Sex With My Old and Fat Crush
By: Date: March 1, 2023 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , , , ,
Sienna Hills Plumper Pass 05

Today I would like to share a story about the fun I had with one of my family friends. Well, this happened a few days before at my residence place. I have returned from my office as I have taken leaves that were left and thought to stay in the house and if required then do work from my home. I reside in a flat and my house is on the 1st floor.

Above my house, there is another house whom you can call a neighbor and they basically stay in another city nowadays. So my 2nd-floor neighbor is close to us and we have a good family bond. They are just 3 members of the house and all the 3 are females while the head of the house went to heaven a few years back.

All of the people in that house are well qualified and are doing well. The youngest member or I could say, youngest daughter of the house was my crush since my school days and we used to study in the same school. She was intelligent and had a good personality and with time, she rises like the sun.

Recently, she came to her house alone as she had some marriage function of her friend and had a talk with her. I asked her in casual as we meet after many days like how is she and rest as a general talk. She told me that she was doing good and was here for a very short time which was 3 days and then back to her work.

I smiled and after seeing her now also, the old crush of mine for her grew this time and further I wished that this time I will get the chance. Later in the daytime, when she arrived, she came to my house and knocked my door and asked me if I can drop her at her friend’s house in my car.

This was the opportunity. I was looking for a while and with a smile, I told her yes. She smiled at me and told thanks and told that she would get ready and come back after an hour. I told her fine and till then I too got ready. Later at 11 or 12 in morning, she came back wearing a lehenga and was looking not less than a bride.

I even commented her at my doorstep that, is she going to marry today with a smile on my face and she blushed at my talk. I locked my house and then went with her to the parking lot and then told her to have seat and drove my car. While driving on the way we had a talk and I could see her waist covered through the transparent lehenga.

She was a bit chubby but while you have a crush on someone all seems to be good. She asked about me and I told what was I doing and she praised me for that. I smiled and thanked her. Later after some time, we reached her friend’s place and she told me to come along with her to meet his friend.

I avoided but she insisted me and then I parked my car and went along with her. I got introduced to her friend and I wished her a happy married life and had some snacks that were been offered to me and further told her that I would be leaving. She requested me that if she needs the help of me to get back to the house then she would be calling me.

I told her it’s ok, let me know and moved from her friend’s place back to home. Later after coming home, I came to know that my parents have booked a ticket for another city as they were going for some marriage function. I drove back my car and took my parents to the train station and made the seat in the reservation coach and waved my hand to say bye to them.

Then finally, we came home and laid on my bed. All things were done in my house. Later in the evening, she called me from her friend’s house and asked me what am I doing? I told her just lying on the bed as parents went to another city for some sort of marriage function.

She further asked me if I would be able to come to pick her up to which I told her yes, and will reach after a while. So she disconnected the call and later I reached to pick her up around 7 in the evening. She saw my car and came near and sat inside. Then I drove from there towards the house.

On the way, I asked her what she did the whole day. She told fun and fun and lots of talks and now a bit tired. I looked at her as her makeup was all over. On the way, she asked me if we could stop for coffee and I told it would be better if we reach home and have it on the bed.

She agreed and asked so who is going to make coffee? I smiled and remained silent. Later after reaching home, I told her to go and change her dress and come down to my house for coffee. She agreed and went to her house and later came back to my house.

By then my coffee preparation was over and I handed the coffee mug to her. I told her to come into my room and have a seat on my chair and I sat on the bed. Then we had our coffee and she was telling me what all happened in the function.

I was enjoying my coffee and listening to her talk. Later I asked her, so what is the plan for dinner and she told that she can manage as she was not feeling much hunger after the lunch. I asked her that, did she like to have some chicken starter as I would be going out to bring dinner for myself.

She thought for a while and told yes. I further picked up my keys and asked her why don’t you come up me and she denied at first as she thought that going back to the house and then changing her dress from shorts and tee to jeans and then go and then again change.

I told her that, just be seated in the car and can go in shorts and tee as it is a fashion now and no one was going to peep inside the car to see what was she wearing. She agreed after insisting her and then told ok. I too was wearing shorts and tee. We came out and I drove my car towards the hotel.

On the way, I asked her to do she ever tried drinks? She looked at me stunned and told yes! Just after a few times, I asked if she liked to have a can of beer as none of our parents were there. She agreed and I bought 2 cans of beers and chicken and dinner and came back to our home.

I told her to have her seat and handed over the can to her and the starter dish. We drank and then we had a casual talk. I asked her, casually that when was she going to marry or she had a crush on someone. She remained silent for a while and told not yet though as she didn’t have a perfect match yet in her life. I nodded my head and told ok.

After a while, I changed the topic from marriage to romance and then a bit of flirting and so on depending on her mood and making her mind attracted towards the romance. She too was enjoying the topic and got diverted with time towards my topic.

She told me finally that she would like to go to her house and sleep to which I told her that, if she has no problem then she can sleep there itself. So she agreed and she talked for a while with her mom and by then I had my dinner.

She didn’t disclose the matter that she was there in my house and had a beer and was going to sleep in my house. She dropped the call and then put her phone off and in charge. I too finished my dinner and back to her. I was thinking how to start and where to start because if something went wrong, then there would be a lot of talks.

So I moved to the bed and she gave me space. We sat for a while, resting our back on the bedside on the pillow. We continued to chat and I tried to deviate her mind back to exoticness. She was influenced and the beer that she drank was also making her mood swing towards exoticness.

Slowly and frequently and intentionally, I rubbed my arms over her and touched her. She didn’t resist. I got courage and moved ahead and put my hands over her shoulders. She did not stop me. Then I slowly pressed her shoulder and gave her a light massage over her neck.

She was liking it as she was tired after the whole day. Then slowly after a while, I moved my face near her face and she moved her face towards me in which, her lips touched mine and she moved back in shock. I told sorry first and she too told sorry. Then I took courage and told her that her lips were really sweet and soft. She blushed and made her eyes down.

Further, I complimented her beauty and she looked up into my eyes. I forward my face towards her face and tried to kiss her lips again. She moved her head bit back. I remain silent and be there motionless. Within next seconds she moved her face back forward and kissed my lips. This was a clear signal that she loves to move forward.

I too kissed her lips and then our kissing session begins which lasted for a few more minutes. It was like warming up before the main race. My hands were moving over her thighs which were uncovered by her shorts and I was massaging them slowly. Finally, I hugged her in middle of kissing.

Then again our lips tangled and we smooched and my tongue was exploring her mouth. She was now feeling the beginning of sensation. Then slowly, I held her dress around her waist and pulled it out over her head. She had got a wonderful pair of 34-D boobs locked inside a tight pink bra.

Her cleavage was deep and she was a bit fleshy. I kissed her cleavage and pushed her down on the pillow. She was looking at me. I too removed my t-shirt and went with her. I kissed her neck and her ear lobes and licked down her cleavage and pressed her boobs against her bra.

She was warm by now and she was too responding me by kissing my arms and neck and moving her hands over my back. I moved down and kissed her tummy and further moved down pulling her shorts and panty. Her thigs got fats and were fleshy. She was fair and her pussy was shaved.

I widened her thighs apart and played with her pussy. Fingered and licked and sucked a while and then moved back to her lips. I lay next to her pulled her over me. She now did the same like I did to her. She too kissed and licked my body from the top and moved down pulling my shorts out.

Then she held my cock and gave a handjob for a while after which she took it her mouth and gave me a warm blowjob. Her sucking was so hot that I discharged my juices into her mouth. She drank some of my juices and rest spit down ton floor. Then I made her lay on the bed back and kissed and licked her neck.

I unhooked her bra and pressed her boobs bit hard. I licked and sucked her nipples and made them hard. Then bite slowly her hard nipples to give her deep sensation and she moaned. My cock grew hard and without wasting much time I went near her pussy entrance and put my cock tip at the entrance.

I teased her for a while and then pushed my cock into her pussy. She gasped air as my cock was fat and hard. I smiled and took it out. Then again pushed my cock inside and it slid into her wet pussy. I fucked her pussy for a while making her legs resting on my shoulder. Then made her right leg rest on the bed and left on my shoulder and pump her pussy bit deep and faster.

Her boobs were shaking to and fro and she was moaning. After a few minutes, I rested both her legs down and made her turn in the doggy position. From the back side, I pushed my cock into her pussy and fucked her deep for a while in the doggy style and then for a few more minutes in the cowboy and reverse cowboy.

She got her orgasm in between and I too released my juices 2nd time. it was around 1 in the night and we both were a bit sweaty and tired. She went down from the bed and went to the washroom and cleaned herself and got back. Then we had a bit chat and we cuddled up and hugged and then slept under the blanket.

We woke up around 10 in the morning and then got fresh up. She was relaxed and smiling. We had sex one more time in the bathroom while having a shower.

Later, we had breakfast and she told me that her friend was having marriage today. I dropped her at her friend’s house again but she called me up early in the evening and after coming back, we had our third-time sex.

Next day was her train and so I dropped her at the station and we hugged one another before leaving the house. We know it is a top secret and none of our family must know it. She reached home after 10hr of her journey and then we talked on the phone and we were a bit naughty. Let’s see when we get next chance as we are in different states and different field of work. But 1 thing is that I got my wish full filled with fucking her after a very long time.