What a sick girl I am, and he loves me this way
By: Date: February 1, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , ,

She glanced over at him. His blond hair seemed almost white in the
sunlight. His blue eyes twinkled at her… “Patience has never been
your strong suit, my dear,” he said, smiling at her.

“I know, but isn’t that one of my many charms…usually?” she joked
back at him.

They were walking in the park. It was a gorgeous summer day in
July, not too hot, and not even too humid. Just right for relaxing
in the sun or the shade of one of the many leafy trees that bordered
the paths. She was clad in a sleeveless romper that was covered in
a crazy floral pattern. She looked like a petunia patch had
exploded on her, he had told her when he picked her up. Her long
golden brown hair was loose, just as she knew he preferred it. He
was wearing just a plain blue t-shirt and khaki shorts. Although she
thought he looked good in anything he wore, he had on those damn
flip-flop sandals that she simply couldn’t stand. He was
definitely the looker of the two, although she had, on occasion,
turned a head or two.

“Please, please, please…” she begged, looking at him with a
teasing glint in her eyes. Her eyes were one of the most expressive
things about her…he had told her once that he could see right
through her when he looked into them. When she was upset, her eyes
looked drenched with tears, even when they were dry. When she was
angry, they were as cold as any ice chip you had ever seen. When
she was happy, they danced and sparkled, like they were doing right

He laughed, “Why? Give me one good reason…”

“I’ll be your best friend,” she quickly replied, in the singsong
voice of a child.

She grabbed his hand and they stopped walking. She looked serious
all of a sudden, and said, “I’ll ALWAYS be your friend…you
know that, right?”

He marveled at her mood changes…how could someone go from happy to
sad to giddy to serious, all in the span of ten minutes. “Women,
– he thought to himself, “can’t live with them, can’t hit ’em with
a car.” Outwardly, however, he looked at her and told her that he
knew they would always share a unique connection.

She smiled back at him, and pulled him by the hand. They had been
standing near the edge of a wooded glade. She dragged him about ten
feet into the woods, just behind a clump of large bushes. Anyone
walking by could see their heads, but that was about it. She ran her
hand down his chest, and nestled it on top of his cock.
“Ahh…” she thought, “THIS is what I’m in the mood for!”

“WHAT are you doing, you evil wench?!” he practically shouted
at her, although he certainly didn’t try to remove her hand,
which had started to curl around his prick.

She looked up at him and reminded him, “Well, YOU were supposed
to bring me lunch…and I AM hungry.” She smirked at him, and her
hand felt him jump underneath her touch. “Wouldn’t you like
to feed me?”

“Here?!! Now?!!” he couldn’t believe her. He had always
known how horny she could get at the most inopportune moments, but
he certainly didn’t want to get caught with his pants down in
the middle of the city park at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Of
course, as he said it, he felt his cock twitch and start to harden.

“Yes…here…now…”she answered back, and with that she
unzipped his shorts and let them fall to the ground. She caressed
his prick with her hand as they both looked down at it growing in
her grasp. “I am so glad you don’t wear underwear” she
told him, “and you do have SUCH a pretty cock.” She looked up
at him with that statement and could see his pupils dilating to
cover the blue of his eyes.

“Ahhh…oooohhh…” he moaned as her talented fingers ran up
and down the length of his dick. He felt the telltale twitching of
it growing harder and thicker for her, and damn, it felt good!

He glanced around the area, and saw a young couple walking down the
path in their general direction, pushing a baby carriage ahead of
them. “Stop…stop…” he growled at her, trying to dislodge
her hand and gesturing towards the approaching family.

She smiled mischievously at him, and suddenly dropped to her knees,
engulfing the head of his cock into her mouth. “OH MY GOD!” he
exclaimed rather loudly, as the couple looked over at him in
curiosity. He wondered what they thought of the strange man in the
bushes making the crazy sounds. Then he stopped caring, as she
flicked her tongue over that sensitive spot at the base of the head
of his cock, and he grabbed her hair in his growing passion.

She licked up and down the shaft of his cock, marveling again at how
beautiful it was. So many dicks that she had seen were ugly…not
that she had seen THAT many, of course, but she was far from being a
virgin. And she shuddered as she remembered what this one felt like
inside of her. He had a way of thrusting it into her, rubbing
against her special spot inside with every stroke, making her crazy
with passion.

She took the head into her mouth again, and used her hand to stroke
his shaft. He knew what she was doing…she wanted a taste of his
pre-cum. “She is so fucking amazing,” he thought. He had met
women who loved the taste of his semen before, but this one really
got into it. She worked his prick like a master…mistress…like
she knew exactly what to do to turn him on.

As if on cue, she gulped and drove her mouth further down his shaft.
She couldn’t deep throat him just yet, but she kept trying.
She could get all but the last inch into her mouth. She held him
there, flicking her tongue around him in the manner she knew he
loved. She was getting better, she thought to herself.
Oh….ahhh…there’s a taste, she thought, as a small moan
escaped her. She glanced up at him and saw those intense eyes
looking down at her. Those eyes that could be so icy were hot with
passion. He wasn’t going to try to stop her now, she thought.

“Did you get a taste?” he inquired in his low passion-filled

She stopped sucking him briefly, and stood up. She kept holding his
cock with her right hand, and with her left she reached around his
neck and drew his head down to hers. She kissed him deeply, and she
felt his tongue snake into her mouth. She smiled as she ended the
kiss. “Does that answer your question?” she breathily

“Get back down there and suck my cock,” he told her with a
smile on his face.

“As my lord commands,” she teasingly retorted, as she dropped
to her knees again. She took both of her hands and ran them across
his ass, cupping a cheek in each hand. She could feel the light
downy hairs caressing her palms….and she loved it.

He gulped as he felt her fingers run up and down the crack of his
ass. He liked the feeling, it made him hornier, if possible, but
always made him feel slightly vulnerable. He knew that she was
aware of this, and that was why she did it. He remembered her
telling him one time that one of the reasons she loved giving head
so much was that she was in complete control of the man. She liked
to know that she was the one giving the pleasure, instead of him
taking it. It was a small difference, she had told him, but one
that meant quite a bit to her.

“Uhhhh…ohhhh…god….it feels so GOOD…” he groaned in a
low tone. She heard him and grinned to herself. She could feel his
balls tightening just a bit. She sucked harder, letting the saliva
coat him freely, making her mouth wet as her pussy got when they
were making love. “That’s right”, he said, “Suck
me…suck me…ohh….” He thrust his prick back and forth into
her mouth faster and faster.

He looked around, at the trees, the sky, the grass. The colors
seemed sharper than usual. The scents of the woods…the damp, the
floral aromas…it all smelled stronger than normal. He thought
about everything he could except the way she was going down on him.
He wanted to prolong it if he could, but then she combined the
suction of her mouth with the butterfly flick of her tongue, and he
knew he was fighting a losing battle.

She grinned as his precum flowed faster now, mixing with her saliva
so much that she swallowed it down. She adored the taste of it.
“What a sick girl I am,”she thought. “And he loves me this way,” she
added as an afterthought.

“Ohhh….Ahhh….NOW!” he yelled, as the sperm shot out of the
end of his cock into her waiting mouth.

She didn’t miss a beat, continuing to suck gently as she felt
spurt after spurt of him empty in her mouth. She held it there,
until the spasm stopped. She then gently took his hand and placed
it on her throat. He glanced down at her and groaned again as he
watched, and felt, her swallow his load of semen down.

She then leaned forward on took his softening prick back into her
mouth and cleansed him. She sucked gently on him, because she knew
how sensitive he got after his climax. His whole body jerked as her
tongue bathed him. “God, does she know how to finish a blow job,”
he thought admiringly.

He finally pushed her away because he couldn’t stand it
anymore. She stood up and looked him in the eye. “Now THAT’S the
best picnic lunch I’ve ever had,” she smirked at him. “Can we do
it again soon?”

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