, leaving her naked with me, but with nothing to
wear after her shower. That excited me too, her risking
more exposure, just to share her body with mine, to
keep on teasing me. I knew she could find a towel or
two, but there might not be one big enough to cover her
fully. We had to go past our sleeping guests to get to
our room, and while I wasn’t too worried about walking
past them in a towel, she might draw more attention if
spotted. Her T-shirt, at least, would suggest that she
might have something under it, making her more

“I love you,” she said, after she turned back and
pressed her body into mine. Right before she kissed me,
stopping me from saying it back to her. Those three
words, said with sincerity, are the best aphrodisiac
ever invented. Maybe it is the way she says it,
reminding me that she wants me, not just for sex, but
for everything. I’ve always loved kissing, especially
when we are naked, feeling our whole bodies touch, my
hardness against her softness. I was already up for
this, more than ready for her, with her teasing in the
kitchen. But I had imagined we’d wait until we were in
our bed before really doing something about this
desire, up until this point.

She reached down with one hand as we kissed, putting it
between our legs where our sexes met. My hard cock fell
into her hand, and she pressed it into her body.
Pushing it inside her, after rubbing it briefly against
her, making me hum with pleasure. I put my hands behind
her bottom, helping to push us together. I was glad our
shower was wide enough, and not so slippery, so we
could spread our legs, without losing our balance. At
least, making it less precarious, because doing things
in the shower is so much fun! I could have asked her to
try another position, maybe lying down. It would have
felt safer, though I didn’t want to interrupt this
moment, feeling the joy in our kisses joined with that
from below.

Our kiss was intense, fueling our passion. We didn’t
stop it at all, even when we started fucking. Slowed a
little, but didn’t part our lips, not even our tongues.
She wanted this, I knew without words. Not sex, that
part was so obvious anyone could have known. But making
love standing up, in the shower together, is both
exciting and harder to do, and was something else. But
I knew it, even so, and she showed me with her actions
that I was right.

She put her arms out, catching the handhold on one
side, the curtain rod on the other, for balance, as she
pushed her hips hard into me. She wiveled them,
pressing her body hard against mine, pressing on me
within herself, tight and sensual beyond words. Making
love like this, standing up, reminded me of dancing.
The music came from our shared passion, the rhythm from
the waves of our mutual pleasures. It was like making
love outside in the rain, and that reminded me that it
would be warm enough to think about doing that soon.

My back blocked some of the shower spray, but water
flowed over us, falling between our bodies. The
slickness between us, the splashes on our chests,
abdomens, and pubes, added to the stimulation of our
thrusting gyrations, and delicious kisses.

She rocked her body hard against mine, rubbing her
nipples across my chest, brushing her tips against
mine. Our pubes brushed together, mine against her
sensitive button, and she moaned with pleasure,
tickling my tongue as we kiss. We breathed through each
other’s mouths, softly, breathlessly, not wanting to
interrupt this long enough to take a full breath.

Our thrusts were short, keeping our bodies tightly
connected, not pulling apart. But the motion of our
hips in this erotic dance of love made up for that. Our
pubic muscles also helped, both of us trying to play
with each other there, pressing and pushing, in an ever
so slow, terrifically pleasurable fuck. I didn’t want
our contact broken, and it didn’t matter if my
immediate desire for long strokes, to speed my release
and intensify my pleasure, went unfulfilled. I loved to
feel her pleasure, her passion driving us together.

On a dance floor, I’d end up leading, feeling foolish
if I didn’t do that as expected. But for our loving,
for this time together, it was much better to follow
her. Her movements got faster, and she leaned back,
pushing my hardness into her stronger, deeper, all the
way into her. Our sexes were locked tight, as she held
us together, not drawing apart. We rubbed our bodies
together, blissful tingles of contact flowing from our
faces, our lips, breasts, pubes, even down to our feet
rubbing each other. Barely thrusting, our motions
confined to slow rotations and internal tensing.

I held her ass tightly, holding her body up as she
leaned back. I bent with her, and held her as she let
her weight press down on me, pushing her vagina down on
my hard cock within as well. The pressure there was
tremendous, and I felt like I might break rather than
bend. She pushed hard into me, and I knew that her
clitoris was crushed against my pubes, while my cock
pushed her vagina upward, stretching it, and my cock,
helping to catch her two most sensitive places at once.
She rocked her hips back and forth, putting almost
painful pressure between us. The warm water falling on
us could not get in to reduce our natural lubrication,
and the heat of our motion together was pure pleasure.

Our lips and tongues had been locked in a near non-stop
kiss, and now she stopped, pulling her face back from
mine, to cry out her joy. She thrust hard against me,
and I pushed back, several times, squealing with
delight each time, and I almost joined her in this
glorious release. It was hard to keep our balance as
she came, and her grip on the curtain rod slipped. I
caught her, holding her so she wouldn’t fall, but we
were pulled apart in the process. She started to
giggle, softly, embarrassed and maybe a little
frightened, as she pulled herself back upright. Leant
up against me, she hugged me, kissed me again, and told
me, “That was very good.”

An understatement, in words, but her breathless lustful
tone let me know how good she felt.
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{ASSM} RP:T-shirt Teasing At Easter [2/2] (MF rom cons
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Jeff Zephyr View profile
More options Apr 8, 10:10 am
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.moderated, alt.sex.stories
Followup-To: alt.sex.stories.d
From: Jeff Zephyr
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 13:10:02 -0400
Local: Sun, Apr 8 2007 10:10 am
Subject: {ASSM} RP:T-shirt Teasing At Easter [2/2] (MF
rom cons oral exhib, F exhib) {Jeff Zephyr}
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Usual disclaimer: This story involves sexual
subject matter. If you aren’t old enough to read this,
go home! Don’t blame me if you have problems which
result from reading further.

Copyright by Jeff Zephyr (jeffz…@hotmail.com) 2001.
Please don’t distribute in an altered form, or with any
charges for acquisition.

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to
real persons is unintentional and strictly
coincidental. Any real people, places, or things
mentioned in this story do not appear with permission,
and any representations of them should not be
interpreted as being in any way based on reality.

If reception of this work is illegal due to your age or
other repressive local regulations, liability for
downloading it is your problem, not mine.

T-shirt Teasing At Easter (Part 2 of 2) – by Jeff
(MF rom cons oral exhib, F exhib)
c 2001. All Commercial Rights Reserved.


T-shirt Teasing At Easter by Jeff Zephyr (part 2)

“I love you,” I told her, finally having a chance to
say the words to her. I was still hard, and hot from
her warmth and wetness. I was very ready for my own
ultimate pleasure, but I didn’t want to risk trying
another standing fuck. The strain of holding her up,
and not falling over myself in the slippery shower, had
tired me some, and I could feel it in my arms and legs.
But passion can make up for many other kinds of

My darling is wise about such things, though, even when
her desire for variety in our shared lustful sensations
is strong. Besides, she’d gotten her joyful buzz, which
makes it easier to think about other things.

She told me, “Sit down at the end, OK, on the flat

I did that, and she straddled my legs, kissing me
again. She rubbed her body against mine, making circles
with her breasts and nipples, which were still hard.
Then, she let go of the kiss on my lips, and softly
kissed down my body. But instead of just using her
lips, she held one breast in each hand, and used them
to massage my chest, my nipples, down my abdomen,
kisses following. When she got to my pubic area, she
pressed her breasts around my hard cock. Then, rubbed
one nipple up and down the shaft, stopping at the very
tip of my cock, then used the other breast to do the
same. Her hands lightly stroked my thighs, softly
brushing against my scrotum. Water still splashed on
us, and the dampness from the shower, and my own
arousal, my unfulfilled desire, made this
excruciatingly pleasurable, almost too much to take.

I could have shot off merely from these touches, light
as they were, but I wanted to hold out. What should
come soon, when she was ready, and if I held out, was
the best way to share our love. I know, our coupling,
our sweet pubic intercourse, is special as well, but I
can’t help finding tasting each other, feeding
ourselves to each other, to be even more intense.

I’d closed my eyes, partly due to my need for sleep,
but more to make it easier to resist adding the sight
of her pleasing me so to the sensations of her touch.
The touch of the tip of her hot tongue surprised me,
jolting me awake. There was no transition, no delay
between the end of her nipple-rubbing “hand job” and
the start of her oral ecstasy. I felt a terrifying
pleasure, as if I might explode, as her tongue was
followed by her teeth, lips, gums, and throat, as she
slid right down my shaft. Her hands ran across my
scrotum, still tickling it, adding to my pleasure as
her head bobbed up and down in my lap. Her tongue
danced against my cock while she did this, as it did
against mine when we kissed. Each time she pulled up,
she swirled her tongue around to catch the sensitive
edge around the head, and the very tip, sucking and
licking hard there, bringing me almost to bursting each
time, before she moved back down again to swallow me
whole. I felt my orgasm come closer, unable to hold it
back, no matter what she did. I knew that she was aware
that I was about to come, because she pressed down all
way, squeezing her mouth tight around my cock, making
sure that my shot went entirely inside her.

“God, I love you so!” I said, almost yelling, trying to
keep quiet, though I suspect our other sounds were loud
before. My orgasm was a long one, and very intense,
amplified by the delay, the slow, loving teasing, our
glorious standing fuck. She didn’t let go of me right
away, either. She held on until I stopped moving, then
licked with her tongue, still holding my cock inside
her, letting not a single drop fall out. At least, I
didn’t see any escape. My hardness softened, and still
she licked it, sucked it softly, pleasantly relaxing
me, careful now that I was more sensitive there. It was
at least a couple of minutes after I’d come before she
let me go, taking her mouth off my cock, smiling up at

In the shower, we could have easily just cleaned up
with water, rather than using her tongue to remove my
fluids, but she didn’t do that today. Nor most times,
because she loves to taste me. As much as I love
tasting her, I think.

“So, should we get out of here and go to bed?” she
asked me, implying by her tone that we might do
something other than sleep there.

I was tired, and I could use the rest. Real sleep, not
making love, even though sex is often better than
sleep. My orgasm filled me with blissful peace, the
glow of love, so I could let it go, and cuddle naked
with her in bed. In the morning, we would be refreshed,
ready to go. I’d even leave the alarm clock set so we’d
wake up early, before anyone else.

But in the kitchen, I’d developed an appetite for
pussy, talking about eating it. Especially her sweet
clit, which she’d showed off to me so well, and hadn’t
waited long enough for me to eat it there. She stood up
again in the shower, in front of me, and her body
showed clear signs that she’d appreciate a little more
attention. Her clit was still showing, her natural
moistness, not just the shower’s wetness, in her
opening, and her nipples were hard, even in this
relaxing warmth.

My tongue was ready, and my mouth watered in
anticipation. I loved the taste of pussy, especially
hers. My desire for it felt like true hunger, as if for
a sweet treat, not merely sexual.

The tricky part would be how to best do this, in the
shower, without drowning or falling. I loved the extra
stimulation the water added, but sitting at the end
would mean that we’d miss out on that. So, I didn’t
want to simply reverse our positions. I still was
tired, and coherent thought was difficult. I just
couldn’t decide how to get started doing what I wanted
to do. Fortunately, I knew a way to quickly get an
answer about how to best please my lover.

“Darling,” I said, “I owe you a ‘tip’,” sticking my
tongue out at her to make my point. “I want to eat you
up, but I want to watch the water vibrate your nipples,
as long as we’re doing it in here. ‘Cause you know, I
think that would make it feel even better. So, how do
you think I should best do that?”

She didn’t take long thinking about it, and told me,
“Standing up, me facing into the shower, so you can
crawl between my legs and have a real good meal!”

Turning around, she did that, facing away from me, legs
spread, holding on to the sides for support. Her
backside looked delicious, water pouring down her body,
her hair flowing back behind her. I had a fleeting
thought of something other than pussy eating pleasure,
but my cock wasn’t quite ready for that, and I owed her
a marvelous tip for what she’d already done for me.

I moved behind her, hugging her, pressing my body
against her back. Rubbing her breasts, holding them, I
kissed the back of her neck, nuzzling her beneath her
hair, loving the smell and taste of her body. It was so
easy to figure out what to do to make her happy when I
let her guide me. Much better than trying to guess on
my own, especially with my brain fogged from work, and
now, the pleasures of sex.

My lips continued to press against her flesh, barely
leaving it, as I licked and kissed my way slowly down
her back, following her spine. I left my hands holding
her breasts, tweaking her nipples, knowing that she
loved it when her hard nipples were played with. Her
pussy was my target, but a slower approach would be
better, sweeter when it finally arrived, just as her
slow blow job buildup had been for me. I owed her more
than just another quick orgasm, something special to
celebrate our holiday.

As I reached the base of her spine, I felt her tense in
anticipation of my contact on her sensitive nether
regions. I dropped my hands down slowly off her
breasts, caressing her sides and abdomen, as I traced a
wet path of licks and nibbles right down the middle of
her ass. Clean from our shower, I didn’t hesitate to
lick at her anus, something I knew she liked, in
moderation. Not as sensitive as her pussy, nor able to
induce the same pleasure, but still very arousing,
stimulating, and a wonderful treat on the path to my
ultimate goal. Not unpleasant at all, I stayed on it
for a minute or so, making her squeal.

“Oh, that is so sweet, you can eat me all up, as much
as you want,” she sighed.

I was glad, in part because getting her off while
standing would be harder the second time, unless she
was fully relaxed and into the sensations. Not that I’d
say anything to suggest that we speed things up, but I
was worried about my stamina, making love to her while
kneeling under her, still tired from my long day.

I licked, lapped, and slurped my way between her back
opening and the sweet one in front, pushing my fingers
and tongue into her vagina. I turned while under her,
to face up and forward, looking right up at her lovely
pussy, and even further up at her breasts, and her face
smiling down at me. I felt the water rushing across
her, falling on her body, her pussy, into my mouth. But
the juices flowing from her vagina were all hers,
falling into my mouth, tasting delicious. The taste her
sweetness, the delightful scent of her sex, and the
awesomely delightful vision in front of my eyes,
revitalized me. Especially her pert clit, standing up
in the water, reacting to each splash, looking like a
soft berry, ready to eat.

There might have been some biochemical explanation,
pheromones or something like that, explaining why the
taste and smell of my love made this experience so
intense, so overpowering, driving me to action. My
heart pumped hard, my energy returned, as the feast of
love in front of me drew me upward. I dove right in,
licking her up and down, pressing my face hard into her
pussy, and letting her press back just as hard. Her
whole body shifted to guide me where she wanted to go,
one of the special advantages to making love to her
like this, from underneath her. Soon, she pushed her
clit right into my mouth, and kept it there, letting me
know that it was time for the main course, no stopping
until I’d eaten it all.

Such a tiny morsel, yet it drove both of our passions.
I ate her hard, sucking it in tight, as she pushed
down, pressing her pussy against my face, her tender
clit against my hard teeth. I bit it, lightly, knowing
that it wouldn’t hurt her now, just as her nibbling
didn’t hurt when she sucked on me. Gently, I held her
delight button in place, so I could lick it, press it
flat with my tongue. Then harder, when she didn’t pull
away, but pressed herself down against me, wanting
more. Bite, release, lick, softly lick, bite harder,
release, hold it gently. When I held her between my
teeth, she’d pull up, forcing me to squeeze harder or
let her get away, and she squealed in delight. Just
when I feared I might do her harm, she’d slip back
down, so I could let go of her, lick her, drive her
crazy with pleasure.

“Oh, OK, that’s it,” she cried, trying to remain quiet,
but unable to avoid revealing her orgasm to me, and
anyone else who might be listening. I kept up my
attentions to her for a long time, repeating our bite,
pull, drop, and lick pattern, until she almost fell
down, legs wobbly. I held her up, hands under her butt,
and kept supporting her as her climax continued. More
than one, it felt to me, but I was willing to keep
going as long as she did.

When she stopped pushing down, and tried to steady
herself rather than let me support her, I let her clit
escape. I moved to lick her gently, lapping lower,
softly on her labia and in her vagina. I could taste
her sweetness, still dripping, and enjoyed it. A
marvelous treat, a reward for the pleasure I had given

I felt very loved, her pleasing me earlier, and my
doing it for her so well. I was ready to rest, to
sleep. We’d awaken refreshed, and ready to enjoy our
vacation holiday at home. We’d been in the shower a
long time, and were very soaked, water starting to make
our skin crinkle. It was time to get out and go to bed,
for real.

We got out, but found only one clean towel to dry off
with. That one was too small for both of us, and too
small to cover me alone, let alone my naked darling’s
sweet body. Not very well, anyway.

“Poor planning, I suppose,” I said, smiling to show my
amusement, not anger, “not to get more towels out when
we have company, or think to find some before we got
wet and naked in here.”

Then, I kissed her, to show that I really wasn’t upset.
Her sweet nectar was still on my lips, but that didn’t
matter, us sharing her flavor. I wanted her to feel
good, loved, and happy, not to spoil this moment.

When our kiss broke, she said, “We don’t need a towel
for cover, if no one is awake. We can just run past
quietly, quickly to our room, and no one will even

That idea was exciting, showing off without really
being seen. But I offered, “You could put the towel in
front of you, and keep your pussy from being on
display, just in case.”

“And leave you exposed, your lovely sweet cock on
display instead? No way! Besides, I figure that if they
get a peek at my tits and ass, they may as well see the
rest of me. If I were to cover up, I might hide my


She giggled, and said, “Because that is what guys look
at first, and tease us women about the most. Not all
guys are like you, looking at my pussy as my best

We could have used my dirty clothes, or tried to figure
out something else to offer us modesty. But it was our
house, and besides, using anything which wasn’t clean
would defeat the washing up purpose of our showers. A
naked run to our room, as well, would be exciting, even
with the risk that our guests might see more than we
might otherwise like. It just didn’t seem like
something too out of line to do. I was still tired,
too, and just getting into bed seemed like a grand
plan, no matter what else happened.

Once we finished drying each other as best as we could,
we took a moment to admire each other, looking in the
mirror, seeing the glow from our lovemaking on our
bodies and faces. That gave me confidence for the next
step, our stealthy trip to our room. We left the
bathroom, turning the light down, but not off, since
someone might need to find their way in during the
night. My darling didn’t try to cover herself in the
least, so I didn’t either. If we were spotted, we
wanted to look natural, I guess, not as if we were
being deliberately, sneakily naked in our home. We
walked quietly past our sleeping guests, and didn’t
spot anyone stirring. Not running, despite our hasty
plan. Quiet moves in the dark would attract less
attention, my darling realized, and tripping over
something would surely alarm everyone.

We made it to our own room, and closed the door.
Privacy, safe in our room, still naked, not observed.
At least, no one did or said anything to indicate that
they’d seen us, but we might not know until later if
someone was awake enough to silently watch us pass. We
hugged and kissed again, celebrating our “escape” from
our bathroom without clothing.

Sliding into bed, still naked and damp, she found a
towel nearby, and began to use it on my hair, then
hers. Then, we cuddled closely, for warmth and love,
because it did feel chilly now. More, for the pleasure
of our bodies, our naked contact still thrilling me.

Our plan to sleep didn’t work, not for long anyway. We
started talking about various things. The kids, her
day, my day, our Easter plans, things we needed to do
for our holiday visit, and other such usual sorts of
conversations between us, sharing our lives together.
Our conversation ended up going back to her day, and
why she was waiting up wearing just a T-shirt, and
willing to greet me in it without putting more on, with
guests in our home.

“I was waiting for you, warming myself under the
covers. Not just body warmth, you know? I knew we’d end
up being busy this weekend, and I really wanted to get
some real loving time with you. That’s all. I really
didn’t think about our guests, and besides, they were
all asleep.”

I didn’t mind, of course, and explained that, and we
talked more about what had happened because of her
‘indiscretion’. It is something common for us, normal
for our lives, to talk before going to sleep, even
after we make love, while cuddling. With just the kids
around, her T-shirt choice would have been nothing
special, because they were too young to worry about
such things yet. With guests, though, that reminded me
of another woman I’d loved, once upon a time, who also
wore T-shirts as sole covering around the house. And so
I began to tell my lover yet another story about T-
shirts, hoping that it would help us relax.

“My roommate in college was a lovely woman, you know.
Wild and sexy, too, things that don’t show so well in
just pictures. We were lovers, too, and she usually
wore just a T-shirt of some sort to sleep in. Oh, she’d
take it off for sex, but not always, leaving it on when
we’d make love. But usually, she’d have it back on in
the morning, or put it on first thing, rather than stay

“Sounds very comfortable to me,” my darling said. “But
I’d rather sleep naked, though sometimes it does help
against the chill.”

“It does, indeed. But my roommate wore just her T-
shirts much of the time, in our apartment. Especially
in the mornings, but all day long if she wasn’t going
outside our building that day. Whole weekends, if we
were staying in together rather than going out. Now, it
wasn’t just that she wore it, but she would constantly
show me the lovely parts of her which it barely
covered. She’d sit, cross-legged, on the floor, couch,
or chairs, and aim her open pussy right at me, ‘just to
be comfortable’ is what she called it. Laying down on
the couch, face up or down, her bottom would be
uncovered, pussy showing either way. I think that she
was always turned on a little by this, and while she
avoided touching herself with her fingers, she wasn’t
shy about rubbing her naked pussy against a chair, the
edge of the couch, or when doing homework, tapping her
pencil between her legs, right on her clit.”

“Hmm, that sounds like it would be fun!”

“It wasn’t so comfortable for me, though. I matched her
sometimes, or even went naked, but it would always hit
a point where I just had to do something about my
arousal. She wanted it too, of course, but she was
always willing and able to wait for me to make the
first move, teasing me harder the longer I tried to
hold out.”

My darling said, “I’d like to do that, showing my nice,
bare pussy off all day. It was a lot of fun in our
kitchen today. A whole weekend would even be better, T-
shirt teasing.”

“Now, that sounds like fun! OK, there was more to her
T-shirt teasing than just hanging around our apartment,
showing off for me.”

“Hmm,” my darling said, rolling over, pulling herself
on top of me, letting her breasts rub my chest, and
putting her still warm pussy on top of my soft, damp
cock. She looked right into my face, and I could feel
her breath, warm and soft.

I continued my story, seeing that she seemed to like
it. “She’d go out to get the mail, and our apartments
had the mailboxes outside, not in the building, unlike
some places. That meant being bare-pussied in the open,
where anyone passing might notice, kids on the sidewalk
or whatever. And she had some very short shirts, which
literally didn’t cover her when she was standing, yet
she still ran outside to get the mail. I think she
liked showing off, the risk of it, though she wouldn’t
run around far or flash elsewhere in just the T-shirt.
Any breeze could expose her, and often it did. I’d
watch her, either coming with her to help, or just
looking out the window, just because it was so sexy.
Maybe that is why she did it, to turn me on?”

“I’d do it for that reason, given how nicely you reward
me for showing my sweet pussy.”

“On top of that, she’d go to the basement laundry room,
which everyone in the building shared, dressed like
that. Carrying her clothes down, wearing just the T-
shirt, with the basket often pulling the shirt up
enough to see everything. Just her T-shirt and her
sweet smile to cover her body, and distract anyone from
looking at her more.”

“Wasn’t that scary? A little, anyway? Even if the
building was safe, I might worry that someone strange
might be around and get ideas, wearing, you know?”

“I could have complained, more anyway, but she felt it
was totally safe, and told me not to worry about it.
She liked to have me help her with the laundry, and she
did this by herself mostly during the day, so it wasn’t
too likely that strangers would be around. Other
residents, maybe, but I think we trusted them not to
rape her. Or at least, she did. Anyway, I’d help her
out with the laundry, and stay with her.”

“Keeping her safe, no doubt?”

“Very safe. She’d show her pussy off then, when we were
alone, and if someone came around, she’d stand sweetly
around, nonchalantly, talking as though her naked
bottom wasn’t just moments from accidental exposure if
she moved too fast or bent over. Often, she’d sit on
top of the washer, showing me herself, and I’d reward
her, licking and eating her the entire time. She liked
how the washer vibrated under her, and warmed her
bottom up. The dryer wasn’t bad, either, but the washer
shook her better.”

“Ms Maytag, I suppose. The washer guys aren’t all
lonely, I guess,” my darling said, laughing, then
kissing my cheek.

“She did like it a lot. Some days, she’d take the T-
shirt off and throw it in the washer, leaving her
naked. I don’t know if she ever did that when she was
alone, but when she’d get very horny with me around,
especially after a load was already in the dryer so
she’d be able to change before going up, she’d strip it
off, standing naked, with nothing to cover up with. I
nibbled and licked her all over, often dropping my
pants to fuck her, or let her blow me. If she got
naked, there was no flashing tease, just sex, until we
left the laundry room. Sometimes, if someone came by,
we’d run off and hide, or try to. We even ran back
upstairs, her stark naked, often damp from sex. No one
complained, though one old man living there did smile
at her and tease her about having fun doing the wash,
and I know he saw us, or at least her naked body.”

My darling said, “That sounds exciting.”

“It was. I think that it was the best thing we did
together, sexually. We could do more in our apartment,
take more time, but the desperation made our basement
naked loving a lot of fun. A few times, she got me to
strip down there as well, so neither of us would have
clothes. I mean, strip and put it in the wash. Then,
we’d fuck, on top of the washer with her sitting on me,
that was a wild ride. Or me behind her, with her bent
over somewhere, sometimes with her tits riding one of
the machines. That led to one of our scary getting-
caught times. Some kids, older preteens, almost
teenagers, came down for some reason, playing, chasing
each other. We stopped in mid-fuck, and looked at them.
They stared, it was two girls and a boy, then they ran
off, as if they were as embarrassed as we were. I was
afraid, but she didn’t want to stop until we finished.
Which meant we didn’t, because she’d been close to
coming. Yet when that happened, she waited for me to
finish, telling me to hurry, but, and I did love this
about her, unwilling to demand that I quit when she’d
made me stay. That was a very exciting, but scary day.”

“That sounds like fun, too!” my darling told me,
rubbing her pussy against my cock, which had started to
grow under her. She slid around on me, trying to find a
more comfortable position, rubbing her pussy against my
cock, getting her clit to make direct contact. Talking
about this stuff was turning her on as well, and I
could feel new dampness forming between us.

“Oh, it was fun, but for the next day or so I kept
worrying, expecting irate parents or the police to come
by. Or scarier, the kids themselves, wanting to know
what we were doing. She, my roommate, teased that maybe
they’d want to get it on with us! Nothing bad happened,
nor did we hear any more about it, but yes, it was a
lot of fun being with her.”

“She does seem like a girl that I’d like.”

“Often, I’d come into the apartment to find her in the
T-shirt, laying on the couch, with her bottom exposed.
She never minded if I took a taste of it, even as she
slept, or woke her up that way. I’m sure that she knew
that sometimes, my friends would get a good look too,
but they were never invited for tastes.”

“Are you sure that she never invited them, when you
were away? After all, your friend’s girl did that.”

“I think she would have told me. I wouldn’t have
minded, but I wasn’t about to offer her to my friends,
not without her asking for it. Oh, my friend, whose
girlfriend let me taste her pussy, she told him later
about doing it, and he let me know that it was OK. I
was afraid to bring it up, but once it was in the open,
a one time indulgence, it seemed like no big deal. We
both knew that girls got horny, just like boys, and a
little pussy licking didn’t really count as an affair.”

“Uh hmm,” my darling said, then she kissed me, lightly,
heating us up more.

“I have a T-shirt story to tell you,” my darling told

“Go ahead.”

“When I was in high school, I came home with my date,
after the movie, and my parents were out. I wasn’t
going to do anything – you know, make love to him –
that night, not yet. He was very cute, but I wasn’t
sure about that part. I told him I’d change into
something more comfortable, and put on a T-shirt, much
like the one I wore earlier. It was dark-colored, and
the lights were low, so he really couldn’t see

“So, no hints?”

“Well, I gave him a big clue. I told him that the T-
shirt was all I was wearing. He didn’t believe me, he
told me. Then, he put both hands on my legs. Slowly, he
moved them upward. Stroking me, caressing me, it felt
very nice. But they kept getting higher, and I kept not
saying anything to him to stop it. My inner thighs were
always sensitive, and his touch was thrilling. When his
hands went under my T-shirt, it was very arousing, but

“I said to him, ‘What do you think you are doing?’

“‘Testing,’ he replied. ‘I want to find out if you are
really bare under there.’

“His hands didn’t stop, but he crept along slowly. The
T-shirt was long enough to cover me when sitting, even
with my legs spread to leave room for both hands
between my legs. I opened my legs more, which was a
sure sign I’m sure that I welcomed his explorations.
His hands moved between my legs, softly touching my
inner thighs, running up my middle, just shy of
reaching my pussy. I wasn’t sure if I should stop him
or not, but it would be hard to say no if I let him,
and I liked it.

“So, I asked him, ‘What if I’m not? I mean, if I am
bare, naked under my shirt?’

“‘Well, I’ll give you a prize. I’ll kiss you there.'”

“Sounds like a good deal to me, love,” I told my

“I thought about it. He hadn’t done anything like that
with me, though kissing him was wonderful, and that
night I’d let him play with my breasts, rubbing my
nipples, and that was great. I even pulled my tits out
of my shirt, and let him kiss them, and that was very
sweet and sexy. I knew he wasn’t shy about using his
lips and tongue that way. Then, his fingers reached my
pussy. He started petting me, softly, gently, one hand
still running between my thighs, the other one up and
down my slit, making great contact with my clit. Oh,
that was so good! I sighed, and opened my legs, giving
him better access.”

I reached down, cupping her behind, running my hands
between her legs, feeling my darling’s wet pussy. Her
story was turning us both on, and I felt that I should
do my part to help her tell it in the most exciting

“With my legs open, he tapped my clit with his fingers,
one after another, as he softly, wonderfully petted me.
This was much better than fingering myself, which was
what I was going to do when he left. I did like him. He
was very cute. And I wasn’t a virgin, and knew that I
did want him sexually. So many cute boys didn’t know
how to make me feel good, and it was so hard to know
who to trust, who would care about you.”

“Uh huh,” I said, pushing my fingers gently into her.
It wouldn’t be easy to rub her clit from behind, but I
don’t think she minded, because she spread her legs,
sliding back to let me finger fuck her, my darling,
feeling her wetness on my fingers. It was too late to
think about sleeping, not once we’d started this, and I
did want to hear the rest of the story.

My darling went on, “So I told him, ‘Go under my shirt,
and kiss me on my clit’. Even then, I knew that was my
special spot, and I hoped he could find it there in the
dark. I didn’t pull my shirt up, either. I just spread
my legs, and made him put his whole head under it. He
didn’t hit my clit right off, but it didn’t take him
long either. I didn’t mind, because he licked me nicely
wherever he touched me, and I was already so turned on,
horny, wet. Our date had been really good, with a nice
sexy movie, sexy kissing in the dark, and lovely tit-
groping to make me feel all hot. And now, he was eating
my clit! So sweetly, pulling it in, licking it,
nibbling, almost exactly what I wanted. It was so good,
I didn’t care what else he wanted that night.”

“That sounds very sweet, a lot of fun!” I told her.

“It was so nice. I could have asked him for something
else, tried to control his attentions on me. But I
wanted to come, no waiting, direct clit sucking me to
orgasm. No long buildups, we’d already done that and I
was ready, wanting it. It was really very, very nice.”

It was funny, how my darling could say that, and sound
like she was in heaven. “Just nice?” I asked, with
teasing wonder in my voice.

“No, it was wonderful, because I did hit it, my climax,
a sweet orgasm right in his mouth. He kept on licking
and sucking, making it so strong, I loved it. I loved
him at that moment, and he didn’t let go of my clit,
even after it ended. I was squirming because I was
sensitive, and it almost hurt to have him lick and suck
on my button, but it felt good, too. I didn’t know yet
how easily I could just come again, not with someone
helping me, but I was learning fast. He seemed to
somehow realize that I needed a break, or else just
wanted to taste and play with the rest of my pussy. He
licked all over my pussy, from the top to the bottom,
along both sides, and inside my vagina. Oh, that was
very nice, after my come. He pushed a finger in too,
fucking me with it. If he kept that up, I’d have come
again in no time. I wanted it.”

“Hmm, I remember times like that.”

“I really wanted it. Not just his finger, not just his
tongue on me. Not even just to see him, to play with
his hard dick. I wanted him to fuck me, right there.
Even if he didn’t have a condom! OK, I’d have asked him
to pull out, but I really was thinking that. I did go
out and get one the next day, not wanting to be left
without just in case that came up again. I couldn’t
trust a boy to remember such an important thing, you

“I know. I was pretty cool about it, but I remember
some forgetful times. So, what happened that night,
with your pussy eaten nicely, naked except for your T-
shirt, sitting on your parent’s couch, all hot and
ready for more action?”

“Well, my boyfriend was really eating me well, making
me very hot. I didn’t want to ask him to do anything,
even though thinking about it was really turning me on.
I’d just surprise him, once he got me off again. But,
well, it was so annoying!”

“What was?”

“My parents came home. He still had his head under my
shirt, and they walked into the house. Fortunately,
they made enough noise that we couldn’t miss them, and
were talking enough that they couldn’t hear us. We’d
had the TV on, turned low, but it still hid some
sounds. Oh, the annoying part was that I was just about
to come, so close I could taste it! He was so sweet, my
boyfriend, you know. He could have asked for something
for himself, but he kept on doing me, licking my pussy,
he was on my clit and sucking it awesomely, so sweet.
Anyway, he jumped up from there, I pulled my shirt
down, and we both tried to look calm, collected, cool.
Normal, like we were just talking and watching TV,
maybe kissing a little, but not having sex! I really
pulled my shirt down, stretching it, trying to hide my
lack of panties. Maybe, they’d think I had shorts on,
because I did that sometimes, around the house, and
they were used to that.”

My darling was rubbing herself on me, as I was
fingering her gently. Nothing intense, just keeping
ourselves warmed up. I couldn’t reach her clit easily,
because it was pressing against my cock, which had
hardened again now.

“I was surprised, though, they didn’t say anything
about that, my parents, just asked me to tell my friend
goodnight, and go off to bed. Maybe, they really
thought that I was wearing shorts, and my flushed
complexion was just due to the warm weather?”

“Maybe,” I replied. “I don’t know if parents are
clueless, or just learn when not to interfere. I hope
we’re smart enough to let our children have fun when
they get old enough for this stuff,” I said, chuckling.
“It is possible that they didn’t know.”

“Anyway, I told my boyfriend that I owed him for
tonight, and would pay him back on our next date. He
hadn’t asked me out again yet, either, though I was
sure he would, even without what happened. I licked my
lips lightly, like this,” she told me, licking mine at
the same time. “It felt so cool and daring to let him
know that I was going to pay his blow job on me back
with one on him, right in front of my parents. As if it
was just money he’d lent me, not sex.”

She giggled, then laughed hard, making our bodies
jiggle together, and I joined her. I was hard and ready
now, and she was hot and wet. I said, “I think that I
should reward you for that story, my darling. A nice,
tasty reward.”

“Hmm, that is a good idea, my love.” And she kissed me,
for a long while. Then, I did reward her, letting her
sit on top of me, pussy on my face, eating her sweetly.
But she wasn’t content to get just her reward, and she
lay down on top of me, sucking on my hard shaft, as I
kept licking her sweetness.

My favorite reward, shared by both of us, making love
all night long. Well, maybe not all night, but long
enough for both of us to reach our climaxes again, and
cuddle close, kissing, tasting ourselves on each
other’s lips.

It was a great start for a holiday vacation.

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