Extreme sex story (dog,etc..)
By: Date: March 20, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , , ,

Vin had been away.
His mother offered for him to spend the night, sleeping on the sofa bed
in her living room.

It was time for bed.
Time for Vin to undress.
She took off her shoes, sitting in a chair watching.
Vin had faced away, hiding his penis, as he slid between the covers.
Last time.
This time he turned, facing her, displaying his erection.
Her Christian upbringing was too much for her, she sat there unable to move.
Vin reached down, grasping her fingers, closing them around his manhood.
Her upbringing prevented her from saying anything, but she stood, moving
her feet apart,
turning her knees slightly outward, leaning back slightly thrusting her
breasts forward
staring deeply into her eldest son’s eyes, smiling like Mona Lisa.
She was wearing an ivory colored blouse with large collar and buttons.
With trembling fingers Vin reached for the top button.
He was rewarded with a huge smile as it popped free.
He set about undoing the remaining oversized buttons, which would barely
fit through
the buttonholes, as he undid the last one, his mother slowly raised her
arms over her head.
Vin pulled the blouse up, turning it inside out, as the sleeves came
free of her wrists.
Her bra was white cotton, she held her arms out, allowing Vin to reach
around back, unfastening the triple hooks, holdings the bra in place.
She raised her arms again, allowing Vin to pull the bra over her head.
Her forty year old breasts sagged slightly, but her nipples were rock hard.
Her pleated skirt had a zipper in the back, with a button at the top.
She reached down, turning the skirt around so the zipper was in the
front, making eye contact
with Vin, smiling at her eldest son as he slid the zipper down.
With the button undone, she raised her arms a third time allowing Vin
and pull the skirt up over her head.
She took a slightly wider stance, leading to back slightly, maintaining
eye contact with Vin as he admired
her nearly naked body.
She looked down, smiling, as her son slid four fingers inside inside the
elastic band of her Panty Hose.
Vin pulled her Panty Hose and white cotton panties off, as one, exposing
her dark mound of pubic hair.
Having had two children, her outer vaginal lips did not quite touch,
exposing a line of inner pinkness.
Vin stood there, trembling, staring at his mother’s vagina.
After letting her eldest son admirer his mother’s vagina, she closed her
fingers around his
rock hard erection, leading him into the bedroom, laying on her back,
spreading her legs,
maintaining eye contact as Vin crawled into position over her.
In two hundred fifty years Vin had had a great deal of exciting sex, but
nothing came close
to that evening, looking into his mother’s eyes, feeling her hand,
guiding him into her
warm and willing vagina, as she threw her arms around him, fucking him
with incredible enthusiasm.
“You are bigger than your father.” She told him, humping away, holding
him tightly, squeezing her legs
together as Vin squirted hot semen into his mother’s vagina.
Vin was utterly convinced the universe would never allow him a thrill
greater than squirting hot semen into his mother’s vagina.
He was wrong of course.
His mother was determined to take revenge, in a single act, for a
lifetime of philandering by Vin’s father.
They had made love all night long.
At one point she had insisted on bringing them a snack from the kitchen,
telling Vin to stay in bed.
She had a note prepared, scotch taping it to the front door, leaving it

Mother and son were hard at it, as Vin looked up seeing his father
standing there.
As Vin continued thrusting away, his mother’s arms around him, his
father began undressing.
Vin squirted hot semen into his mother’s vagina as his father watched.
Vin rolled over, his father climbing on.

At one point his mother sat on him, facing his father, reaching down,
grasping his erection,
scooting forward sliding her warm vagina around his penis, she leaned
back trembling uncontrollably.
Vin threw his arms around her holding her tightly so they would not
become decoupled,
smelling the smell of her, her hair in his face.
Vin realized what was happening as he felt the bed to move taken his
father’s weight,
Vin began trembling uncontrollably, unable to accept what was about to
what not even Freud had eluded to.
Vin felt a hand fondling his mother’s genitals, feeling her stiffen with
fear, feeling the head of
a second penis poke gently into her, hearing her gasp as the length of
it slid into her,
feeling a pair of testicles bang against his own, feeling his mother
sliding back and forth
fucking father and son simultaneously .
Frankie continued sliding back and forth until she felt them both
quivering in orgasm.

The two men took turns with Frankie all weekend long.

Vin told her what he intended to do, telling her what she had done to
his father, was nothing compared
to what she was about to do to him, as he packed a couple of bikini
bathing suits in a bag for her.
She began trembling, breathing in short gasps, her eyes glassy, but she
did not say a word.
Vin drove her to the bordello east of town, leaving the trembling woman,
in the hands of the Madame.
This was pre-Lazarus, pre-AIDS, whores would line up wearing bikini
bathing suits, taking strangers to their tiny rooms for unsafe sex.

A week later Vin picked his mother up at the whorehouse.
They invited Vin’s father over, taping a note on the unlocked door.
He arrived finding mother and son hard at it, taking his clothes off,
without a word.
Frankie did not allow him any sex until he listened through her
hour-long recital
of her week long sexual adventure, including sex with a black truck
driver with an eighteen inch tool,
a group grope with five soldiers who had sex with her anus, vagina
mouth, and both hands simultaneously.
How thirty seven men had paid her to lay on her back spreading her legs
for them.
How men had paid her to let them douche her and fill her vagina with
beer cans.
And how, most importantly, she would return in two days time, as
numerous men had reserved they use of her

Vin had met with the bordello owner, discussing the possibility of a sex
The owner agreed, smiling hugely, a young man pimping his mother for a
live audience participation
sex show appealed to his warped sense of humor.
(He did not mention anything about filming the event.)
The owner began advertising by word of mouth at a nearby naval air station.
Making it understood the price of admission would include both the show
and sex with the performer afterwords.

Vin’s father had been broadly hinting he would like to visit the
whorehouse, transparently intending
to purchase Frankie’s flavors.
Vin allowed Saturday afternoon at two o’clock would be a perfect time.

There were fifty or sixty young sailors, glassy eyed, with obvious
bulges and their uniform trousers.
They were staring at a well-built vinyl covered low table in the exact
center of an area cordoned off
by red velvet theater ropes.
There was stage lighting, and multiple cameras obviously a whore, was
not only going to fuck fifty
men and a Great Dane, she was going to allow cameras to record her doing it.
The sexual tension as thick as a London pea soup fog.
At precisely two o’clock, the back door opened, admitting a dog handler
with a giant Great Dane
on a lead, the animal had obviously done this before, about half his
nine inch bright red penis
was protruding from its sheath.
“No! Dear God No!” Vin’s father exclaimed as Frankie walked into the room.
“Be quiet!” The guards will break both your arms, before throwing you out.
Frankie was dressed like a Mormon school teacher on a mission.
She was wearing her hair in a bun, eyeglasses, a starched blouse with
fifty buttons, and a long skirt.
She began work in her audience as though she had been doing this for a
lifetime, she gave the subtle wiggle
women make when they’re ready to be fucked.
She reached up pulling a pin out of her hair letting it fall free.

“Help me with these buttons”, she said smiling, walking to the center,
surrounded by young sailors.
“No only one button each” A quivering young sailor undid one button. The
dog handler stepped up,
holding an ice cream store number dispenser. The young sailor held up
the number one, smiling hugely.
“You are number one, actually number two”, she said smiling wickedly
stroking the lump in his trousers.
The young sailors had Vin’s mother naked in a matter of seconds, she was
not wearing a bra or panties.
As Frankie ducked under the velvet rope, the stage lighting came up, and
the gentle whirring of the cameras began.
Frankie laid on her back, head hanging off the end of the table.
The dog handler led the animal forward, who hopped up, placing both paws
on the low table, scooting forward
as Frankie opened her mouth.
Vin stood there watching fifty young sailors, mouths hanging open,
staring at Vin’s mother as she gave
a dog with a nine inch penis a blow job.
Vin watched his mother turn around, feet towards the animal, spreading
her legs, as two of the camera men ducked under the velvet ropes,
cameras mounted on their shoulders, moving in for a close up of the dog
running twelve inches of tongue in and out of his mother’s vagina.
Frankie scooted forward her vagina at the table edge.
She reached down, putting her fingers behind each knee, pulling, holding
her knees high and wide apart, vagina exposed, pink flushed and
quivering, waiting, the animal handler holding the enormous dog back
leading tension build, releasing the animal suddenly.
Frankie gave a loud gasp, then it stopped just short of a scream, as the
animal penetrated her, thrusting vigorously.
She wrapped her arms and legs around the huge animal, hanging on tight,
doing her best to match
the dog thrust for thrust, looking out from underneath, making eye
contact with the young sailors who had moved close to the velvet ropes,
smiling at them, enjoying watching them looking at her with uncontrolled
as woman and dog performed a vigorous act of truly obscene public sex.
When the graphically obscene coupling concluded, Frankie sat up,
spreading her legs wide, displaying
the dog semen on her ample mound of dark pubic hair.
“My son is in the audience today, with your permission, I will show you
how a mother should reward a son, afterwords I will let each of you
climb on top, I will call each of you son, if you call me mother.
When you get home, seduced your mother, she wants you to fuck her, but
is afraid to ask,
if my son had not seduced me, fucking me silly , I would not be here today.”
Vin stepped forward fucking his mother while a roomful of men shouted
“You are bigger than your father.” She hollered in a stage voice,
humping away, holding him tightly, as
fifty young sailors applauded, Vin squirted hot semen into his mother’s
Vin’s father sat in a chair in a chair, hands over his face, moaning
softly, rocking back and forth, as Vin took
the velvet ropes down, telling everyone to get naked.
It took over seven hours for Vin’s mother to satisfy all the sailors,
some of them multiple times.
All most all of them called her mother, she called all of them son,
including the cameramen, the dog handler, the sound man, and the director.
The dog got seconds and thirds, as compensation for not being called the
Frankie give each young sailor a business card, telling them to contact
her, but only
after they had successfully seduced their mother.

They were back in Vin’s super king-sized bed in the marble palace.
“Oh Vin, thank you for giving me back my memories, I can remember being
a little girl,
I remember my brothers and sisters. Like everyone else, I have a
lifetime of memories now.
But most of all I remember marvelous sex yesterday.” She said taking
hold of his erection.
“I have suspended that slice, any time you’re in the mood for sex with
fifty sailors, after publicly
fucking a Great Dane, let me know. ”
( Two or three times a month she did just that. )

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