Donna plays pool
By: Date: March 20, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , , , , , ,

First a bit about myself; My name is Donna and I am 45 years old, 140 pounds,
and strawberry blonde and quite pretty; and I have a huge 36DD chest. I’m only
5’ 2″ tall so my rack of tits looks huge. I generally wear short skirts because
they make my legs look longer. I never wear knickers. Actually I don’t even have
any knickers, I gave up wearing them years ago. I love the feeling of the air
wafting over my naked cunt and the freedom of not having anything constraining
my big vaginal lips. I rarely wear a bra, except when I am going to work. The
guys at work can see I am wearing a bra, but they can’t see that I am not
wearing any knickers. Oh, and I suffer from Kleine-Levine Syndrome (KLS) that
means I suffer from completely uncontrollable desires for sex, urgent and
rampant sex.
I can’t really remember exactly when my episodes of KLS started, but I remember
I was still at school; probably about 15 years old. The first time I recall I
was sitting in a classroom with people that I had been to school with for most
of my life. Suddenly my cunt was really hot, I mean ‘really hot’; it was so hot
it couldn’t be ignored. It was pulsing and throbbing, and I could feel my chest
and face beginning to flush with heat too. I was fidgeting on my chair so much I
looked around the classroom to see if anyone had noticed.

Surreptitiously, I sneaked my hand under my desk and up my short skirt. I
stroked my cunt lips from the outside of my knickers. This made it worse, much
worse. I knew that I needed to give my cunt urgent attention, and now.
That was impossible, given where I was, but I pulled my knickers down a bit so
that they were no longer tight against my cunt’s lips. That was better, now I
could slide my hand up my legs, up my mini-skirt and could properly stroke my
lips. It wasn’t enough. I slid my index finger inside my cunt. It was soaking
wet. It wasn’t enough. I kept my finger deep inside my cunt as I squeezed my
clitoris really hard with my thumb. It was good, but it just made my cunt throb
more. It wasn’t enough. I had to excuse myself from the lecture.

I stood up; remembering to smooth my skirt down over my thighs and making sure
that my knickers weren’t on show. The teacher nodded when I asked to be excused.
I left the class and rushed to the toilet. I quickly bolted the door and ripped
my knickers off; actually I tore my knickers off. They were ruined and I stuffed
them into my pocket. I put one leg up on the toilet seat and thrust two fingers
into my hot cunt. That felt better, but not good enough. I stood there fucking
myself with my fingers, I came four times, but still my cunt was throbbing. My
cunt’s juices were running down my thighs but I was still so hot I didn’t know
what to do. As soon as I stopped finger-fucking the throbbing came back with a
vengeance, I didn’t know, back then, that this was an illness that I would have
to live with for the rest of my Iife, but I felt that if I could get a proper
cock inside me the heat and the throbbing might stop. But where could I get a
man’s cock inside me in a girl’s school?
I had to go back to class, I sat there conscious of my naked arse on the chair,
my knickers being in my pocket and not covering my arse. I squirmed on the seat
a bit, trying to control the impossible feelings between my legs as my horny
cunt throbbed through the rest of the lesson.
Finally the lesson ended. I didn’t even wait for my mates to come out of class.
I just legged it out of school and mostly ran home.

Mum and Dad were still at work so I had the house to myself. I had one more try
at relieving myself with my fingers before I borrowed Mum’s Rampant Rabbit (she
didn’t know that I knew where she hid it). Ramming the rabbit in and out of my
cunt helped a bit, but my cunt was still throbbing with lust. I couldn’t
understand it, I was only 15, I had only been fucked a few times in my whole
life but now I was completely and totally desperate to be fucked by a hard and
hot cock.
I laid on my bed, still stroking the Rampant Rabbit in and out of my cunt as I
squeezed my hard nipples. I was thinking where I could go to get fucked without
being recognised as a local, and an underage schoolgirl.
I couldn’t wait any more. I put on a short black pleated ASOS skirt that just
skimmed my arse, and an off-the-shoulder knitted top. Underneath I was naked;
and horny. I put on a long jacket, stuffed my house keys and a purse in the
pocket and left home.
I walked into town, still not sure where I was going. I walked to the end of the
High Street and started back towards home. My cunt was still throbbing, and I
knew I needed to be fucked, but where?
Then, as I walked past, I noticed the door next to one of the pubs was the
entrance to a pool hall. I walked in and up the stairs. Fortunately there was no
one behind me to see my naked bottom. The room upstairs was full of smoke and
men. My cunt throbbed harder. I went to the bar and made a big drama of taking
my coat off and putting it on a chair back. This obviously involved turning
around so that everyone could admire my big unfettered tits and bending just a
little so the men watching me, which was most of them, would begin to wonder if
I had any knickers on under my short skirt. There was a race to buy me a drink;
I think it was won by one of the men behind me.
I sat on a stool next to the bar and pretended to watch the pool games. I let my
legs part, but not like a tart, would have; just as if I hadn’t noticed they
were gradually spreading apart. Eventually one of the guys standing at the bar
came up and started to talk to my tits, which I was pretty used to, but he was
friendly enough so I didn’t mind. Then I noticed that he was actually standing
between my open thighs. I looked down and from my vantage point I could see my
puffy vaginal lips, so I realised that everyone else in the room could see a
whole lot more! Still my cunt was throbbing and I needed to find a cock to fuck.

The guy standing between my thighs wasn’t bad looking actually, but he was much
older than me and I wanted a younger stud. So, I jumped down from the bar stool
and went to a pool table where two really good looking guys were playing. I
walked around the whole table (just to make sure they registered my presence)
before putting down my money to be in the next game. Silly me, I dropped my
purse on the floor and had to bend over to pick it up. I knew when I dropped the
purse that everyone in the room was looking at me, and that everyone behind me
would be able to see my naked, gaping cunt, but I was desperate for sex and the
humiliation I could deal with.

Their pool game ended very soon, and within minutes I was lining up my break.
This meant leaning over the pool table and aiming my shot. Virtually the whole
room was standing behind me as I played my shot. My skirt was so short there was
no way it could cover my arse. Most of the games on the other tables seemed to
be suspended while I was playing. I especially enjoyed the few shots where I had
to really lean over the table and lift one leg to line up the shot! I could feel
that my labia was so wet that my nether lips were stuck to my legs both sides. I
knew that everyone, that meant everyone, had seen inside my cunt that afternoon.
Needless to say, I won. Actually I am pretty good at pool anyway, but in that
attire I was unbeatable. The guy that I was playing came to “congratulate me”,
which meant giving me a big wet kiss and squeezing my tits. But I was so hot I
already had my hand on his cock through his trousers. He couldn’t believe his
luck! He thought it was exclusively for him and grabbed my hand to take me to
the toilets but I pulled back and jumped up on the table and lifted my skirt so
he could see my naked shaved cunt. I opened my legs wide and pulled my knees up
and beckoned him to me while spreading my cunt lips with the other hand. He has
his hard cock in his hand already as he walked towards the table and I was
gasping as he rubbed it up and down my wet slit.
When his cock slid inside me I nearly fainted with pleasure. My cunt needed this
so much. I laid back on the green baize as his big cock rammed in and out of me.
It was just what my cunt needed. Even as he was fucking me I could still feel my
cunt throbbing and I was looking around the room. Everyone in the room was
watching me being fucked. I was so hot! I pulled my top up and began to squeeze
the nipples on my sensitive breasts. When I cupped my breasts there were two men
there already sucking and caressing my rock hard nipples. When the guy I had
beaten at pool had filled me with his spunk one of the guys that had been
playing with my tits quickly filled the space between my thighs and I felt
another delicious feeling as his hard cock slid into my wetter vagina.
I laid there and let very one who wanted to fuck me. Am I OCD? I counted them!
There were 20 of them and all their cocks were lovely. Every time a new cock
entered my horny cunt I could feel the tingle of desire and expectation as if it
was the first one. God, I was so hot! Eventually I had been fucked by all of
them. Someone stood me up and gave me a diet coke. I was standing next to the
pool table they had all fucked me on. My little skirt was up around my waist, my
naked, shaved cunt was still completely on show; my top was on the table, I
hadn’t even registered that someone had taken it off me. Their spunk was running
down my thighs. But still my cunt throbbed. I brushed my skirt down so that it
covered my arse and my cunt. I picked up my jumper and pulled it over my head
and covered my heaving, naked tits. I went back to the chair where I had left my
bag and jacket, making sure that I bent over from the waist to pick up the bag.
I turned and looked at my lovers as I put on my jacket. I picked up my bag,
smiled and waved and left the pool room, spunk freely running down my naked
thighs into my high heeled shoes as I negotiated the stairs to the street. I
felt fantastic and the heat and throbbing in my cunt was forgotten. But not for
To be continued…

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