Canyon Sex Surprise – The Lunch
By: Date: December 5, 2023 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , , , , , ,

The noon sun bathed the canyon in a translucent light filtered by the
cottonwood leaves enveloping the massive trees lining the creek. Kris
and Katherine glided shyly hand in hand from the trail and into our
camp. Actually what was left of it, as Tori and I were packing to
leave. What a contrast both were, Kris with her dark hair, eyes and
olive skin, and Katherine, a natural blond, blue eyes and a pink flush
from the sun she had been getting while camping naked these last few
days. Where Kris was voluptuous, Katherine would be described as
athletic. We all greeted each other with generous smiles and looks of
anticipation. My cock was in the beginnings of arousal and the girls
nipples were hard points, begging to be caressed.

Earlier, Tori and I had talked at length about the electric thrill of
watching Kris and Katherine loving each other at the swimming hole this
morning and our abandoned fucking in response. After reflection, Tori
admitted that she was intrigued by the idea of making it with either, or
both of them. As I had noticed, she recounted the smoldering ‘I want
you look’ Katherine had given her when we swam over and introduced
ourselves. Tori confided that she felt such a rush at Katherine’s
obvious sexual desire for her that it was all she could
do not to come again right then and there. This talk had me stiff again
in no time at all. Tori had leaned over kissing me deeply while reaching
down, squeezing my balls, and stroking my now raging hard-on. No time
was wasted as she lay back on the sleeping bag and guided me into her
liquid center. I slid easily into her and started a slow rhythm, Tori
meeting each thrust with her own.

“I’m glad you talked me into this trip” Tori gushed.

“Me too”, I responded enthusiastically, my breathing tempo increasing to
match my desire. “You look absolutely positively fuckably radiant”.

“Why thank you” she grinned. “Now fuck me thoroughly, please. That is,
if you are up to it” she said, again grinning. I couldn’t let that
challenge got unanswered and renewed my thrusting.

We fucked for a few minutes before I rolled her on her side and slid my
body around behind hers. I placed one of her legs over my thigh and,
with one quick thrust, buried my member in her slippery opening. As I
increased the tempo I reached around and fingered her clit. Tori
gasped, “Yes, like that, oh yeah, you feel wonderful, yeah, keep going,
oh, oh ohhhhhhh” and her orgasm hit.” I held her tight and kept pumping
until I flooded her with my cum. As we both lay there recovering, Tori
spoke first, telling me how turned on she had become thinking about our
earlier encounter and……how much she was anticipating “lunch”.

As Kris and Katherine settled down and started talking with Tori, I
opened the last bottle of wine and passed the bottle around as, like
last night, we still didn’t have any glasses. I laid out the assortment
of food we had cobbled together from both our camps and we sat down to
eat. One of my hobbies is people watching and body language, and as we
ate and talked, the body language we were all exhibiting spoke of
interest, openness, and definitely sexual tension. We talked about the
canyon, our mutual love of going au-natural, and the thrill of this
morning’s escapades after our chance meeting. There were genuine smiles
all around, shy blushes from Tori, as well as bold looks of desire from
especially Katherine.

Tori and I were opposite Kris and Katherine whose thighs were all but
glued together. All of us sat cross legged, not leaving much to the
imagination. I noticed as the conversation continued, moisture formed
on the lips of Katherine’s shaved pussy, signalling her arousal. As we
continued to talk, we passed around the wine bottle, each taking a drink
in turn. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife, no
one seeming to want to make the first move. Both Kris and Katherine
though kept looking at Tori’s and my pubic area. As I watched Tori
squirm, obviously with an itch that needed scratching, it was becoming
difficult not to have a full blown erection. Just then the die was
cast, so to speak, as Tori took a drink of wine and promptly spilled it
down her chest. Katherine leaned forward and said “Oh my, let me help.”

She moved forward on her knees and began to lick the wine off Tori’s
right breast. As Tori leaned back on her hands to give Katherine easy
access to her breasts and nipples, Kris moved to Tori’s other side and
began to tongue her other breast and alternately kissing Katherine.
Tori was in heaven as she lay back on the sleeping bag and pulled both
of them close. I just sat there and started stroking my stiff tool,
enjoying the girls enjoy each other.

Tori’s lips parted as Katherine moved up, invading her mouth with a
probing, inquisitive tongue as Kris continued her licking and sucking of
Tori’s breasts. Tori had reached up and began to fondle Katherine’s
breasts pulling on her nipples causing her to gasp and squirm. Just
then Kris moved lower swirling her tongue around Tori’s navel and
tracing a line straight to her pussy. Tori’s sharp intake of breath
signaled the intense feelings she was experiencing as Kris began to work
on her with abandon. By now I was wanting to join the menage a trois
femme but held back and continued to stroke myself as I watched the
outrageous saphic dance before me. No one would believe me if I told
them about this trip, even if I was so inclined to tell them, and I

Tori was nibbling on Katherine’s nipples as Kris licked and sucked her
pussy with every other lick worming down to her ass hole. Tori would
lift her butt off the sleeping bag giving Kris greater access to her
tiny brown hole. Kris was fondling Katherine’s shaved slit as Tori
continued lick and suck Katherine’s nipples. Just then, Tori tensed and
cried out in orgasm throwing her head from side to side. As she came
down from the excitement Katherine turned around and straddled Tori in a
69. Both girls began to lick and suck each other’s sex and the groans,
moans and sighs told me they were lost in each other, copper
and gold tresses brushing heated thighs. Kris moved over to me and
began to lick my swollen member. She would lick up one side slowly and
down the other. As she returned to the tip she would pop the head in
quickly and swirl her tongue in the way that drives a man wild. I
grabbed her head and held her dark mane as she bobbed up and down on my
cock. Telling her that I would be coming any second only spurred her to
increase the tempo until, with a shout, I filled her mouth with my
seed. She swallowed all of it milking
my shaft to get every drop. She then reached up and kissed my mouth,
our tongues meeting, me tasting myself in a ritual of bonding as the
girls bonded also, tasting each other.

I rolled Kris on her back and began to kiss and lick her body tasting
Tori’s fragrance on her. The whole campsite smelled of sex. As I
parted her nether lips covered by a dark down, liquid seeped out
announcing her extreme arousal. I began to tongue her using ice cream
licks as she writhed under me moaning “Yes, like that!” I licked her
clit sucking the nub into my mouth and quickly flicking it. Kris was on
the verge of orgasm but I held off teasing her, playing her like a well
tuned instrument. The pitch needed to be just right. By now my cock
was back at attention and wanted to slip into something wet. I rolled
Kris over facing her so that her face was behind Katherine’s rear end.
As Tori continued to lick Katherine’s pussy Kris started working on her
ass, dipping her tongue into the lovely crease. I began to lick Kris’
ass also as she seemed to really enjoy it. She kept pushing back and
pulling her ass cheeks apart for me. After a while, I got up on my
knees and slipped my tool easily into her warm wet opening, my cock
beginning a rhythm that was difficult to keep up as Kris’ rear end was
moving wildly. I felt like a cowboy riding a wild stallion. After a
few minutes of heated thrusting I pulled out and rubbed some of her
juice on her other opening and placed the head against it. Kris began
to push back until I slipped past
her sphincter. She began to then take control and rock back and forth
until I was buried to the hilt in a tight warm ass. As I pounded into
her, she would alternately loosen her sphincter as I thrust and grip
tightly as I pulled out. It was obvious she loved to be done anally.
Her and my breathing became frenzied and there was no holding back as
she soon shuddered, crying out in orgasm. Katherine, Tori, and I came
almost immediately so powerful was the vision generated by the emotion
of Kris’ orgasm.

We all collapsed in a tangled heap and my softening cock fell out of
Kris with a plop. After we could breathe again we exchanged phone
numbers and promised to meet again. We then jumped into the water,
playing, kissing, and hugging, saying thank you for a great day. A
couple of guys hiking came by and the girls all stood up and waved as
the guys blushed and grinned. I gave them one of those eat your heart
out looks. Finally, with a one last hug, we said our good-byes and went
back to our separate camps. As Tori and I hiked back to our car for the
ride back to reality and work, I wondered………were the two guys
visiting Kris and Katherine right now?

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