Suzie Slut, the Origins (Mf, ff, Implied)
By: Date: April 7, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , ,

Suzie would always blame her slut years on her mother, who was a drug
addict, a drunk and a slut all in one. When Suzie was young her mother
and father were into drugs, sex and music, sometimes all at one time.
Her sister was mostly her responsibility from the time she was six.
Linny was a beautiful little girl and Suzie loved her more than anyone
in the world. Because of the sir circumstances, Suzie and Linny slept
together, mostly naked, as the had little or no nightwear, so they were
used to each other’s bodies from an early age.
Gina, their mother, was given to having sex with whoever bought her
drugs. Sometimes the girls would get up and find naked men and women
sprawled in the living room in the morning. On occasion Suzie, who was
barely old enough to understand, witnessed the sex taking place,
sometimes in the hall outside their small bedroom. It was then that
she received an education; watching the cocks go in and out of her
mother or one of her druggie friends, the women sucking cock or
whatever. Sometimes her mother was gang-fucked most of the night.
Later Suzie realized how lucky she and Linny were to not be raped one
night in that apartment.
Their father was a distant and occasional figure, a big man with a
loud voice and brash way about him. They hardly ever had a Christmas
and did not know their birthdays until they were placed in foster homes
when they were six and ten years old. Suzie returned to her father at
13, tall and slender, with small, firm tits, she was ripe for the
picking. Hank was a lecherous, greedy man with an appetite for the
flesh. Gina, his first wife, now dead from a drug overdose, had been
only 15 when he had first had her, making her pregnant with Suzie. He
did not know who Linny’s father was. He saw Suzie as a sex partner and
little more.
It was a few nights after she arrived that he entered the bathroom
while she showered and got in the stall with her, naked. She had seen
cocks, of course, but she ahd never touched one. He caressed her and
washed her, then took her to his bed where he performed oral sex on the
young girl. She did not know what to do, so she surrendered to him,
the feelings, the orgasms. When presented with his cock in front of
her mouth, she opened it and accommodated his need, his cum splattering
across her face and down her chin as he finished on her face.
This was to be the pattern a few times a week when he was not in bed
with his young, red headed girlfriend, who was a street walker. She
would come and go at odd hours, sometimes running around naked,
sometimes sleeping on the kitchen floor when he was mad at her. Lucy
was her name and she was like a wounded animal searching for a place to
hold up, but Hank was not the kind of man to make it easy for her.
Suzie was 14 when Lucy OD’d in the bathroom, dying in the shower. Hank
had dragged her out, loaded her in the car and driving away with her.
Suzie never saw or heard about her again. That night Hank took her
virginity in the bathtub where Lucy had died.
Suzie accepted her lot, dropping out of school and having sex with
Hank, drinking rum and coke and watching soap operas all day. One
night Hank brought home two guys who took turns with her in the spare
bedroom. Hank had her come out naked and let the guys watch her suck
him off. She saw the money Hank got for her. There were others, big
men, young men, old men, even a few women, who taught her things 18
year old girls should not know. When she was just fifteen she got
sick; knowing what Hank had done to Lucy she ran from the house and was
found wandering almost naked in the rain by a woman, who took her to
the hospital. She was pregnant, very sick and would have died if they
had not aborted her. Her father had run; they did not find him.
Suzie, at the time, did not know his last name, having been told her
last name was that of her mother, so they did not connect him with
Linny or anyone else in the family. She went to live in another foster
home, where she stayed for about a year.
In the meantime Hank found Linny, who was only 11 and took up
residence nearby, conning a vulnerable older woman into taking him in.
He proceeded to fuck and use her for two years while he watched Linny
grow into a luscious, fuckable little woman. One night he took all of
the woman’s money and jewels, leaving her tied to a bed while two black
studs used her, something he liked to watch, and left. He picked Linny
up after school and took her out of state, where he proceeded to begin
training her.
She was not at pliable as Suzie, but soon understood that her life
depended on pleasing him, and she did. She learned to suck cock and
then fuck him for his pleasure, while learning to take pleasure
herself, almost against her will. Hank tried to sell her when she was
14 to a guy and his wife as a sex slave, but the woman had gone to the
police and she was rescued. Hank was put away for life after she was
identified and he was charged with kidnapping, crossing state lines,
incest and about 20 other crimes. Linny was returned home, where she
and Suzie were sent to live with their aunt.
Aunt Pam was a nice lady, divorced and a librarian. The girls were
way more than she would ever be able to handle. Suzie and Linny shared
a large bedroom in the basement of her house and from the beginning, a
bed. Suzie and Linny began making love almost at once, both needing
sex, despite the abuse they had undergone. Linny cried herself to
sleep in Suzie’s arms many nights. Suzie finished school in a special
program and actually held a job at a record store for nearly a year
before starting to dance at a strip club at 17 with a fake ID. Pam did
not know what to do, so she let Suzie move out. Linny and Suzie stayed
Now you know the origins of Suzie and Linny. More adventures of Suzie
Slut to come!!

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