My wife used to a cumbucket with my friends
By: Date: January 25, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , , ,

My name is James Sampson and this is the sad story of how my life
fell apart. In high school I had one long time girlfriend
Elizabeth Moore. Liz was a big girl and when I say big I don’t
mean chubby or plump I mean BIG. Liz weighed a good three hundred
and fifty pounds when we first meet and I took full advantage of
the low self image that comes with a body that big.

I would make her dress up in tight little skirts and see threw
tops and meet me in an alley or park where I would use her like a
cheap hooker until I got tired of her and sent her home. I broke
up with her a few times dated other girls but, they had to much
self respect to degrade themselves. I realized after a couple of
years that I really missed her so I looked Liz up and just as I
expected everyone wants to be a cowboy but no one wants to fuck a
cow. She was single and submissive just like I left her.

Liz and I were married the next year.

I know what you’re thinking you never marry your hoe but the bitch
got pregnant so I’m stuck with her. I tried to make the most of
it. I talked her into eating better and I even got her a personal
trainer to help her get rid of the weight. After about two months
she began to slim down but after six months she was a brick house
she wasn’t skinny by any means just better built and weighing in
at one eighty maybe one ninety a little chubby but like I said
with her new tight build its hard to kick her out of bed.

Everything was going great until the day she brought me lunch at
work. When she came threw the door I couldn’t believe my eyes. She
was wearing a black wool body dress the kind that grips every
curve and these six inch hills that made her look like an Amazon.
She waltzed over to my desk like a plow horse one hip at a time.
Every male in the office stopped to look. Hi baby having a good
day. It’s good now what gotten into you today. Well I’ve been
working very hard in the gym so I wanted a dress to show off the
results. I was about to tell her how much I liked the results when
my Boss Mr. Reed walked over. Sampson introduces me to this
beautiful woman. Mr. Reed this is my wife Elizabeth. Nice to meet
you Elizabeth he said as he reaches out his hand to shake hers.
Mr. Reed must have miss judged where he aimed his hand because
instead of shaking her hand he poked her in the left breast.
Instead of apologizing he said soft. My wife looked at me and I
looked at the floor what was I going to do he was my boss.
Elizabeth can I call you Liz. Why? Yes. My wife said a little
unsteady. I’m having a little party at my mansion this weekend and
I was hoping you and James could attend. My wife looked at me
again but I still couldn’t meet her eyes. Yes. Yes I think we can
come. Well that’s great come to my office and I’ll give you
directions. I started to get up but Reed said no James you need to
finish that Henderson report. After about twenty minutes I thought
I should go see what was taking so long. I walked down the long
hall to Reed’s office I could her odd noises coming from inside
but when I reached the door I was meet by Reed coming out the door
of his office. He stood there for a minute blocking my view of the
room saying that he hoped I was done with that report because he
needed it right away. I told him I e-mailed it to him which was a
lie. I just wanted to get to my wife she appeared behind him
forcing a little smile. Hey, baby. I got the address I’m sorry it
took so long but you know how I am with directions. I nodded and
prayed she was telling the truth. See you tonight Sweety. I
watched her leave with Reed standing beside me. I could almost
swear there was a little white spot on the back of her dress but I
could be wrong. Lovely wife you have there Sampson. He looked down
at his watch. Look at the time I have a meeting to go to as he
lowered his hand I noticed two wet fingers but that could have
come from anything right I’m just being paranoid. The rest of my
day was pretty boring I stayed in my little cubicle and typed away
at the Henderson file but, for some reason my mind kept drifting
back to Liz and Reed what was really going on in that office I’m
just being silly Reed can have any woman he wanted why would he
want my chunky little wife. Reed came back from his meeting at
about five o’clock he didn’t look at me but I could see sweat
beading on his forehead like he had been working out or something
I went to my car and rushed home to my wife. When I got there Liz
was on the couch crying I asked her what was wrong but, she made a
lame excuse about getting bleach on her new dress I hugged her for
a few minutes hoping that would make her shut up and she did. The
next couple of days went by uneventfully I worked on the Henderson
File without a word from Reed. Saturday evening my wife and I got
ready for the party she looked great far from the beached whale
she us to be long nylon covered legs ending at a fire red mini
dress I had nothing but sex on my mind but business had to come
first. We arrived after nine o’clock and the first face that meets
mine was Reed. Where the hell have you been? I got a call from
David Henderson saying he never got the changes to the file. I was
shocked into silence but when I found my voice I told Reed that it
had been taken care of the file. His face went red your lying to
me again just like the other day in the office. Do you like your
job? I should fire you right now but I’m going to give you a
chance I want you to go down to the office tonight finish that
file and send it to me. I reached for my wife’s hand to take her
with me but Reed said I don’t see why your fuck ups should spoil
everyone else’s good time come with me Mrs. Sampson and James I
would hurry if I was you. A wicked smile passed his lips as I
turned to walk away. What did he mean by that? Was he still going
to fire me? I rushed back to the office and got to work it was
sometime after one O’clock when I return to Reed’s house to
collect my wife the party was breaking up but there were a few
stragglers leaving when I arrived some saw me and hurried to there
cars I also realized I didn’t see any other wives I hurried to the
front door and pushed my way inside the sight that meet me at the
door made me sick to my stomach. My boss was beside the couch
slowly sliding his dick in and out of my wife’s swollen asshole.
So you’re finally back I’m sorry you had to find out this way but
I think your wife is a little on the easy side. His back stiffened
and he grunted one good time then he was done he pulled out and
left her there bent over the arm of the sofa. Anybody else want
some more of this bitch before I send her home? No one answered
all eyes were on me I didn’t know what to do so I slowly started
picking up my wife’s things. She still hadn’t moved when I got to
the couch cum began to pool on the floor between her nylon covered
legs. The nylons were torn but still clung to her beautiful legs.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face me whore I spat
into her mascara streaked face. Where is your dress you fucking
cumbucket? Her eyes rolled in her head and with a start she
realized it was me holding her arm. Help me please. It looks like
you’ve been helped enough for one night. I spotted her dress on
the arm of another couch and drug her behind me to retrieve it. I
was raped. Bullshit you just got caught. I dragged her out of the
house by her hair. Reed yelled. Goodnight don’t let the bed bugs
bite. I didn’t even look back but I heard the laughter. I hopped
behind the wheel of my mustang and gunned the engine. So talk
bitch I bet your really enjoyed yourself tonight. No please
believe me I was raped. I went quiet could she be telling the
truth. Remember that day I brought you lunch? She didn’t wait for
me to respond. That was the first time. He grabbed my arm when we
were out of your sight I asked him what was he doing he said he
hadn’t fucked anyone all day and that I had just won the lottery.
He threw me into his office and locked the door. Take off your
dress. Please No. He didn’t ask again. He slammed me against his
desk so hard it moved a couple of inches before I knew what was
going on he had my dress pulled up around my waist. He pulled my
panties to one side and jabbed two fingers into my pussy. It hurt
so badly but I was too scared to scream I just lay there and took
it hoping it would be over soon. He pulled his fingers out and
replaced them with his dick just as fast. He fucked me hard I
began to scream in spite of myself. He ripped my panties off with
out missing a stroke and stuffed them in my mouth. The sounds
coming from the office finally made sense. He didn’t last long
after that two or three pull on my hair and he was cumming. He
whispered that if I told you anything that he would fire you and
that would be the end of your career. You were at the door two
seconds later. I tried to straighten my clothes before you saw me.
I didn’t want to hurt you.

When I got home he pulled in right
behind me I tried to run but he caught me in the kitchen. He
grabbed a knife and told me to get on my knees. He made me kneel
on the floor and suck his dick I was so scared then he made a
phone call he made me keep sucking while he talked he was tell
some buddy how tight my big ass was and he should come try some.
Wait a minute but you left the office at ten O’clock. He was here
all that time. I had my answer before she even spoke. He wasn’t
the only one two more men showed up. He didn’t say anything to me
when his friends arrived he just ripped my dress off and told them
to have fun. They didn’t work at your office. I hadn’t seen them
before that day one was big really muscular and the other was
short and kind of fat but they were both black and they were both
very rough with me. The fat one laid on his back and pulled me on
top when He was all the way in he held me down onto of him when
the other guy came over stroking his dick I knew what they were
going to do I tried to pull away but he was too strong. I was
going to do you nice bitch I even brought you some lobe for that
virgin shitter but I guess you want it rough. He pulled my ass
wide open and said one busted ass coming up. Reed laughed when I
screamed. He broke me in with hard evil jabs I yelped every time
he hit my asshole until he found his mark. He forced it in hard.
Yeah take that bitch feel good to you? I almost blacked out but he
didn’t stop I heard a horrible wailing coming from some wounded
animal far away as I came back to my senses I realized the animal
was me. They all took turns saying they wanted to stretch me good
so no one would chaff their dick fucking my fat ass at the party.
They planned to rape you at the party? Yes. They planned it. I
thought you could protect me keep me safe from them but when you
walked away like a whipped dog I knew I was going to be used all
night long. They didn’t even wait till you left as soon as the
door closed Reed grabbed me by the arm and announced that I was
the new piece he was fucking and now he was going to share the
wealth. He pulled my dress off and pushed me into middle of the
room. Dave and Ron came to the middle of the floor and began
grinding against me to the music. Ron undid my bra and began
sucking on my breast. I moaned a little because it actually felt
good but Reed was furious. Where did you two learn how to run a
train? This bitch is for cum deposits only not for making love. He
grabbed me by my nipple real hard and said you like to moan I’m
going to make you scream. He twisted my poor nipple back and forth
most of the guys laughed some cheered get the bitch. I knew no one
would help me I just had to stay sane until you came back. He
ripped my panties off and pushed me on the floor I tried to get up
but he kicked me hard in the stomach. Remember the last argument
you had with your girl or that sexual favor that bitch you married
won’t do. Well here she is use her abuse her enjoy yourselves
tonight. She’s nobody fuck her and forget about it. He put his
foot on my back and she’s a toilet use her like one he unzipped
his pants pulled out his dick and pissed on my head. I think
that’s what broke me I gave up I didn’t struggle or fight I knew I
was nothing in his eyes and they were all going to use me like I
was nothing I was still laying face down when the first group
began fucking me. I didn’t know men could be such animals. They
fucked me like a dog face down ass up no one bother to be gentle
or even pull out when they came. Did they all fuck you there must
have been forty guys at the party? Liz began to cry again she
probely didn’t count how many guys fucked her. I looked between
her legs and saw a river of cum trailing from her holes to the
floor. When she pulled herself together she said they called me a
fat nasty hoe that’s why they could run a train on me and no one
would care. Fat hoes like me can take a lot of dick. Have you meet
Mike from accounting she asked all of a sudden. Yeah I think so
they call him horse. He’s a horse all right he really enjoyed
reaming my ass with that giant prick of his I think that’s when I
passed out. When I came too I was numb from the waist down which
tells me the party kept going without me. There was a bottle
sticking out of my pussy and somebody was balls deep in my ass
but, thankfully I couldn’t feel any of it. Alright fellas I think
its time for a break. Throw the cunt in the shower get her cleaned
up. I almost smiled they must be finished with me if they are
letting me shower. I almost didn’t mind a few of the guys bathing
me taking an extra turn in my pussy, ass, or mouth. After
showering I was told to come down stairs to the living room.
Everybody was squeezed into the little room waiting for me. Well
we were gonna let you catch a cab home but Phil raise your hand
Phil had a better idea. How do you feel about dogs? Come here
boys. Two huge great Danes entered the room. Come check-out your
new bitch. I started crying because my body was moving on its own.
Please don’t do this. On your knees cumbucket. No. He slapped me
so hard I felt it in my toes. Get up bitch.

I got on my knees as
fast as I could suck the boys off. I went down on the dogs like a
woman possessed anything not to get hit like that again when the
dogs dicks were nice and swollen Reed said pull up your skirt. I
don’t know how long they have been waiting for a bitch to fuck but
they didn’t need any coaching as soon as they saw a hole they
filled it. I couldn’t help but grunt when the first one mounted me
hard and fast the knot took me by surprise his cock began to swell
he started to slam my ass even harder. The knot was coming in
weather I wanted it too or not. When he got it all the way in I
was so full I looked pregnant. I think they took pictures or
flashing was just in my head I put my head on the floor I think I
passed out again when I came too the other dog was already mounted
and looking for the hole. This time I was so loose I didn’t even
know the knot was in until he stopped to dump his load. When the
dogs were finished with me I was meet by a new forest of hard
dicks bend over the couch bitch I was to afraid to disobey. Your
pussy is to loose to fuck now but your ass still looks pretty
tight and so it all began again in my ass actually I don’t know
how I’m sitting here now. They fucked my ass until it began to
swell shut over and over I thought I would lose my voice from the
screaming They kept the chant of who’s next going ass they all had
one more turn drilling my asshole when it was to swollen to fuck
your boss got the idea to cover his dick with butter for his turn
He was just finishing up when you got back. He said the sickest
things. How he would use me everyday in front of the whole office
while you watched. How he would find bigger dogs to fuck me next
time. I cried from the sheer terror of it. He liked the tears he
told me if I reported him to the police his lawyers would drag us
threw the mud. Oh James he even threatened my mother and father
what will we do. James looked down at the floor of the car there
was nothing he could do. He told me to bring you lunch on Monday
what should I do James didn’t say anything for a long while I want
you to bring me lunch. What do you say about bring me lunch on
Monday? He won’t do anything in front of all those people. He
probably wants to apologize for his behavior. Monday rolled around
and Liz could barely walk I’ll bring your lunch around ten thirty
ok I smiled at her and thought how much I really love my wife. I
sat at my desk listening to all the guys talk about how awesome
the party was how much they enjoyed the entertainment. That’s all
my wife was to them entertainment ten thirty arrive and there was
no sign of Liz at about twelve James knew he heard the sound of a
woman screaming He raced down the hall to find the source of the
sound it was Liz cum already leaking from her reopened ass as she
hung by her wrist from the ceiling of the supply closet with a
sign tied around her neck reading free ass fuck the last guy to
fuck her must have like to hear her scream because her panty gag
was lying on the floor Sampson what is the meaning of this said
Reed are you interrupting my new fuck whore keeping her from her
duties. Sampson closed the door and said I’m sorry sir you should
go back to your desk and if you move again you’re fired. James
turned away as Reed dropped his pants what’s the matter James you
want to watch Ok I got a show for you.

Reed untied her hands and
dragged her down the hall to the main office. He announced the
fuck toy will be at Sampson’s desk from now on sit Sampson take
theses ropes and tie her to the desk no I want you to tie her so
you are face to face. Reed then began to fuck my wife in the ass
again while I watched He had no regard for me or anyone else
watching he hammered into until his balls where empty Liz missed
her period and were expecting a bouncing baby bastard we have a
pool going as to whose the father I just hope he can at least pass
for white. Liz doesn’t speak to me anymore we’ve fallen into a
routine ten O’clock she bends over my desk twelve O’clock she
breaks for lunch which means she’s in the lunch room giving others
a break and back on my desk by one thirty for Reeds daily reaming
its not a wonderful life but its ours and besides I still love my

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