Bukkake Porn compilation – Training my girlfriend Marlyn to be a cumslut
By: Date: February 22, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , ,

Just a quick recap if you haven’t ready my first story. I met my
girlfriend Marlyn in college. Marlyn is a very petite 5.1 pinay with a
huge smile that just drew you to her. She has a wonderful pretty face,
golden brown soft skin, a cute little body, ultrasensitive little tatas,
amazing legs and the roundest little buns that would make Brazilian girls
jealous. She was originally born in a small village near Pangpang (called
maramba)and came to the US when she was 18.

She had only 1 previous boyfriend and their relationship didn’t last
long as he thought she was too emotional and hasty in her reactions. She
seemed flustered around her parents, even though she loved them very much,
she never felt like she was getting their approval, particularly from her
Filipino father.

Things were going great between my petite Filipina girlfriend and me.
We had been going out a few months and I was already falling in love with
her although she had already confessed to loving me at the end of our first
month together as she was far more open with her feelings than I. This
tended to make her want to prove herself to me a bit and to sometimes make
her jealous of other girls.

Things were looking up for me financially as well as I just got an offer
for a job about an hour south of where I was living and working now. This
was probably a good thing as things were getting a little awkward where I
lived now.

Marlyn had insisted on leaving the windows open when we made love to try
and make sure one of my neighbors was clear that I was well taken care of
and she should back off. Unfortunately, many of my male neighbors had
heard her activities over the past couple of weeks and were getting a
little to open about their appreciation for her. I think Marlyn was
enjoying being a bit of a celebrity and liked being a naughty girl for a
change as she had been raised in a very very strict Catholic upbringing.

I had just picked up Marlyn from her parents place. She was dressed in
another summer dress similar to the one she war yesterday but with a vivid
blue floral pattern. As soon as we got on the highway, she took off her
bra as she said “her little breasts are fine without it”. She then slid
off the thing she put under the bottom half of her dress as she said it was
too hot to be dressed like that – she just wore them because her parents
raised her to be very very modest but she knew I liked it when she was a
little easier to strip when we got back.

We stopped to get the last of my mail as I was moving tomorrow and
already had forwarded my mail to my new apartment. A couple of guys gave
Marlyn a serious once over and big smile at me as they left the apartment.
I’m sure they must have noticed Marlyn’s undergarments in her delicate
little hands.

We went to the elevator and I said “I bet your fans will miss you”.

“What do you mean,” Marlyn said half serious but I think she knew what I

“I bet just like the others they’ve jerked off during your vocal
concerts when we make love”. She really liked it when I said made love
because I hadn’t yet admitted I had fallen for her.

Marlyn again tried to hide her smile and blush as we got off the
elevator. As soon as we got in the apartment Marlyn closed all the blinds
and pulled off her dress and put her panties and purse gently on the table
by the door. “Much better,” she said with a huge grin. She had taken off
her clothes yesterday so they wouldn’t get dirty but today her nipples were
at attention even though it was very hot.

I had to go over and kiss them. She pulled my head hard to her chest to
encourage me to suck harder as she loves when I suck on her lovely little
titties. I slid my hands over her wonderfully round firm little buns. I
then slid my hand gently over the gap between her legs – she was already
very very wet even though I had just begun to play with her.

I said “what has got you so horny today?”

“Nothing,” she said shyly while looking downward at me as I continued to
kiss her soft body.

“Tell me now or I stop” I said teasingly as I got closer to her hips.

“OK, I was thinking about what you said about the men as we were getting
in the elevator. Do you really think they like to hear me when you make
love to me? You don’t really think they jerk off when we are having sex do

Marlyn was getting wetter still and I hadn’t even touched the inside of
her pussy yet. “I think my naughty little girlfriend likes the fact so
many guys knows how naughty she can be!” I then guided her to the floor as
I slid my shorts down. Marlyn never resisted when we were going to have
sex no matter where I needed it.

Marlyn loving looked down at me and gently guided me down towards her
sopping wet pussy. “Please lick my pussy” she said pretty loudly – no
doubt for the benefit of my neighbors. She then began to moan as I licked
her lovely little pussy. In no time at all she was wiggling about as I
licked her clit. She pushed my head forward which meant she wanted me to
stick my tongue in as far as it goes. “OOHH HONEY, I’m CUMMING!” she
announced loudly! My face was practically dripping now as she gets very
wet when she cums.

I crawled up and sucked her super sensitive titties a bit more before I
plunged my cock into her steaming hot slippery pussy. She immediately
pulled down on my lower back as she spread her legs nice and wide. Marlyn
was wonderfully flexible.

I looked down at her as she seemed to be off in another world. I said
“Are you thinking about all those other guys jerking off right now?” Marlyn
looked up wide eyed and moaned loudly.

“I’m cumming again” she announced as she arched up to get my cock in
nice and deep”. Marlyn had cum more than once before but this was amazing.
I continued to fuck her hard as she her tiny body kept moving across the
carpet. Marlyn looked me in the eyes and said, “Please cum for me, my
Honey.” I didn’t want to hold back any more and pulled my cock out of her
and squirted all over her tiny tummy and petite breasts. A tiny drop even
hit her chin.

Marlyn surveyed the cum all over her body and said “Boy! Someone really
has a lot of cum for me today!” Marlyn wiped the cum off her chin with her
finger it, examined it and then sucked it off her fingers. Marlyn didn’t
seem to be in any rush to clean it off the rest of her though as she lay
there dabbing her hands in the puddles of it on her little body.
Strangely, she began to scoop it with her hands and slide it over her
nipples as if applying moisturizer. She seemed very content and proud of
herself at making me come so hard.

I smiled at her and said “You are such a naughty little cumslut.”

“You called me that the other night at church,” she said. “What do you
mean by that?” She pretended to be offended by the term but really wanted
to know what it meant before deciding.

“I mean, you really like to make me happy,” I said thinking about how to
phrase it. “You liked having me leave a load of cum in your pussy when
went to church, didn’t you” Marlyn looked a little guilty as she tried to
hide her smile that makes her cheeks swell. “You liked the fact that I
came on your face in the car. I could tell and you even sucked the last of
it off my cock before you cleaned up and we went inside the church so you
had it in your pussy, on your collar and in your mouth”. Marlyn didn’t
want me to see her guilty smile as I continued but her blushing said almost
as much as her smile.

“And now,” I said, “you are rubbing my cum all over your titties!”
Marlyn’s hands froze as if it suddenly would hide the fact she was lying on
my carpet, naked, with my cum all over her chest.

“Why do you try to hide it? Don’t you like being MY little cumslut?” I
emphasized the `my’ as Marlyn liked belonging to me.

Marlyn thought about it and said “Yes, I am YOUR little Filipina cum
slut!” Marlyn was proud of being from the Philippines. She’d always point
out if an actress was even remotely tied to the Philippines.

With that I lay down next to her as she put her head on my chest. She
had a knack of making me so relaxed that I fell asleep quickly in the hot
summer morning. Marlyn had also drifted off to sleep spackled in my cum. I
woke up about 30 minutes and couldn’t help but be proud of my work as I saw
her torso covered with my dried cum.

We got up and took a cool shower as we still had much boxing to finish
before the move. The day was long but we accomplished a lot after our
lovely siesta. We took yet another shower and I insisted I’ll wash my own
little friend today as I was STARVING and didn’t want to get distracted as
she was impossible to resist. She kept on reaching for him but I promised
I’d take her out for a nice dinner and we can make love after dinner if she
could be good.

“OK”, she said acting very dejected as if I was telling her she had to
wait another day before opening her Christmas gifts. She really liked to
please me, which I understand as I loved to please her too.

I wanted to do something special for all of her hard work helping me
pack so I took her to a much fancier restaurant than I’d normally go to.
Frankly I don’t care for fancy places as the servings are very small and
everything has some nasty sauce to hide the fact it wasn’t that tasty to
begin with but I wanted to do something for Marlyn.

I ordered a bottle of expensive wine which to me tasted the same as
every other wine I’ve ever tasted as I don’t like wine so I just ordered an
overpriced beer. She drank nearly the entire bottle which is great as I
really hoped she’d enjoy it. I probably only had about one shot of it that
the waiter gave for me to taste it. I even gave her the glass he had
poured for me afterward. I paid the bill thinking I was still not full
even though I had two beers and an extremely expensive meal.

As I walked Marlyn to the car, she meandered even more than usual. She
ran her hands over every plant in the parking lot on the way to the car. I
could tell she was pretty drunk which is fine with me. She’s so darn funny
when she gets like this and who could blame her, the bottle of wine would
have gone to waste as I wasn’t drinking it and she knew I had ordered it to
say thanks. So we headed back to my apartment to pick up her purse which
she was always forgetting at my apartment.

We walked to the elevator and by now Marlyn was using her loud drunk
voice. “I’m s-sorry, honey, I think I had too much wine – are you mad at

“Of course not sweetie”, I said. “You are just having a little fun.
You deserve it!”

“Ohh, thanks-s Honey!” she said as she kissed my hand which was locked
in her own. She was quiet for a moment and then said again “I’m sssorry”.
We got off the elevator and one of my neighbors looked at us as Marlyn
attempted to navigate the hallway. He hadn’t gotten more than a few feet
past us and asked “Do you think HE jerks off too when we have sex?”

I scooted her in the door and saw him looking back from the elevator
door with a big toothy smile.

It had been a very long day. I grabbed her purse and asked “Do you want
me to just take you home now?”. “Everything is packed up, so there is
nothing to do”. Fortunately at least the apartment had cooled down a bit
since this afternoon and a nice light breeze was making the blinds clatter.

“Nonsense” Marlyn said as she began to unbutton the front of her dress.
“I need you to FUCK me, Honey” Marlyn didn’t usually start sex by using
such dirty words but I think the wine had a strong effect on her. “Now
come right over here, I need your BIG OL’ COCK right in my little CUNT
right NOW!” It was hard not to laugh as she was slurring a bit and talking
so loudly but it was still an ego boost. I think that was the first time
she had ever referred to her sweet little pussy as her cunt.

Marlyn then fumbled about as she undressed me in front of the couch.
Having a bit of trouble with the buttons but I was enjoying the sight of my
petite Filipina girlfriend taking my clothes off. She then pushed me down
on my leather couch and kissed my cock which was already at attention.

I said “are you sure you want this, Sweetie? Didn’t you get enough of
my cum this morning” Knowing the answer but I liked to tease her.

“OH Honey, did you forget I’m a CUM SLUT?” she said as she smiled
wickedly. “I need more cum! I want cum in my pussy, I want cum in my
mouth, I want cum on my face, I want to be covered in cum!” Thank goodness
I was moving out tomorrow as I didn’t want my neighbors getting offering
their services.

Marlyn crawled up and straddled my cock. She looked down towards it as
she guided it into her nice wet pussy. “Ungh” she said as she impaled
herself on me. “OH Honey, I love your big cock! My pussy misses it when
you aren’t there!” She was soon gyrating and slamming up and down on me.
“Please cum inside me! I want to go home with my pussy full of your cum!
Now, Honey, I’m about to CUM! Oh, Honey – I’m cumming!” She was so
freaking hot I just let loose and came hard. I could feel my cock jerking
a number of times as I tried to fill her with every drop of sperm I could.

Marlyn leaned forward and smiled at me and then put her head on my
chest. She and I started to drift off with my cock still inside her pussy.
I woke up around midnight and dragged her to the car as she still had a
curfew and her parents could be a bit strict. She really wanted to stay
the night but I wasn’t about to have THAT discussion with her parents. I
didn’t want her to get in trouble because of me.

She seemed sobered up for the most part as I kissed her goodnight on her
parent’s steps, returning their sweet lovely daughter with a pussy full of
my cum.

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