Old Age Granny Sucks cock
By: Date: January 22, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Beneath the wide-brimmed, feather-adorned hat, grandma squinted
towards the sea, with a sad, melancholy, distant smile upon her face
and her lips tightly clasped.

I hated when mom ordered me to stay with grandmother (“It’s your
turn!” she had barked out of frustration). I had so many better
things I would rather be doing. My family only had another three days
left of our vacation and I hated the fact that I was losing a whole
day to baby-sitting my half-senile old grandma.

She really wasn’t so bad, of course, but what teenager wants to be
stuck with his grandparent on a day such as this?

Moments before, I had retrieved a large glass of water for her from
our cottage across the sand. Now Grandma was humming an ancient tune
absentmindedly, drinking from that sweating glass of water, holding it
precariously in one hand. She so often did this – obviously zoning
out, thinking about her past.

Why did mom have to bring the old lady on our family holiday anyways?
Of course, I already knew the answer because I had asked it out of
frustration before we ever started: “Because your aunt and uncle took
her the previous two summers and now it is my turn to take care of
her.” I had even listened to the argument between my parents numerous
times. That’s how I knew dad felt the same way as I did.

The magazine I had been browsing lost what little interest it held,
and I wished like hell I could be out chasing that girl I had met the
other night, down by the pier. Long limbs, fantastic hair and tits to
die for! And she seemed to laugh at my every joke, her eyes never
straying far from my own.

Instead – here I was!

Grandma stopped humming and mumbled something incoherent. The only
thing I picked up was my grandfather’s name, “James”. Staring at the
pale wrinkled flesh of grandmothers face I saw that tears were gently
rolling down her flesh. Her eyes, however, had not moved from that
point out past the shore line.

Maybe I could get her back into the cabin to take a nap in her room.
Then I could at least jack off. Not as great as chasing that girl,
but at least there would be some relief to this desire within me.
With the old lady, mom, dad and two younger sisters all within a small
three bedroom shack that dad had rented for our vacation, it was a
most difficult task to do ‘it’ with the frequency that I was
accustomed to at home.

“Granny… do you want to go back into the cabin? Its getting pretty
hot out right now.” Which was true – it was supposed to go over
thirty, even down here by the water in the breeze. Did the
desperation come out in the sound of my voice? Go to bed, old woman!

Without waiting for an answer, I reached out and took grandmother’s
soft fleshy arm and helped her into a standing position. Then, I
started gently leading her back towards the cabin a short ways up the
beach. Through it all, I was acting the part of the loving, patient,
grandson that I had not even wanted to try out for.

‘Perhaps, if she goes to sleep, I could even go for a swim after
jacking off? Mom can’t expect me to watch the old lady every minute,

Grandma was not a large woman. She was small of frame and her weight
was slight, although she had abundant soft curves. I easily led her
up the beach towards our cabin, even though she had trouble with her
balance on the uneven beach.

At one point I over-compensated in guiding grandmother over a
washed-up piece of gray drift wood and my hand enclosed her far breast
before I pulled it away as if it burned.


Grandma, though, started to hum that damned song again – at a faster
beat than before. She never said a word about the accidental grope.

Seconds later, she nearly fell over a small hole in the sand, probably
dug the day before when my sisters were digging for shells, and jerked
forwards so that I was forced to save her again. As she came back to
a standing position one of her hands bumped into the front of my
swimming trunks directly over the crotch.

She mumbled, “… you are so good to me, James…” Her hand reached
up to her shoulder and dragged my larger masculine hand down to cover
her breast!

To say the least, I was shocked and quickly looked up and down the
beach to make sure no one could see what had just happened. I then
pulled my hand away, but grandma soon retrieved it mumbling, “… I
miss your hands on me, James…” Her first placement of my hand on
her breast could almost have been interpreted as non-sexual, simply a
way any loving people that have lived together might act; the second
placement could never have been perceived in this light. Clearly, she
thought I was grandpa and that we were alone!

I tried to accelerate our snail’s pace up the beach to the cabin; I
needed to get out of sight before someone saw what was going on. In
spite of the focus on making progress, my mind grasped that I was
holding a large, soft breast. I had given up trying to release the
cloth-covered flesh for two reasons. One, she was being firm about
returning my hand to her chest, and two, the teat was the first that I
had ever held and my adolescent curiosity overcame my
morality. Through the thin summer dress and the thick harness of a
brassiere beneath, I could even feel the nipple harden and press into
my sweaty palm. My body, and that place between my legs, cared not to
whom it belonged nor even the age of the boob in question.

This fact, that my body was responding to my grandmother’s body in
this way, shocked me nearly as much as it began to excite me.
Embarrassment overshadowed both emotions.

I opened the cabin door, and grandma turned as we entered our
temporary abode, wrapping her arms about her grandson’s neck and
pressing herself against me. “Thank you, honey!”

Did she mean me or grandpa? Grandma had never been this loopy before
– perhaps she did have too much sun today!

Then she very suggestively ground her crotch and round soft stomach
into my groin before slowly moving away. There was no mistaking her
action; there was no other way to justify or to over-read what she had
just done. She was expressing a sexual interest in the person who had
walked her across that sand with his hand on her breast, and that
action, as pitiful as it sounded to me at the time, was the most
sexual act of my youthful life!

I stood in the doorway, stunned at how familiar grandma had been with
me – holding my hand to her breast, grinding herself into me.
Regardless of whether she thought I was her long dead husband of many
years or not, her actions were simply shocking. She was my
grandmother; she was OLD; she wasn’t supposed to have these feelings
anymore. My mind shouted for me to rush out of there, to run away as
fast as my bare feet could carry me!

Grandma moved out of my strong arms to the ancient, florescent-green,
dusty couch and sat down facing me. She wore a rare smile, her eyes
distant but staring directly at my crotch. Knowing that my excitement
had to be obvious was embarrassing to say the least! “Why don’t you
come over here, James, and let me take care of you before the kids
return?” Her smile turned up at the edges slyly and suggestively.

I wanted to turn away, wanting to rush out of there. These last
moments already felt like an episode from the Twilight Zone.

Grandma’s old, brown-spotted, wrinkled hands came up and began to undo
the buttons of the flowered top of her dress. I could see that her
hands trembled slightly, though I did not understand enough at this
moment to realize why.

I watched as though I was not in my body, as though this was happening
to someone else. The old woman pushed the top of her dress down off
her shoulders to expose her huge bosom covering by that ugly white
harness. It was not the first time I had seen such a sight, having
seen mom this way before, but it was one more shock after all that had
already transpired that afternoon.

I was just taking a breath to speak up; I needed to tell the old woman
that she was confused, that grandpa was dead these long
years. Instead, just as my mouth opened, her hands reached smoothly
behind her back a few seconds and the white elastic straps slid off
her shoulders. Two large, very pale, soft-looking mounds of flesh,
each topped with a wide leathery brown nipple, came into sight as her
bra slid down to her waist. Grandma raised her eyes from my crotch
and said, “Come and put some more cream on my titties, James? I know
how you love that.”

The sound of my bare feet slapping loudly on the hollow wooden
floorboards was the first indication to my conscious mind that I was
moving towards my own grandparent. I told myself over and over that I
was just going to cover her back up, while my mind screamed for me to
run away.

It was not to be.

Grandma had different ideas and spread her knees just as I stepped up
to her. The loose summer skirt spread to the point that I could see
the white cotton of her panties between the soft white thighs beneath
the hem of her clothing.

She then reached out and grasped the bulge at my crotch!

Frozen in place, I stood mute and watched as my old grandparent pulled
down my shorts to expose my half-hard penis. Not only was this a
warped image of all my reality to that date, it was way beyond my
innocent experiences and I felt helplessly in thrall to the growing,
throbbing muscle between my legs.

Then grandma did something that I would never forget for the rest of
my life – she leaned forwards and took my penis into her mouth!

Blood rushed from my head and I felt like fainting, even as I realized
my cock was expanding quickly to full size while grandma sucked on me
almost hungrily.

‘This is it! This was what a blow job feels like!’ I thought as I
steadied myself from falling.

Grandma, though, was bouncing her head back and forth, her lips
wrapped firmly against the throbbing hard shaft of my dick. She
certainly was not afraid of a penis, unlike most girls my own age.
Her saliva now coated my hard cock and was beginning to drip down her

Her mature, familiar face now looked different, and a wave of emotions
rolled through me as I started to pump my hips in time to her sucking.
‘How many times did she do this for grandpa,’ I thought jealously? It
was the most erotic and fantastic moment of my life. Our age
difference no longer mattered; what mattered was that my cock was
getting sucked by a woman clearly talented in the act, and it loved
every second!

Her lips came off just long enough to gasp breathlessly, “Come all
over my fat titties, baby! You know it helps them grow!”

My hips accelerated and I felt embarrassment that I obviously was not
going to last as long as the guys in those porn movies I watched. I
know, I know. But the oddest things can go through one’s mind at the
strangest of moments – and this had to be one for my personal record

Looking past her hungry mouth and my thrusting hips, I could see that
her aged hands were holding up those large breasts as if presenting
them to me. Did she really mean for me to…?

Just that thought was a sufficient catalyst to cause the inevitable
eruption, and my dick began to spurt violently inside grandmother’s
mouth. She gasped and I saw a string of sperm hanging from the roof
of her mouth to her chin. She quickly moved her face back so that her
grandchild’s cock’s continuing jerks and spits were outside her mouth
and sprayed all over her pale, soft tit-flesh again and again.
Grandma watched the whole thing wide-eyed and smiling, obviously
delighted with the outcome.

I gasped and watched all this in amazement, still feeling like the
third person at this little incestuous event. As soon as my final
shot of sperm jerked violently from the head of my cock, my other
senses seemed to take on a new level of awareness. The beach outside
was thunderous as the surf crashed rhythmically; the woodpeckers
behind the cabin were loud in their work; even the wind seemed to
serenade this moment. And the smells: the scent of the beach, the
faint odor from the dust and dirt of a thousand people that had
traveled through this room, even the distant smell of grandmother’s
vanilla perfume.

Then the unmistakable sound of tires rolling up the sand and gravel
driveway seemed to overshadow all other sounds. My family! “Oh god,
it’s mom and dad! Hurry, grandma, get dressed!”

My hands were already yanking my shorts back up over my rapidly
deflating, yet comfortably satisfied, dick. I had the time, even
during in my frenetic dressing, to comment to myself that a blow-job
was much better than the jerking-off I had been planning!

Grandma was wearing a dreamy little smile. Both her hands were
rubbing her grandchild’s sperm into her tit-flesh as if it would,
indeed, cause them to grow. Had she finally gone over the deep end;
was she in her little private universe where Grandpa James and she
could do as they pleased?

What a fucking heel I was, taking advantage of her like that!

I heard the car stop out behind the rental cottage and then the engine
turn off. I was horrified that my mother should walk in and
understand what her mom had done with her child. The picture had to
be obvious! Hell, grandma had not found all the pearl-colored spots
of ejaculate to rub into her pale flesh.

Trying to be gentle, worried that I might bruise her, I grasped my
grandmother’s upper arms and rushed her into her room. It was only
one of three bedrooms. If you work out the arrangements, you can see
that I was left to sleep on the couch, the same couch that grandmother
and I had just…! I closed the door, not even enjoying the sight of
grandmother yanking on her own tight, thick, sperm-coated nipples.

“James, honey?” Mom!

I rushed back to the front half of the small cabin to see my family
walking in with handfuls of shopping bags. Would mother wonder why I
was sweating profusely? One of my younger sisters rushed past me
towards the room she shared with our other sister. Suddenly I became
fearful and turned my head to ensure she did not open grandma’s door.

“Did you and your grandma have a good afternoon, honey?” Mom did not
even look at me as she dropped the stuffed grocery bags on the
miniature-sized counter while dad did the same before leaving the
cabin, probably to get more of the same.

“My grandson and I had a great afternoon!” Grandma!

I felt like passing out when I first heard her voice, so I let my
shoulder drop against the side of the wall to stop myself from
falling. There, stepping slowly up behind me, was my grandmother. I
looked around, not knowing what I would see. Thank god! The top of
her dress was back as it should be and those great big white titties
were again out of sight.

With the stress of the moment, it had not hit me that grandma was no
longer delusional.

“That’s great, mom.” Mom shot me a sideways look before continuing,
“You look different mother… almost radiant… did you get too much

Grandma stood aside to let her youngest granddaughter rush past her to
join her sister in their shared room. When she turned back to her
daughter, my mother, she was standing directly next to me. “No, I
think the son was perfect today – in fact, I hope to have more on this
trip!” My face felt like it was on fire from shame; did she mean what
I thought I just heard? I felt a rising fear that mother would put my
fiery face with grandmother’s unusual perkiness and interpret her
statement as I had.

Mom, however, just frowned and then turned back to the bags of
groceries, reaching in to pull out two loaves of bread. “That’s nice
to hear. James, I’m glad you took good care of your grandma today.”

I could not say a word; my mouth was dry, and my lips were tightly
clasped, and my head again felt like it was spinning.

Grandma, though, answered for me with a light chuckle, “I think it was
more me taking care of my grandson today, but it’s his turn tomorrow.”

I suddenly felt grandmother’s hand grasp one ass cheek outside of my
shorts. Mom could not see from her angle, but I turned my head in
confusion to see grandma wink at me. My mind was reeling and I was
fearful of discovery. I was just coming to think about the long-term
consequences of our actions, even as I realized that my grandparent
must have been faking her confusion and senility all along. What had
I gotten myself into? And more importantly, what did I want to try to
do about it?!

Chapter II

I awoke from a dreadful night of sleep. The couch, I cursed not for
the first time, sucked as a bed. The bright morning sun shone
painfully even through my closed eyelids. My hand, as normal, was
already fondling my morning-hard dick inside my boxers absentmindedly.
If not for the damned couch being in the middle of the only
non-bedroom in the cabin, I would have enjoyed a good-morning

“Morning James.”

Mom. “Hum… hi mom.” I mumbled. I still didn’t open my eyes –
instead, tactfully pulling my hand from my shorts and turning towards
the back of the couch, hiding my face.

She was moving around in the kitchen. “You missed breakfast. Did you
stay up late reading?”

Up late? Then it hit me, as I had been blissfully oblivious to the
horrors of my thoughts until this moment as I had lain awake in bed
deep into the morning. Had it really happened?

Rather than the dread and self-loathing of the day before, I chuckled
in light-hearted humor. I had gotten my first full blow-job –
witnessed two of the biggest pair of titties that I’ve ever seen –
then coated them with my sperm that had been sucked out of me by my
own grandmother. Just at the quick memory, my dick throbbed painfully
against the back of the couch where I had pressed it and I knew that
it did not mind what I had done the day before was illegal, immoral or
otherwise demented. Hell, my prick was hard and throbbing because it
wanted another blow job – but I knew that could ever be.

Even after my parents returned home after ejaculating all over my
grandmother’s breasts, I was not sure if the old lady was senile or
not. Who had she sucked off – me or the husband that had died years
before? I tend to think it was me that she pleasured but realized it
may have been the both of us.

Getting my cock sucked had broadened my mind I realized with another
chuckle. There was no mistaking how happy grandma had been afterwords
– how she played with her granddaughters, spoke with her daughter
about happier moments in their lives and kept giving me little private

The fact that I slept on the couch within the same room that the
kitchen was in was testimony to how tired I was. Groaning I rolled
back to face out of the couch and forced my eyes to slowly open.

The first sight of my day was mom’s legs moving past my vision, as she
gathered some of the cereal bowls my sisters had discarded. Before I
realized what I was doing, I was appraising my mother appreciate –
nice shapely legs, small feet, good even tan from hanging out at the
beach, best of all that round wiggling bottom beneath her loose
shorts. Within seconds of realizing what I was doing, I clamped my
eyes shut.

This was my mother for god sake!

I opened them again, and she was standing facing away from me at the
counter that comprised the sum of the kitchen. Yes indeed, I thought
with a grin, nice soft ass.

“Your father went out fishing again James.”

My eyes slowly rose to see mother looking at me over her shoulder, a
frown on her brow.

“You could have gone with him if you hadn’t slept in so late.” She
turned away from me, looking almost disgusted.

I recalled that dad said I could go with him today and agreed too,
knowing that my father frequently found reasons not to be near his
family – especially with his wife’s mother in attendance.

“As it is, I was going to take the girls to the water slides soon – do
you want to come?”

I sat up on the couch and held my head as if it were about to roll off
my shoulders. The first thought I kept to myself – where was grandma
going to be at this time? But obviously that she would be going with
mom and my sisters, as mom didn’t like to leave the old girl alone.
“I think I’ll stay around the cabin today mom.”

Mom turned from the counter and strode heavily towards me. I could
not help but notice how her generous breasts bounced within her
tee-shirt – realizing with a jerk of my cock that they were
unencumbered by a bra. She pointedly ignored my gaze as she bent over
to retrieve my book and a water glass by the couch. I took the
opportunity to lean gently forwards and inhaled, experiencing mother’s
familiar comforting scent.

She must have heard me because she stood up and glared at me for a few
lengthy seconds before spinning towards the counter again. “If you
don’t want to spend any time with your family, then I will leave your
grandmother at home for you to watch.” She was stating this sharply,
as if it were a punishment. Instead, my dick jerked in my pants and I
hoped I could have the opportunity for another blow job.

At that moment my two sisters came barreling out of their room down
the short hall, laughing and shouting as they rushed through the
little common room before leaving through the single front door with a
slam. Mother simply picked up a denim beach-bag by the door and
without a word towards me followed her daughters out of our cabin.

I sat in silence, knowing mom was following my sisters down the beach
to the small town and its many amusements.

Rather than dwell on why mother seemed to be pissed at me, instead I
wondered how her breasts looked naked.

Some minutes later I stumbled to the bathroom, not bothering to close
the sheet that acted as a door, as I pissed a long steady stream
awkwardly into the bowl. I say ‘awkwardly’ because my dick was still
hard – and even after pissing, did not relent.

Wearing only my boxer shorts, my hard cock obviously poking out its
front, I strode down the hall to the only close door. I suddenly felt
nervous and considered knocking – but something animal-like recalled
how the mouth felt the day before, how it was to be serviced and the
thought of submissively knocking seemed stupid. I reached out and
turned the doorknob firmly before pushing it open.

The first thing I noticed was the scent of an old woman – nothing
disgusting I assure you, just stale perfume, strange powders, flowers,
old clothing, soap. The next was the face that turned towards me from
the bed, the eyes moving slowly from my face down to my crotch where
my cock had not lowered from its recent piss.

Grandma was still in bed – perhaps she was feeling ill I thought
disappointed? Suddenly I felt stupid – like a child – did I just
think I could come in here and get a blow job just like that? She was
beneath the large blanket that she had brought from home – her hair
still entombed beneath the net she wore to bed.

Silently we stood there for some time – she just laying there starring
at the bulge in my shorts. I had no way to ask for oral sex – to even
ask her if I could see her big tits again. They had flashed through
my head again and again while I lay on the couch last night – and I
think I even dreamed about them in my sleep.

Grandma was the first to move, almost reluctantly turning her head
away from me, facing back to the wall by the bed – pulling the thick
blanket up to her chin.

I thought I was being dismissed – that the old girl was feeling
disgust at what she had done to me the day before. I was suddenly
feeling like a fool – wanted to run, to jump in the ocean and get

But then she slowly reached around and pulled the pink flowered
blanket up from the side of the bed. I watched mesmerized as the
blanket was pulled all the way past her hip, exposing her big round
bottom covered by the predicted white cotton nightgown. The hand
moved back and awkwardly pulled the cotton nightie up her thick thighs
and over her big pale fleshy ass.

There before me was a bare bottom intentionally exposed – and though I
had little experience in this area, I rather thought the sight
gorgeous. You could not tell the owner’s age from just the white
smooth flesh – almost white in color, unblemished, smooth and soft

I knew my mouth was hanging open stupidly.

Grandmother wiggled upon her bed so that her knees were drawn further
up before her, pressing her ass back so that it lay over the edge of
the bed facings me. All that could be seen of her was that big fat
gorgeous ass and the back of her head with the stupid hair-net – the
rest hidden beneath the blanket.

I was still a little confused about what was going on until my
grandparent slide a hand around her raised hip and grasped her white
soft ass cheek and pried it apart from the other. An audible gasp
escaped from me, the sight of the hairless crack exposed – the pink
wrinkled anus, the puffy looking thick otter lips of her sex.

There was no doubt in my mind that she was offering herself to me.

I pushed down my boxers and stepped out of them without tearing my
eyes from my grandmother’s big sexy ass which she continued to hold
wide for my pleasure. With a shit-eating-grin I stepped forwards, my
hand already grasping myself anxiously.

Falling to my knees directly before that exposed bottom I was suddenly
overcome with what actually to do. I couldn’t just stick it in her
could I? Forget that she was my grandparent – wasn’t it rude to just
go around poking someone without at least a more obvious invitation?

But if this wasn’t an invite, then what was it?

My trembling hand reached out and grasped the raised cheek, finding it
warm smooth and as soft as I had expected. There was no reaction from

No one would understand this would they? My friends would be
disgusted and I would be ostracized! Dad sickened and probably hate
me as much as he hated the old lady. Mom, what would she do if she
found out? The fact was – no one would understand? Do I?

My hand fondled openly, moving lower, bolder. My fingers slide along
the length of that warm and surprisingly damp crease and touched the
hard hot wrinkled anus – it tightening in initial response, then
pressing out and then relaxing. My index finger explored, and I was
thrilled with this intimacy – never before imagining a butt hole to be
so erotic. There was a light grease about the hole that allowed me to
ease my finger to the first knuckle within – she shivered in response,
but nothing else.

All too soon I abandoned that intimate location and moved higher upon
the path to what I knew to be nirvana – every teenage boys dream. The
fact that it was my grandmother was simply my little secret but it was
thrilling non the less.

My fingers found the crease of her sex greasy with thick juice, almost
hot. Fumbling with inexperience I pressed my digit between the
mysterious folds and found itself engulfed to my third knuckle within
my grandmother’s cunt. I had found nirvana!

I felt the body before me shiver and press itself back towards me
almost anxiously. I wiggled my finger inside the hot wet sheath and
almost laughed out loud in joy – my first cunt!

Then for the next twenty seconds I fumbled and stumbled about behind
my patient grandparent, trying to put my hard dick in the hole my
finger had found. At the end of those lengthy seconds I took a deep
breath and cursed silently under my breath – I had not been able to
find the hole with the head of my cock. I looked up to see that
grandmother had not moved – still laying as an offering to me. My
hand pulled the edge of the blanket down so that I could see her face,
how her eyes were clenched tight – waiting.

Taking another deep breath I grasped my cock in one hand and this time
side the head along the greasy crack until it was slick, pressing
gently forwards with each swipe. This time when I moved my hips to
thrust forwards, my cock moved with ease into my own grandparent’s

This time there was a distinct reaction from my act as the old lady
gasped out sharply. I stayed within that hot wet place just enjoying
the new sensations with a wide smile.

Stupidly, I realized at that very moment that I was no longer a virgin
– the embarrassing dread of virginity was over, gone.

Pushing grandma’s hand where it had been holding her ass cheek away
from the other, replacing it with both of my own. I took two full
handholds of flesh, my fingers sinking deeply into the aged woman
beneath me, and began to move my hips.

I never felt more alive – more a man than at any time in my life!

My hard cock was covered in her juices as I watched it move in and out
of the thick fleshy lips of her sex, the pink winkled inner lips
clinking to my dick almost possessively as it moved. Grandma’s small
frame was bouncing on her bed with each of my thrusts – but I knew it
did not hurt her, rather she was grunting like an animal each time I
sunk within her. And without a doubt I knew she was enjoying this –
fuddled mind or not!

The thrusts of my passion were accelerating and I knew with
disappointment and excitement that I was not going to last much
longer. Grandma’s body was bouncing over the the top of the bed,
beneath the blanket and she was sighing and gasping alternately.

A crazy thought came to my head and I wondered if grandma was having
sex with grandpa or me?

It didn’t matter did it? Now right now – not while I was moving back
and forth inside her aged soft body.

It hit me right then, while I was still doing it – I was no longer a
virgin! I felt like shouting for joy but instead gritted my teeth and
fucked the old lady harder.

She whimpered as my cock began to shoot, jerking inside her hot wet
loose folds, and I felt like a god!

It was done and I stepped back to look at that big while ass leaking
fluid from her hairy vagina and down her pale fleshy thighs. Grandma
was comatose and I thought I could hear small snoring noses coming
from her.

That was when I heard a noise from the front of the small cabin, the
screen door opening and someone stepping into the front room.


I yanked up my boxers and rushed from grandma’s room and down the very
short hallway to the common area, mom was frowning and looking at me

“Hi mom. I was in the washroom.”

She just nodded, “I forgot the sunscreen.” My sisters burned easily
in the sun, even now after they were both golden brown. Mom strode
past me towards the bathroom when she stopped right beside me, her
nose wrinkling.

My heart stopped.

She looked at me intensely, “What have you been doing James?”

Real fear ran through me and I thought mom knew everything – how I had
been using my old grandmother in a selfish way. I was about to
apologize, I was about to beg forgiveness when grandmother’s voice
spoke up a meter behind me.

“Are you finally out James? I thought my bladder was going to burst!”

I heard grandmother’s feet shuffle towards the furthest small room
before hearing her weight press into the loosely bolted toilet.
Mother looked surprise at her mom’s interruption, and perhaps she had
expected me to crack – I almost had. A wave of relief ran through me
– I had escaped, again! Yet I knew mother suspected something, the
way she was acting was proof enough.

She continued on her path past me, “Do you want to come with the girls
and I to the water-slides mom?” My mom was speaking through the
curtain that acted as a door for the bathroom while I stood at the end
of the hall and watched her dumbly.

“No dear, I didn’t sleep well last night. You kids go and have fun.”

Mom looked at me briefly and it wasn’t the friendliest look she had
ever given. “Okay, James will stay with you today okay mom?”

“You worry too much dear – go and have fun.”

Mom then asked for the sunscreen and grandma passed it through the
closed curtain. She then walked back down the short hallway to stop
next to me again, her voice harsh but hushed, “I don’t know what is
going on James, but I know you are up to no good?”

My heart thumped dangerously but I knew I was safe, this time, from
discovery of my awful secret. “I’m not sure what you mean mom?”

She just squinted at me as if this was an old western and we were in a
gun fight. Mother then took a deep breath and left the small cabin
without another word or a look back.

As soon as she was gone grandma came padding out from the bathroom, a
dreamy smile on her lips and her eyes glazed and far away. She looked
at me with nothing less than love, “That girl! You should have taught
her to mind her own business when she was younger James?”

I nodded, realizing with a twinge of disappointment that I was now my
grandfather in her eyes.

Grandmother strode up to me and stood on her toes, arms wrapped about
my neck. Her lips came to mine and of all the things we had done to
date this shocked me the most. Her lips widened and her thick
slippery warm tongue forced itself into my mouth. It was one thing to
press my hard dick into her, kissing felt more personable and intimate
and I did not much care for it.

She kissed me passionately for a full minute before dropping back onto
her bare feet and looking up at me with love. “Can I make you
something for breakfast my love?”

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