Don’t stop, baby, keep sucking good and hard.
By: Date: January 17, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , ,

By the time Carol and Bob got home from work, Brenda felt almost fucked out. But only almost. Her pussy felt bruised, but she still doubted that she could ever get enough fucking. Mike had had enough for awhile, though. He’d gone to his room to take a nap, and he didn’t get up till dinner.
“My, you must have worked hard today,” his mother said as they sat down to eat. “Did you get the yard cleaned up?”
“Uh, not quite, Mom,” Mike said, reddening. “I’ll finish it tomorrow.”
Brenda noticed that Bob was trying not to laugh. He’d guessed what kind of “work” his kid brother had been doing. He caught her eye, and suddenly she felt wildly turned on. She knew what he was silently telling her – that he wanted whatever she’d been giving his brother. And since he’d already arranged to come to her room that night, he could be sure of getting it.
The next couple of hours dragged. They all watched TV till Carol began yawning, and then gradually people excused themselves and went to bed. Brenda was sure that Mike was going to bed for real. He still looked exhausted from fucking all day. Carol wasn’t faking her tiredness, either. At last the house was quiet, and Brenda lay naked on her bed, feeling more horny by the second. Then the doorknob turned silently, and Bob stepped into the room.
“You look gorgeous,” he grinned.
Matter of fact, his cock stood up at the very sight of her lying on her bed without any clothes. She lay on her back, pretty stiff nippled tits standing up firmly, and her legs were slightly parted, giving him a glimpse of wet pink flesh. His prick lurched into stiffness and strained against the fly of his jeans. Quickly, he began to undress, leaving his clothes in a careless pile on the floor.
All day he’d been thinking about fucking his pretty teenage cousin, and he’d been telling himself that if he wanted to go on fucking her all summer, he’d better make it interesting.
Brenda was a very lusty chick, but she didn’t know anything beyond basic fucking. Bob knew she’d appreciate some lessons. He finished undressing, walked over to the bed, and climbed on, pulling Brenda into his arms and giving her a deep hot tongue kiss. She moaned and melted against him, quivering with lust. It sure wasn’t any problem getting her aroused.
“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned.
As they kissed, Bob slipped a hand between her legs and felt her pussy. It was scorching hot and dripping wet. She was all ready to go, and he’d hardly even touched her yet. Yes, Brenda was definitely his kind of girl. There seemed to be no end to her lust. He was positive she’d been balling his kid brother all day, yet here she was all hot and eager again. He could have lots of fun with a girl like her.
“Hey, cousin,” he grinned as they finally came up far air, “ever had your pussy eaten?”
“What’s that?” Brenda giggled. “Sounds weird.”
“You’ll like it,” Bob promised. “Just open your legs nice and wide for me, okay?”
“Okay,” she said eagerly.
She had no idea what he was going to do to her, but she was sure it’d be fun. She obediently flopped onto her back, bent her knees, and let her legs fall wide open. Bob went to his belly between her legs, and she felt his hot breath tickling her exposed pussy. That was when she finally figured out what he had in mind. She’d watched Uncle Joe do the same thing to Aunt Carol, running his tongue all over her slit and driving her wild with pleasure.
“Oooooooo, yesss,” she gurgled.
Bob folded back the furry lips of her bush and isolated the glistening pink bud of her clit. That was where Sharon liked to be tongued the best. He could make her come again and again that way. He just hoped Brenda loved it, too. He stuck out his tongue and licked the pointed tip to tickle and fuck her little joy button. Brenda gasped, shuddered, and fed him a big hot burst, of tangy pussy cream.
“Oooooo, yeah,” she moaned.
She’d never felt such sharp pleasure before. Even playing with herself couldn’t approach this. As Bob’s big hot tongue whipped up and down over her clit, she felt such intense sensations, she couldn’t help moaning and creaming. She kept her legs wide open, eager for his tongue, wanting the wonderful feelings to go on forever. No wonder her Aunt Carol had gone crazy with excitement when Uncle Joe licked her pussy.
“Like it?” Bob asked.
“Unnnhhhhh, I love it,” Brenda whimpered. “Please, Bob, keep doing it, don’t stop.”
“I’ll get you off this way,” he promised.
Brenda let her head loll back, and she closed her eyes in ecstasy. Bob’s wet tongue whipped steadily, roughly over her clit, giving her hot blasts of pleasure that ripped through her pussy. Thick streams of molten cream ran from her cunt and down the crack of her ass. In her ecstasy, she forgot about everything else. She didn’t even notice the quick movement outside her half open window.
Mike had just started to drop off to sleep when he heard his brother leave the room next door and sneak down the hall. It wasn’t unusual for Bob to do that. Sometimes he wanted to go to a party on a week night, and rather than argue with their parents, he’d just sneak out. Mike wondered where he was going tonight. Maybe Mike could go along. He rolled out of bed and stepped into the hall – just in time to see Bob enter Brenda’s room without knocking and close the door behind him.
“What the hell?” Mike muttered.
As far as he knew, Brenda was his girl. So just what did Bob think he was doing? Was he going to force himself on Brenda? Mike got down the hall to her door as fast as he could without making noise, but when he put his ear to the door and listened, he heard only soft murmurs, as if everything was okay. He reddened. Was Brenda cheating on him? There was only one way to find out. He returned to his own room and dressed then went out the window.
He crept along the backside of the house till he came to Brenda’s window. He was in luck. The night was warm, the window partly open. As he peered in, he saw Brenda laying naked on her back, her legs hugely spread. Bed had his head between her thighs, bobbing up and down.
“Oooooooooo, yeah, Bob, I love it,” she squealed, “please don’t stop!”
Mike seethed with jealousy. He just had to know what his older brother was doing to get the girl so turned on. He crawled over a few inches, and then he could see every last detail. Bob was licking Brenda’s clit, whipping his tongue up and down over the swelling button. Brenda’s face was contorted in a grimace of ecstasy, her eyes screwed shut, and she couldn’t stop whimpering and moaning.
“Unnnhhhh, Bob, it’s so fuckin’ good!” she cried.
Bob leered triumphantly, then licked and lashed ever faster over her throbbing joy button. Mike watched with a mixture of envy and lust. He was pissed off at having to share his cousin with another guy, but on the other hand Bob obviously knew a few things that he didn’t know. It would pay to watch and learn. He had to be able to do everything Bob did, otherwise Brenda might prefer his older brother and not fuck Mike any more.
He couldn’t let that happen. So in spite of his jealousy and anger, he forced himself to watch everything Bob did. And as he watched, he felt his cock stiffening and swelling in his jeans. He hadn’t thought it was possible for him to get another hard-on today. His prick was actually sore from fucking. But here he was, as horny as ever as he watched his brother giving head to their pretty little cousin.
Mike observed how Bob used the stiff pointed tip of his tongue to flick and lash the girl’s swollen clit. Her clit was ultra sensitive, and the hot wet meat gave her wonderful sensations. Thick cream poured uncontrollably from her cunt, dribbling down her ass crack and puddling on the bedspread. She couldn’t stop creaming, couldn’t stop moaning.
“Unnnhhhhh, Bob, you’re driving me crazy,” she whined, “I just gotta come.”
“Okay, I’ll suck you off,” he leered.
All his tricks were working great. Everything Sharon had taught him would work just as well with Brenda. Now he prepared to do the thing that Sharon liked best, the trick that always made her come like a bomb. He shoved his hands under his cousin’s lustily churning ass and held her in place, then jammed his lips down around her clit and started to suck.
“Eeeee, yessss!” she shrieked.
Having her clit licked had been fantastic, but this was even better. Violent blasts of pleasure ripped through her pussy as Bob sucked her off. She drenched his face with her spurting pussy juice, and she sobbed in ecstasy as his hot mouth took her closer and closer to the orgasm she craved. She kept her eyes tightly closed, blotting out everything but the wild pleasure she felt.
“Unnnhhhh, you’re gonna do it to me, I’m gonna come,” she whined.
Mike’s cock strained against his fly as he watched. He was memorizing everything his brother did, so he could use it on Brenda. But he was also getting turned on like crazy, and he wanted desperately to take out his swollen prick and pump it. It would feel terrific to jack off right now. But that might distract him, and he had to make sure to learn everything Bob did. He’d just have to try and ignore how horny he felt.
“Ahhhhhh, fuck, it’s so good,” Brenda sobbed.
Her whole body was flushed with arousal, her face twisted in ecstasy. She was hovering right on the brink of coming, and Bob was sucking faster and faster on her clit, making an obscene slurping noise that Mike could hear even outside in the yard. Brenda arched her body, shoving her greedy little clit into Bob’s mouth, and she clawed mindlessly at the bedspread. Then suddenly she began to convulse.
Bob felt his face absolutely flooded with steaming pussy juice, and Brenda’s body convulsed so violently, he couldn’t hold her still. He gave up trying, rising to his knees to watch her come. He ogled her wildly wobbling tits and watched the thick river of pearly juice that gushed from her cunt. His cock gave a horny lurch and leaked thick bubbles of juice. He wanted to throw himself on her, and fuck her hard – but he wasn’t finished with those introductory lessons yet. Tonight would be an experience she’d never forget.
“Unnhhhhh, I’m coming so good,” Brenda moaned.
“Now I’m gonna fuck you with my tongue,” Bob leered at Brenda.
Her brown eyes got huge and greedy. “Oh, wow, that sounds wild,” she grinned.
“You better believe it, baby,” he chuckled. “You’re gonna love it.”
He shoved his face between her thighs again, and Mike saw his tongue dart out. He made the red meat stiff and thick, and then he crammed it had into Brenda’s cunt. She gasped, writhed, and shuddered, and when she spoke her voice was hoarse with pleasure.
“Oh, fuck, Bob,” she whimpered, “it feels fantastic. Yes, do it to me, fuck me with your tongue.”
Bob obeyed immediately, his blond head bobbing up and down, his wet tongue stabbing in and out of her eagerly offered cunt. Brenda’s eyes rolled crazily, then screwed shut in bliss, and she fed him burst after burst of tangy cunt cream, unable to control the hot flow. She’d never felt such lusty excitement in her young life. Each deep thrust of her cousin’s tongue gave her a powerful wave of pleasure.
“Yes, Bob, yes!” she shrieked.
Mike thought his cock was going to tear its way right out of his jeans. He ached to be in his brother’s place, exploring Brenda’s tangy hot cunt with his tongue, making her go crazy with pleasure. You could bet she’d be hot to fuck when Bob got through with her. Now she was writhing and rolling her head back and forth as the pleasure built and built in her pussy. It wouldn’t be long before she’d explode with it.
Bob’s tongue was just like a slippery cock, probing and cramming and exploring her tight little fuck hole. She fed him musky mouthfuls of steaming pussy cream, and she could feel the hot juice soaking her pussy and the crack of her ass. She seemed to be swimming in her own helplessly gushing juice. The pleasure mounted till she was screaming with it, and only the thought of her Aunt Carol sleeping right in the next room made her try to control herself. Bob’s big stiff tongue jerked with lightning speed in her greedy little box.
“Unnnhhhh, Bob, you did it, I’m coming!” she wailed.
Mike almost came, too, he was so frantically horny by now. He watched her violent convulsions, watched her soak Bob’s face with blasts of pearly come. Bob rose to his knees to watch her come, and he was leering triumphantly. His cock was hugely bloated, blue veins standing out on the thick stalk, fat bubbles of cream oozing from his piss hole. It wasn’t hard to guess what he’d want to do next.
“Ahhhhh, fuck! It’s good,” Brenda whimpered.
She’d hardly stopped coming before Bob straddled her chest, his trim ass grazing her stiff nipples. He rubbed the creaming tip of his cock against her lips, and she looked down at it, a little cross-eyed and full of curiosity. She gingerly stuck out her tongue and tasted some of the hot cream that dribbled from his piss hole. She swallowed it with a greedy gurgling noise.
“Yeah, cousin, try some more of that juice,” Bob leered.
Brenda didn’t need much coaxing. She got off on the taste of his cream, and she eagerly lapped it up, cleaning the fat purple head of his cock. When she’d gotten it all, she wriggled the pointed tip of her tongue inside his piss hole and reamed out more salty cream. Bob shivered lustily as he watched her, and outside Mike gnashed his teeth with envy. His cock sure could have used some of that attention! Brenda started licking Bob’s cock all over, exploring it with her tongue. She lapped her way down to the fat hairy base and back again, leaving the engorged stalk glistening with her spit. She licked back in the same direction, and this time she continued right on to his swollen hair-thatched balls, eager to test their texture. Bob gasped and almost shot his load right in her face as her hot little tongue touched his sensitive nut sacs.
“Shit, yeah, lick my balls,” he panted.
Mike rubbed the fly of his jeans in a vain attempt to give some relief to his achingly swollen prick. He vowed that next time he was alone with Brenda, he’d get her to do all these wild things with him. But when would that be? It looked like Bob was going to monopolize her all night, but Mike desperately needed her right now.
“Brenda,” Bob said hoarsely, “give me some head. Take my cock in your mouth and suck it.”
He didn’t know it, but that was the one thing Brenda had some experience with. She remembered the night she’d accidentally sucked off Mike, and she was eager to repeat the experience. She opened her lips wide and let Bob slide his hotly throbbing prick over her tongue. She was able to take about half his seven-incher, and she fisted and pumped the rest. As she drew in her cheeks and started to suck, Bob shivered and groaned.
“Fuck, yeah,” he cried, “suck me off, cousin!”
Mike barely stifled a groan of envy. His cock was threatening to explode in his pants, and his engorged young balls ached with their hot load. No way in the world could he wait till tomorrow for his turn with Brenda. If he didn’t get off soon, he was going to go bananas. The only thing to do was join the party – slip into Brenda’s room and demand a turn with her. But he knew better than to interrupt his brother in the middle of a blow-job.
He just prayed that wouldn’t be long. Bob was crouched over Brenda, watching with hot glazed eyes as she sucked his cock and left it shining with her hot spit. Her lips were hugely stretched, and her throat muscles worked busily as she sucked up his salty cream and swallowed it. He could feel her drooling all over his meat as she sucked and ate his cream. Her mouth was like a steam bath around his cock, and she was sucking hard and greedily, giving him long blasts of pleasure.
“Shit, that’s good,” he whined, “so fuckin’ good.”
Tell me about it, Mike thought miserably. He was positive he was going to come right in his jeans, without even touching his cock, if he didn’t get some relief soon. He was violently jealous of his older brother. He could just imagine how hot and juicy Brenda’s mouth was around Bob’s lust-swollen prick. He watched and shuddered with horniness as Bob’s face flushed with pleasure and his eyes rolled crazily, then shut.
“Yeah, I’m gonna come real quick,” Bob groaned. “Don’t stop, baby, keep sucking good and hard.”
Brenda was making an obscene sucking and slurping noise that Mike could hear clearly even outside the window. She was sucking on his brother’s cock, like she was starved for it – and maybe she was. Mike remembered how greedily and loudly she’d sucked his cock the other day. He ached to repeat the experience. Damn Bob anyway, wasn’t he ever going to come? It seemed like hours since Brenda had started sucking his cock.
He began fucking her mouth, unable to control himself any longer. Brenda gave a greedy moan as he jerked his prick over her tongue and fed her hot bursts of cream. A few seconds of this, and he gasped and yelled, “Awwwww, fuck, I’m coming!”
Mike watched Brenda’s throat muscles working furiously as she gulped up all of his brother’s come. Bob was groaning and fucking like crazy at her mouth. Mike simply couldn’t wait a second longer. His cock ached, his balls were ready to explode. He pushed open the window all the way and climbed into the room. Bob was groaning so loud, nobody heard him, but when the two of them opened their eyes, there he was, taking off his clothes.
“Just what in hell are you doing, little brother?” Bob snorted.
“Taking my turn,” Mike growled. “You gonna stop me?”
Bob grinned and drew his satisfied cock from Brenda’s mouth. “Naw, I’m not gonna stop you,” he said, “not as long as I get to stay and watch. How do you feel about that, Brenda?”

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