Cabin Fever erotica
By: Date: March 19, 2024 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , , ,

I hate arguments. I really do. Just about the only
thing I hate more than an argument, is the simple fact that
they are part of relationships. Without any arguments, I’ve
heard people say, relationships cannot grow and prosper. I
do not know about that. I prefer a quiet, happy existance.
But in life, we do not always get what we want.
Unfortunately, my fiancee and I recently got into an
argument. Her name is Lisa, and the two of us plan to get
married in November of 1998. Instead of going into the
details of the argument, I’ll simply say that Lisa started
it, and she was wrong in doing so. This is not the stubborn
side of me talking – now that it is over, Lisa agrees with
me that she was the instigator of our little squabble. The
important thing is that everything is back to normal.

During the argument, Lisa had me so upset that I decided
to leave the apartment – to get away from her for awhile. I
thought I could spend a few hours away by myself, instead of
staying home and bantering back and forth with her about who
was right and who was wrong. My hope was that when I
returned to the apartment, later that evening, Lisa would be
in a calmer mood. Then, we could discuss things.
Each time I feel like “getting away”, the usual place I
go is my parents’ boat, in the downtown marina. They rarely
use it for themseleves anymore – it is almost as if the boat
belongs to me. I have free reign to use it as I please. It
is actually a houseboat, a good-sized one, with a kitchen
and sleeping quarters inside the cabin. A person could live
in it, if neccessary.
This particular boat has provided me with a safe haven
over the years whenever there is trouble or worries in my
life. I always feel confidant that I can go to the boat,
and rest and relax there.
After my recent argument with Lisa, I decided to take a
trip to the marina. I stopped for an afternoon snack on the
way, then brought the (fast) food along with me to the boat.
I took a seat on the deck and caught some rays, while eating
my extra value meal. Once finished, I let all the worries
slip from my mind – and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later, a familiar voice brought me out of my
slumber. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, focusing
on the sight before me. Ahh, Lisa. There stood my future
bride, on the dock, just outside the boat. A stunning, tall
blonde, Lisa is the most beautiful woman I have ever known.
She has the face of an angel and the legs of a showgirl,
along with a magnificant body and an enchanting smile.
On this day, at the marina, Lisa stood before me in her
thin, red summer dress. This particular dress happens to be
one of my favorite outfits for her to wear. It is rather
simple, but also very sexy at the same time. Plus, she wore
red high-heels and red sunglasses, with dark lenses.
“Hello, Lisa,” I stated, about 10 seconds after waking
up. I hoped that she did not want to continue the argument,
especially here at the boat – my personal “safe haven”.
Instead, I saw her mouth twitch in a remorseful way,
then she slipped her sunglasses off and looked at me with
sorrowful eyes. “Hi Jeremy,” came her tentative words.
I looked at her for a few seconds more, then glanced
down and noticed a water bottle alongside my chair. I took
a swig of it, then turned my attention back to Lisa.
“I figured you’d come here,” she offered, taking a slow
step toward the gate. “You’ve always loved this boat.”
“It’s a nice place to relax,” I returned, feeling weary.
Lisa is not a confrontational person – she does not like to
argue anymore than I do. However, I was still fearful that
she may explode at me at anytime. “Very peaceful, too.”
“Care if I come aboard?” she asked quickly.
My eyebrows raised at her sudden request, and I returned
in a calm tone, “No, not at all.” I now got the idea that
she was not in an argumentive type of mood.
“Thank you,” Lisa replied, stepping through the gate. I
watched as she gathered a fold-up chair from the cabin, then
bring it out to the deck and open it beside me. She took a
seat there, and looked deep into my eyes.
“Jeremy, I’m sorry for the argument,” Lisa offered. “It
was my fault, and I shouldn’t have taken my frustrations out
on you. I’m really, really sorry. Can you forgive me?”
I was frozen for a second or two, but then gave her a
smile and little laugh. “Of course I forgive you, Lisa.”
Likewise, a smile came to her lovely face. She reached
out and grasped my hand, saying, “Thank you. I’ve had some
time to think and came to the -”
“No,” I interjected, squeezing her hand. “Please. Let
us forget the argument ever happened. I don’t want to talk
about it anymore.” I grinned at her. “You know how much I
truly hate squabbling with you.”
After a moment, Lisa nodded her head and smiled warmly.
“Yes, you hate to argue. Deal. We won’t talk about it any
longer.” She paused, then changed the subject. “How long
have you been out here?”
I glanced at my wristwatch and replied, “Ehh, a couple
of hours.” Twilight was just starting to fall. “Do you
want to go back home?” I was thinking of giving her a hot
oil massage – one of my specialties.
“Doesn’t matter,” she told me. “I’ll stay out here on
the boat for awhile if you want to. I like it here.”
I smiled. “If that is what you want.” I could give her
a hot oil massage anytime. “Hey… would you like something
to drink? I’ve got some diet soda in the refrigerator, down
in the cabin. Interested?”
“Sure,” came her reply.
I got up from the chair, stretched my muscles, then went
down into the cabin – specifically, the kitchen area. I had
brought a 6-pack of diet soda with me in addition to the
fast-food meal, not knowing how many hours I would spend at
the boat on this particular day.
As I was standing at the counter and pouring the soda
into a plastic cup with ice, I heard the cabin door close
behind me. I glanced around, and noticed Lisa coming toward
me. With my back still turned to her, she closed the
distance and hugged me from behind – placing the side of her
face right between my shoulder blades.
“I love you, Jeremy,” Lisa mumbled. I could tell that
she was still feeling bad about the argument – although her
earlier words suggested otherwise.
Thus, I turned around and lightly wrapped my arms around
her neck and shoulders. I stared deeply into her eyes for
several seconds, then brought my right hand up and traced
the outline of her mouth with a fingertip. “I love you too,
Lisa.” She caught my fingertip between her lips, and gently
sucked on it. “I don’t want you to feel guilty. I told
you, let’s forget the argument. It is ancient history, as
far as I’m concerned.”
She looked up at me with puppy-dog eyes and sucked on my
fingertip a few more seconds before saying, “Are you sure?
I mean, can you just forget the argument, all at once?”
“Yes, I can,” was my reply, as I prodded my fingertip
against her soft lips. “I want you to forget it, too. I’m
not one to dwell on negative things – you know that.”

Lisa looked up at me with the same expression for a few
more seconds, then smiled and kissed me on the lips. I
pulled my finger away and kissed her in return, my tongue
slipping into her soft, velvety mouth. We embraced each
other a bit tighter, our tongues dueling with one another.
I caught several strands of her long blonde hair in my
right hand and played with it, gently pulling and yanking
away. Lisa giggled and dug her long fingernails into my
shoulders, lightly caressing and massaging them. My right
hand soon found its way to one of her breasts. The thin
red dress did little to hide the firm, full shape of her
breast, as I cupped and squeezed it with my hand.
Lisa moaned as I slipped both of my hands between our
pressed bodies, then started to undo the large white buttons
which went up and down the front of her dress. Our shared
kiss had become quite heated and passionate by now, and she
held and clenched my shoulders tightly with her arms.
As I got the first glimpse of her bra-covered breasts, I
realized where we were – in the boat! For a moment, I was
skeptical whether or not this should continue. We were in a
public marina, and anyone could walk by at any time. On the
other hand, Lisa had closed the cabin door behind her, and
all the windows were covered by curtains. No one could
“spy” on us. Still, however, someone may HEAR us.
All thoughts of resistance faded away as Lisa reached
down and grasped my rock-hard cock through the trousers I
wore. How could I possibly decline this goddess, if she
wanted to make love with me? I felt confidant that if we
were quiet about it, no one in the marina would hear us.
We continued kissing as I guided her into the bedroom
area of the boat. I flicked the light on and then laid Lisa
down across the mattress, still kissing her. My right hand
sneaked into the front of her dress, and felt her firm
breasts. My other hand worked on undoing the remaining
buttons of her dress.
Lisa’s hands ventured down to my waist, behind my back,
and pulled up the t-shirt I wore. Once she had it gathered
around my shoulders, we broke the kiss and then, the t-shirt
was pulled up and over my head. Lisa kissed my shoulders
and neck, while looking up at me with sparkling eyes.
“I love you,” I whispered, kissing her forehead.
“Love you too,” she reciprocated, bringing her mouth to
mine once again. We kissed gently – my tongue tracing the
shape and texture of her intoxicating, moist lips.
I finally undid the buttons upon her dress, then pulled
it open to expose most of her luscious body. She was laying
beneath me, in just a sexy white bra and see-through white
panties. I admired her lovely figure for a few seconds,
before sliding the shoulder straps of her dress down. Then,
I slipped her dress off, and tossed it to the floor.
Lisa squealed and hummed with delight as I grasped each
of her full, firm breasts and squeezed them. I quickly
unsnapped her bra in back, then whipped it off. After I
grabbed a handful of each breast, Lisa pulled me down to
her and gave me another scorching kiss.
I slipped my hands away and enjoyed the sensations of
her breasts as they squished hard against my bare chest.
Lisa’s tongue was devouring my mouth, and she moaned in
rapture as our encounter continued.
I was able to break the kiss, then slid my lips and
tongue from her chin, down her slender neck and across her
shoulders, all the way to the deepened valley between her
breasts. I kissed and licked at her cleavage, just before
closing my mouth over a nipple and sucking it gently.
Lisa moaned beneath me, running her hands and sharp
fingernails across my shoulders and back. Little sparks of
sexual electricity shot through me as her nails gently raked
and scratched my skin. I moaned, but managed to keep my
mouth firmly attached to her breast and nipple.
Lisa’s body stiffened in arousal as I slipped an open
palm between her thighs, and gave the area a hard rub. I’m
certain she was not expecting that – thus her reaction. She
groaned as I started to diddle my finger across her clit,
through her thin panties.
Lisa arched her back and sighed in pleasure as I went to
her other breast with my lips and tongue. Meanwhile, I kept
flicking my finger over her clit, through the sheer panties.
Lisa squealed as I soon went from breast to breast,
giving each a kiss and lick which lasted no longer than two
seconds apiece. I rotated from breast to breast about ten
or fifteen times, before burying my face in her cleavage and
tonguing it for about 30 seconds.
Slowly, I made my way down to her belly, and licked my
tongue in circles around her navel. I glanced up at Lisa
and smiled, watching her breasts rise and fall with each
breath. She raised her head and looked at me with a smile,
as I pressed my palm against the joining of her thighs.

Suddenly, Lisa rolled out from underneath me, and stood
up. She leaned down and placed her hands on my shoulders,
trying to make me roll over onto my back. I complied, and
then she dropped to her knees beside my waist and started
tugging away at my trousers. It was clear that she was
intent on demonstrating her expert cocksucking skills.
I placed both hands behind my head and smiled as Lisa
pulled my trousers and briefs down. She first got rid of my
sneakers and socks, then did the same with my trousers and
briefs. My erection was at full strength, and she wasted no
time by taking it into her hand and starting to pump away.
On her knees beside me, Lisa slowly opened her mouth and
gave my hard cock a single, long swipe with her tongue.
After a tiny giggle and accompanying smile, she slipped the
full length of my shaft between her moist, red lips.
I moaned in pleasure as Lisa started a gentle sucking.
What makes her an expert cocksucker, in my opinion, is that
Lisa is so complete and thorough with her oral work. She is
concerned in seeing that I receive the maximum amount of
pleasure. In return, Lisa gets great satisfaction from not
only making me feel good, but also from giving me a truly
exquisite and lengthy blowjob. I’ve certainly never met a
woman who can perform fellatio quite like she can.
Lisa held onto the base of my cock with her left hand as
her head bobbed up and down in a slow, steady motion. She
had her lips clamped around my erection, and I could feel
her wet tongue slipping and sliding around it in her mouth.
I arched my neck and closed my eyes, then sighed in deep
arousal before looking back down at her.
It was amazing. I had a clear, unobstructed view of
what she was doing to me. Lisa would start each long, full
stroke with her lips barely holding the tip of my shaft.
Then, I would watch my cock slowly vanish into her hungry
mouth. Her lips would go all the way down to her left hand,
which held the base of my cock. Then she would pull back,
and repeat the same process.
A moan escaped from within me as Lisa slipped my shaft
out of her mouth. After licking its tip several times, she
slipped it back into her wonderful mouth. But instead of
giving me a series of gentle, loving strokes, she decided to
try something different.
Lisa’s head started to bounce up and down vigorously
upon my shaft, at a rapid-speed pace. I could feel its tip
bump hard against the back of her throat with each quick
downstroke – and in response, I moaned wildly in lust.
In fact, Lisa was bobbing her head up and down at warp
speed. I could hear her moan and gasp for breath as the
seconds went by, while I trembled in a passionate rage.
Deep shockwaves of heated pleasure shot throughout my
entire body as Lisa continued her expert oral work. I
cannot begin to accurately describe the amount of pleasure
she was bringing me. It was an extreme pleasure… it felt
like all the good things in the world, all rolled up into
one. Still, though, that does not describe how good she was
making me feel. Words can’t do it justice.
I moaned in an agonizing pleasure as my cock erupted in
her mouth. Lisa clamped her lips tight as I emptied a full
helping of thick sperm into her willing throat. As usual,
she did her absolute best to swallow every single drop.
Still moaning, I gently thrusted my hips up and down, my
cock sliding in and out of her exotic mouth.
I sighed in a mixture of exhaustion and lust as she
whipped my cock out from between her lips. Lisa proceeded
to give it a series of full, sweeping licks with her velvety
tongue – her intent to clean off all the gooey, thick sperm
which remained.

Still on her knees beside me, Lisa made sure my shaft
was clean and dry, then leaned forward and gave my stomach
and chest a series of quick kisses. I trapped her left hand
with my right and squeezed gently – I love holding hands
with her. It’s very romantic, in my opinion.
With her other hand, she again grasped my cock and began
pumping it. After that wonderful blowjob she had given me,
my shaft had deflated. But now, just as quickly, it was
growing larger by the second – as she pumped it.
I reached with my right hand and brushed her long blonde
hair with it, stroking her scalp lovingly in the process.
Lisa looked at me for an instant, her eyes glowing with
pleasure, then continued to kiss my stomach and chest,
while stroking my erection with her right hand.

I had visions of returning her fellatio offering with
some oral work of my own, but she had different ideas.

Lisa stood and quickly kicked off her high-heels, then
slipped her panties down and off. Before I knew what had
happened next, she was straddling my hips, her slit hovering
just over my bulging cock. I leaned up very slightly, and
placed both hands upon her hips. Lisa winced with pleasure
as she lowered herself to my shaft, it sliding deep up into
her. Once I was firmly entrenched in her, she gave a deep
moan and stared down at me, love and adoration in her eyes.
“Let’s keep it quiet, sweetheart,” I told her. “Too
much noise, and someone walking by the boat may hear us.
That would be sort of embarrassing, don’t you think?”
Still moaning, Lisa replied by simply nodding her head.
She placed both hands upon the center of my chest and used
it as a balance point, then started to move up and down
upon my enlarged shaft. I pumped and twitched my hips,
wanting to add to her pleasure.
I grabbed her hands with both of mine and held them
tightly as we gently rocked together. I do not know what
makes me feel better – her insides forcefully grasping my
cock, or seeing her expression full of pleasure. It is
extremely exciting for me to know that I am bringing her
pleasure. That is my main goal, every time we make love.
At the same time, though, I cannot get enough of her body.
One of Lisa’s hands escaped from my grasp, and she used
that forearm to brush back several strands of blonde hair
which had been hanging down over her face. With my free
hand, I reached up and pinched one of her nipples, drawing a
squeal of heated arousal from her.
My cock still in her, Lisa leaned over and gave me a
full kiss on the mouth. I quickly grasped her hips with my
hands, holding them in place, then lost all sight as her
long hair covered my face and head, obstructing any vision.
We continued kissing, our tongues dueling together, as
Lisa writhed and twitched about upon my erection. Now, both
of my hands were pinching and squeezing her sweet bottom.

Lisa and I continued in this very same position – her on
top of me, with my cock lodged in her, as she leaned over
and kissed me – for quite some time. It only ended once I
realized that Lisa was experiencing an orgasm. Since we
like to share mutual orgasms during sexual intercourse, I
decided to let myself go.
My cock exploded inside of her, filling and flooding her
with a hot batch of sperm. Both of us moaned cautiously,
remembering to try and keep the noise at a minimum. All the
while, I gave her mouth a series of deep kisses.

Soon, Lisa lost all of her strength and sagged against
me. She moaned, the side of her face against my shoulder,
and then my cock slipped out of her. Tired myself, I kissed
the top of her head and then hugged her tightly to me.
After a sigh and gasp, she said, “I love you.”
I smiled at those wonderful words. There is nothing
more in this world that I enjoy hearing than those three
words – especially from my darling fiancee.
“I love you, too,” I whispered, close to her ear.

* * *

As things turned out, Lisa and I fell asleep on the bed,
right in the cabin – in each others’ arms. This certainly
was not planned. I woke up several hours later, around
11:00pm, and then realized where we were. I awakened Lisa
and both of us got dressed in a hurry, then went back to our
apartment. There, we took a quick shower – and then made
love again, before calling it a night and going to sleep.
Since then, we have already started to make plans of
spending an entire weekend in the boat – perhaps somewhere
out at sea. That would be most interesting.
Lisa and I alone together for an entire weekend out at
sea – I certainly have no objections to the idea.

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