Canyon Sex Surprise 2.
By: Date: December 5, 2023 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , ,

The orange and pink of the impending sunset did little to alleviate the
scorching temperature
of the desert canyon trail we were hiking. The light rain, so welcome
during the evening
before had only served to make for a muggy morning start as the sun
crept out of it’s
Eastern mountain bed. By mid-afternoon though, all I wanted to do was
to reach the
bottom of the canyon promising cool natural springs and privacy. A
chance to peel these
dusty sweaty clothes off and, get wet. As I splashed my canteen down
the front of my shirt
in a last ditch effort for relief, my skin tingled at the sudden
coolness. That was not the only
thing tingling as mind and eyes drifted ahead to Tori who, leading the
way, provided a view
of tight buns in even tighter 501’s. Adjusting my jeans to compensate
for my rapidly
swelling cock, I hurried to catch up. I had desired her from the first
time she looked up
from her desk with those laughing green eyes framed by a red mane, and
said “You must be
Matt, the new sales manager Gary hired. Hi, I’m Tori.” Her warm
handshake and dazzling
smile had me tongue tied. That was 3 years ago. Today we are lovers.

We were supposed to be at a customer’s plant until tomorrow afternoon,
but finished this
morning instead. I suggested that since we had the rest of the day and
evening, as well as
the next day, we should hike Fossil Springs Canyon and spend the night
at the bottom.
Reluctant at first, “What if Gary, finds out?” Tori voiced a legitimate
fear, one that I
had thought of also. I assured her that I had covered our escape with
the others at the
jobsite. Besides, Gary was overseas. Trusting me and, knowing Tori was
warming up to
the possibilities, she finally agreed to come. I checked my backpacking
gear I keep in the
trunk just for occasions like this and said “Let’s go”.

After lunch and stopping to pick up some food and wine, we arrived at
the trailhead,
donned our packs, and headed across the desert to the drop-off point
into the canyon. This
being midweek we didn’t expect to find anyone else in the canyon when we
arrived. Just the
thought of being alone in a primitive wilderness with Tori was enough to
set my creative
mind into a state of agitation. We arrived at the bottom after a 4 hour
trek just before dusk
and set up camp near at the base of a cliff overhang that provided
shelter. It was also only a
stones throw from a natural spring that fed a secluded swimming hole.
Even better yet, not
another camper was to be seen.

As Tori scrounged for firewood, I rolled out the sleeping bag, and did
the little things to set
up camp. I started a campfire and suggested a swim before supper to
which Tori readily
agreed. As the last of the sun made its colorful exit and the stars
jumped onto their
overhead stage, I watched rapt as Tori crossed her arms reaching down
pulling her tank top
over her head. I then stepped forward saying “I want to undress you.”
I pulled her close
and our lips met in a sensuous probing of tongues as I reached out and
quickly took care of
the front closure on her bra. Her small but sensitive breasts sprang
forward, nipples like
erasers begging to be rubbed. I reached out, cupping both breasts, as
Tori unbuttoned and
removed my shirt. Now both naked from the waist up, we held each other
close savoring
the sensations of skin against skin in the light of a full moon just
rising. I then pulled away
slightly and bent down, beginning to lick and kiss each breast. I ran
my tongue over her
nipples and in the cleft formed underneath her soft globes. That always
drives her wild.

“I thought you wanted to go swimming” Tori laughingly said as she mock
tried to pull
away. “I do” I stated, “but first I want to EAT YOU UP!” I growled and
made a show of
trying bite her neck. Actually, the target I was interested in was much
lower, covered by
those 501’s.

I reached down and unbuttoned slowly her jeans, first exposing that cute
belly button and
finally the top of her fiery bush. As I knelt before the object of my
affection, I could smell
her arousal. I slid the denim off her hips and down her thighs as Tori
pulled my head to her
sex. We both laughed when we realized that we couldn’t get the jeans
over her hiking boots
which neither she nor I had neglected to remove. I picked her up in my
arms and gently laid
her on the sleeping bag so I could remove the boots. As the boots and
jeans came off, I
stood back and marveled at the tanned athletic body framed by a crown of
hair the color of
molten copper in the firelight. Tori lay there looking like the forest
nymph she is, as I
removed my jeans and underwear freeing my now rigid tool. As her arms
beckoned I lay
down beside her and began to explore her body with my hands and tongue.
“Close your
eyes” I whispered in her ear, “Just feel”.

Thus began a slow dance of fingers lightly caressing, eye lashes giving
butterfly kisses, lips
brushing sensitive skin, and a tongue working magic on insides of
elbows, behind knees,
inside thighs, and after I turned her over on her tummy, I let my tongue
bathe her ass cheeks
and slip down her crack making her ass wriggle with pleasure. I took
great pains to avoid
her pussy directly. Tori’s breathing became heavy with sharp intakes of
breath as I brought
her to the edge and then would back off.. She began to squirm begging
“Make me come,
quit teasing me”. I responded “What is the magic word?” “Pleeeease”
she quickly
breathed. I spread her legs, inserting one, then two fingers into her
very wet pussy sliding
them in and out in rhythm to her moans. I told her to open her eyes
and, as she did so,
pulled my fingers out of her. As I stared into her eyes, I brought the
fingers to my face,
never breaking eye contact, as I sucked on one and offered the other to
Tori who greedily
sucked it in swirling her tongue around it like a cock. I buried my
face in her sex, and she
began making animal sounds as I began to lick the sensitive outer lips
of her pussy,
alternately flicking the swollen clit. As I bore down on her clit it
wasn’t long before Tori
shuddered and cried out with her first orgasm. I kept swirling my
tongue around her clit
and stuck a finger up her ass as her second orgasm overtook her. This
time she almost
through me off the sleeping bag, so intense was her experience.

After a few minutes I moved up and kissed her softly and snuggled as she
slowly came back
to earth. “Doug that was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had” Tori
said. “You really
know how to build a guy’s ego” I quickly replied. Just then she reached
down and fondled
my rock hard tool. “Now it’s your turn” she growled. Tori is one of
the best fellatrixes that
I know. Not only can she deep throat all the way to the base of my cock
but has a
technique where she deep throats a cock and then pulls a suction that
could almost drain a
lake. Being on the end of it will drive a man out of his mind. Hey,
this is experience
talking. She began to work on my member in earnest, licking my balls
and shaft and
burying her nose in my hair as my full 7-1/2 inches slid down her
throat. Finally, I couldn’t
hold back any longer when she pulled her suction move on me. I
immediately filled her
throat with my creamy offering. Tori drank every last drop, and it was
my turn to say thank

I pulled Tori to her feet and said “Let’s have that swim now”. We
walked hand in hand
through the moonlight to the spring and down the rocks to the pool. The
water is a brisk
72 deg year round but felt wonderful in the heat as we waded in. We
both swam for awhile
talking about how we were glad that we made the decision to come here.
Eventually, we
ended up in each others arms with Tori’s legs locked around my waist.
It didn’t take long
with her pussy resting on my cock for me to become aroused again. As I
became hard, she
guided me into her hot tunnel as I kissed her deeply. Her nipples were
points digging into
my chest as I moved her up and down, the water slapping against us
rippling outward as we
fucked. I explored her ass with my hands as I supported her, pounding
into her tight
opening. I held back waiting for Tori to catch up. I could have come
anytime but wanted
to wait and come together. As her orgasm finally hit and her pussy
contracted around me, I
also let loose spurting deep inside her. We remained locked together
for a few minutes with
her head buried in my neck until, finally, I fell out of her soft.

We walked back to camp my arm around her waist, dried each other off,
and sat naked on
the sleeping bag in front of a crackling fire eating cheese, crackers,
fruit, and summer
sausage while drinking one of the bottles of Fetzer Merlot I had
packed. Literally, drinking
out of the bottle as I had forgot the glasses (but not the cork screw).
We both laughed at
the thought of two people stark naked in the wilderness in front of a
campfire eating cheese
and drinking fine wine out of the bottle.

We made love again before going to sleep and awakened the next morning
at the sound of
definitely female laughter and water splashing. I got up, leaving Tori
to wake up at her
pace, and walked up the trail that led to the swimming hole again
hearing a big splash and
laughter. As I rounded the corner of a large rock I stopped and stared
in disbelief. Two
girls, college students from the look, were in the water stark naked
having obviously a great
time. I stayed in the shadow of the tree I was under and watched them
laugh, splash each
other, and climb up on a large rock about 10 feet high either jumping or
diving time and
time again. One was blonde about 5′-2″, the same height as Tori, with
athletic hips, smallish
breasts but with large aureoles and a shaved pussy, while the other one
was brunette with
brown eyes and tall, at least 5′-10″. In contrast to the blonde, her
breasts were voluptuous,
hips full, nipples hard points, and a dark thatch covered her pubic

Obviously they were having fun. My stiff cock was in my hand watching
them. Who ever
said I hoped no one else would be in this canyon was spreading malicious
lies. Shame on
them. About now I saw Tori coming up the trail saying “What’s going
on?”. I put my
fingers to my lips and beckoned her forward. Her eyes widened as she
came up next to me
and saw what was in the water. About this time the two girls, laughing,
moved to shallow
water and began to hug each other. Soon they progressed to kissing as
their hands roamed
over each others bodies. The brunette kneaded the blonde’s ass pulling
her close, and bent
down to kiss her breasts, first sucking on one hard nipple, then the
other as the blonde
through her head back in ecstasy. I reached over and pulled Tori to me,
facing her toward
the action in the water, with her ass against my stiff tool, while
massaging her breasts. Now
the blonde was returning the brunette’s favor, sucking the brunette’s
nipples and finally
bending down to bury her face in her dark mound. The brunette was
moaning now, pulling
the blonde’s head tight against her sex.

About now, I bent Tori forward over a large rock and buried my rod in
her pussy. She had
this glazed look watching the two girls and her breathing was coming
fast. Obviously, I just
found out something new, she had some bi leanings. “Fuck me Matt!” she
whispered as I
started a rhythm.. “Aren’t they beautiful. Wouldn’t you like to be
with them?” I said testing
the waters. “Oh yes!” she breathed. “Fuck me!!” I kept sliding in and
out watching the
show in front of us.

About this time, the brunette pulled the blonde’s head up and kissed her
deeply, rubbing her
body against her friend. She then turned her around and bent her over a
log and proceeded
to tongue her ass alternating between her pussy and ass hole. She
kneaded her ass cheeks
licking along her ass crack then moving down and shoving her tongue up
her shaved pussy
causing the blonde to moan and writhe with pleasure. The brunette,
while using her tongue
to advantage was furiously slipping her hand in and out of her own pussy
and rubbing her
clit. In short order, both girls were cumming, screaming. At that
point, both Tori and I
couldn’t hold back any longer as the sight drove us over the brink. We
both exploded at the
same time, our bodies convulsing and our shouts echoing off the canyon

I looked up to see the two girls standing up, looking at us fucking,
both them and us
surprised and more than a little embarrassed. I made a decision
quickly, grabbed Tori by
the hand and strode out of the shadows and into the water, my cock still
at half mast. Both
girls just stood there and looked at us as we swam toward them. We
finally reached the
shallows, stood up naked also, and introduced ourselves. They
introduced themselves as
Katherine (the blonde) and Kris (the brunette), both a little nervous.
I broke the ice and
said that we had watched them for some time, had gotten so hot we had to
take care of our
desire, and wanted to thank them for the inspiration. We found out that
they were from
Phoenix as we were, and had been here for a couple of days. They had
not seen any other
campers and, obviously, had not heard us come in last night. It wasn’t
long before we all
seemed comfortable and I invited them over for lunch before we had to
leave, promising
wine and we would pool our food. Tori seemed especially happy that they
accepted, and I
noticed Katherine looking at Tori with what seemed more than casual

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