What’s a Girl Scout camping trip without an orgy or two?
By: Date: February 6, 2024 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , , ,

Traci winked but said no more, leaving her comment about the “big finish” hanging as she left the tent.

I might have chased her down and demanded details. I might have, but I could barely roll out of the cot. Even when I creaked to my feet, I was a bit unsteady and stomped on some of the cold candles strewn around. I came down so hard on one that I fell off balance, crashing onto the cot. Which collapsed. Again.

This time, though, I grabbed at the walls to break my fall. Note to self: tent walls not made for such purposes.

The cot crumpled to the floor and I went with it, even though I had a fistful of canvas. Just after my rump smacked down, I heard an odd sound. Sort of a sproing. Or perhaps more of a spoink.

I furrowed my brow, puzzled by the noise. Then the answer came to me. Hit me right in the head, in fact. Well, damn near smothered me.

The tent collapsed in a jumble of poles and canvas. Heavy canvas. Canvas wet with dew.

This, I thought as I was buried, was not the best way to start a day.

The collapse was over in a few seconds, leaving me encased in heavy folds redolent of candle wax and mud. I couldn’t move much, but an inventory limb by limb suggested only my ego was truly battered.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to stew long. In just a few seconds there was a tumult of voices and the weight above me began to lighten. The gabble of noise resolved itself into Traci’s commanding voice. I reassured everyone that I was OK. In short order I was free and being helped to my feet. It was only when I was dusted off and the girls could see that I really was unhurt that Sami broke through the coos of concern.

“We usually strike the tents from the outside,” she said. “Do they do it differently in the Boy Scouts?”

That was the signal for everyone to break into laughter and various sallies against my wilderness prowess. Having no defense, I had to join in.

Eventually the giggles died down and everyone returned to morning chores. I washed and shaved and helped Carrie and Terry sort out the wreckage of the tent. Lana called out then and we all tucked into a final breakfast of ham and cheese omelets.

After breakfast, most of the girls drifted off into the woods. I stayed behind to help Lana clean up, but my scrubbing was not up to her standards and she shooed me away. I wandered around the forest awhile, never running across anyone else. In fact, I was a little worried that I’d gotten lost until I stumbled across the pond of vivid memory and managed to figure out my way back to camp. Once I knew where I was going, I took my time. It was a beautiful morning, the air was filled with birdsong, and I felt like a new man.

Maybe I felt a little reluctant to hasten our departure, too. In the forest we were our own world, with our own rules. Back in the real world, the events of the last few days would put me at risk. I trusted the girls not to tell — but, there in our world, it wasn’t even a concern.

On the way back to the campsite, I ran into a reminder of the real world consequences — Baby, walking the other way. She blushed when she saw me and hurried past, head down. Technically, I reminded myself, I hadn’t deflowered her. I tried not to think about how that would sound if her parents ever found out.

I was trying to think of better things, like getting back to my old hobbies, when the trees thinned out suddenly and I found myself back in camp. And all other thoughts and worries were blown away like dust in a whirlwind.

For there, in the clearing before me, were 10 blankets in a row. Green blankets, red blankets, blue. Quilts and woolen ones. Each spread out, just touching the ones on either side, a perfect formation.

On each blanket was a single pillow. Crisp white rectangles. Fluttering slightly in the breeze.

And spread across each blanket, propped against each starched pillow, in the bright, clear light of the late morning sun, was a young woman. A naked young woman.

They had been on their sides, facing this way and that, chatting, when I came into the clearing. Sri saw me, whistled. The girls stopped talking, turned, saw me. Rolled onto their backs. Lifted their legs, splayed out, presenting me with the sight of 10 pink, glistening cunts.

It was a vision as difficult to describe as it is to believe. You know those illusions where you see either a goblet or two faces in profile — one or the other; you can’t see both at once? The scene in that clearing was something like that.

At first what I took in was the enormity of it all. The long row of bent legs, the Rockettes go hard-core. The firm young bodies, breasts tall and proud. Broad smiles. Hair waving. Pussies open, inviting, a cornucopia of sex.

But then I saw individuals. Carrie and Terry, stretched out, reaching from one end of their blankets to the other. Sami next to them, shorter and rounder and squirming with excitement. Sereka polished, glowing from within, black fire. Sri a dusky, smoky beauty. Tishana preening her brown skin, Lana smoothing the blanket next to her olive flesh. The Sues both holding their butts in the air, their legs open impossibly wide. Traci, on the end, her doe eyes following me.

To stare at one young lovely or to take them all in at once: It was a delicious dilemma. I stood before them, both choices leaving me slack-jawed and frozen in place. No sultan in a harem ever had a more tantalizing visual feast.

It was Sami who broke ranks first, scrambling to her feet and rushing to me. I stood woodenly, a sloppy grin plastered on my face, as she stripped me down. No surprise: My cock was stiff as a statue. Good heavens, the sight of all that nubile flesh would give dead popes hard-ons.

Sami ran her fingers over my dick until the others grumbled. Rolling her eyes — and licking her lips — she led me by the cock to Carrie.

The tall young woman reached out and took my hands in hers, pulling me to my knees between her outstretched legs. Her long arms curled around me, bringing me into position quickly. As she kissed me, her heels pressed against my ass, driving my cock into her. Carrie sighed into my mouth as I sank into her wet and willing cunt.

She fucked me fast and furious, her hips bouncing me into the air. If not for the tight grip of her legs she might have bucked me right off her. Instead, I was in for a magnificent ride, sliding in-out-in-out while her long limbs held me like a spider’s web.

The pace was so frenetic that it knocked the wind right out of me. I had to break off our kiss to twist my head aside, gasping. Carrie didn’t slacken, machine-gunning her cunt on my cock. I was seeing stars when suddenly she stopped.

Her arms and legs untangled, released me. Hands reached in, rolled me off Carrie and onto my back on the next blanket.

Terry pinned me to the ground. Her freckled face loomed over me and planted a wet kiss on my lips. Then she sat back, towering over me, her tits jiggling.

“My sister was too rough on you,” Terry whispered. “I’m gonna do you nice and easy.”

True to her word, she took her time. Her pussy snuggled up to my erect cock but didn’t swallow it. Instead, she slid her wet labia up and down my pole, teasing the sensitive flesh but not letting it inside. From time to time Terry would bend forward, brushing her tits across my chest. When she did, my dick would poke against her flat stomach, leaving behind a sticky trail.

I would lift my face up for a kiss, but Terry would stay just out of reach.

Adding to the tease, Carrie knelt next to us and caressed her twin’s silky body. I had to watch from below as Carrie cupped her sister’s breasts, as she put her lips to her sister’s nipples, as they brought their mouths together in a crushing kiss.

And still Terry kept me out of her cunt, greasing my pole slowly. I tried to maneuver into her but she twisted away, and I settled back to enjoy the action.

Carrie and Terry became more and more passionate. Their arms wrapped around each other, pressing their bodies together.

I thought they had forgotten all about me, but then Terry grabbed my cock and pressed it to her cunt. I slid in easily and her fluids oozed all over my crotch as she sank onto my pole.

It was a slow, leisurely fuck. And as Terry gently rose and fell with me inside her, Carrie licked her way down her sister’s body. At our joining, Carrie divided her attention between kissing my shaft when it slid into the open and nibbling at Terry’s clit.

I began to revise my definition of paradise as the twins did their duet on my dick. Carrie’s talented tongue and Carrie’s comfortable cunt combined to send me into orbit. In fact, I was just about to fire my rockets when Terry slid me out of her holster and crawled off into a tight pairing with Carrie.

It should have been Sami’s turn next, but Sereka nudged her aside, saying I’d shoot too soon if Sami had her way.

Instead, the tall black woman cuddled up to me.

I would tell you what Sereka said, but I don’t speak French. She could have been reciting her grocery list, for all I know. But if that’s the case, those are some damn sexy supermarkets they have there.

Sereka’s husky whisper would have been enough to excite me, but there was also her incredible body. We rolled around on the blanket and it felt as if she could bend in every direction, as if a snake was writhing around me.

And her kisses — amazing. She kept her eyes open the whole time, staring into mine, holding mine open with hers. Somehow that intensified the kiss, making it a melding of souls as much as a meeting of mouths.

We embraced and kissed for an eternity, it seemed, though it must only have been minutes. At last Sereka whispered — in English, that time — that I was ready.

She rolled onto her stomach, got onto her hands and knees. I understood and got into position behind her. My dick brushed her hot cunt. Sereka reached between her legs and drew me into her.

I started to stroke, but she said no. “Let me do all the work,” she said.

I watched my cock disappear into her tight cunt, the labia stretching thin, then clinging to my shaft as Sereka let it go. I stroked her sleek torso, massaged her magnificent ass.

I felt a surge grow within me, but Sereka must have sensed it as well, for she slowed her movements more and more until she was just holding me half-in her cunt. The feeling ebbed and she resumed her motion. I bent over her, squeezing her tits, kissing her smooth back.

Again I felt near the edge. This time Sereka pulled off me completely, crooking a finger at Sami.

The eager Korean girl pulled me on top of her as she spread her legs wide. “No fancy stuff,” Sami said. “I just want you to fuck me till you come!”

Who could resist an invitation like that? I drove my cock into her pussy and just kept pumping.

“Ride ’em, cowboy,” Sami said with a laugh. “Yee-ha!”

“You want it all?” I corkscrewed my cock into her.

“Yes! Yes! Just like that! Fuck me hard!”

I buried my tongue in her mouth as my dick plowed into her cunt over and over. Sami let me take the lead, responding to every thrust and cheering me on but not trying to take control.

Sami’s ample body molded to mine. I was encased in sex and loving every second. In, out, in, out, my cock pounded her.

“Yes,” she screamed when she came up for air, “yes, yes, that’s so fantastic! Oh, fuck, that’s good!”

With a reception like that, I was determined to give her everything. I pushed, pushed, pushed, driving deed into her cunt. Great sloppy noises blatted and flared as I filled her up over and over.

Sami enthusiastically returned the motion and soon she was huffing and puffing. “Oh oh oh ohohohoh I’m gonna … Gonna … Aieeeee!”

Her orgasm was loud and long. Somewhere amid the shaking I let loose as well, spewing cum into her honeypot as I drove in all the way, arching my back to push in that extra smidgen.

The girls allowed me a few minutes to recover, but then Sri dragged me to her spot.

She rolled me onto my stomach and gave me a massage that made up in enthusiasm what it lacked in expertise. My shoulders rippled and stretched under her kneading fingers. After the workout of the last few days, it was exactly what I needed.

She poked her elbows into knotted muscles, pushed her palms into aching spots. By the time she let up, I was as relaxed as a bowl of dough — and ready to rise, too.

Sri rolled me onto my back and hovered above me. I expected her to go for my flaccid cock, but, with a mischievous smile, she instead lifted up my right arm.

One by one, she took fingers and thumb into her pursed lips for drawn out suckling. My head rocked back and forth as she took her time with the sensual torture. Finally, with a lick of my palm, she let my arm fall back.

My cock was beginning to rise. I was sure she’d go to it.

But, no. Sri lifted my left arm and repeated the trick. One by one, fingers and thumb disappeared between her lips like she was sucking in strands of spaghetti; one by one they emerged slowly.

For sure, I figured, my dick was next. And she did kiss her way down my arm to my chest, down my chest to my waist.

But she kept going, down my leg. To my knee. My shin. My ankle. And at last to my foot, where she proceeded to give my toes the same treatment she’d administered to my fingers.

I was trapped between laughter and tears in a delirious middle ground, where my tendency to ticklishness was balanced by my highly aroused state.

Highly aroused, indeed. My dick was rapidly ascending. I expected Sri to finally, finally take it into her mouth, but she winked and motioned for me to scoot over.

Tishana took over. No hesitation, no feints to other body parts. She went straight for my cock.

At first she rubbed it along her cheeks. After Sri’s games a bead or two of pre-cum were already glistening at the tip of my prick, and Tishana lifted them off with a fingernail and spooned them onto her tongue.

Having gotten my attention, she simply devoured me. Her mouth gaped open to admit my shaft, closed tightly around it and hoovered it in almost halfway.

If there was any last, lingering doubt that I had recovered from my recent orgasm, it disappeared as I watched my shaft disappear into Tishana’s mouth. Her head bobbed up and down, her tongue swishing over the head of my cock. Her hands closed on the base of my prick, holding it steady and using the lubrication of my own fluids as she jacked me off.

At first her mouth was a blur of motion, but soon she slackened. Her tongue traced spirals up and down my cock as she eased it in and out. I felt the head of my dick poke the back of her throat as she tried to take me deeper.

Time itself slowed. My vision narrowed to Tishana’s lithe brown body, to her lovely face, to her obscenely pursed mouth.

Tishana was looking up at me, and there was something about seeing those big, big eyes open wide, staring at me, that absolutely melted my insides.

I could have died right then and I would have been satisfied. But, of course, there was more.

Tishana was still sucking happily when Lana tapped her on the shoulder. And tapped. And tapped. And slapped her on the butt. Finally the Sues came over and helped pull Tishana away from me. She blew a kiss as she reluctantly withdrew.

Lana led me to her spot in the line. I was in such a state after Tishana’s blowjob that I didn’t want to waste any time on preliminaries. As we stepped onto her blanket I pulled her close for a kiss.

But she wedged an arm between us and pushed away. I sighed in exasperation as she bent down and rummaged through a floppy brown cloth bag. “Just a sec,” she said.

When Lana turned back to me, she was cradling something in her hands. She raised them to her face. There was a familiar sound — pssssh! Her hands opened wide, a red canister dropping onto the grass. She stepped toward me with a beaming whipped cream smile.

I wrapped my arms around her. She tilted her head up and we kissed. My tongue plunged into an ocean of sweetness. Hers came swimming through the foam to meet mine. White cream dribbled out as our mouths pressed together.

After several minutes we melted to the ground, still kissing. We rolled around a bit before I trapped her underneath me. I slipped a finger into her and diddled her cunt until it was quite juicy. But when I moved into position, my cock dangling between her legs, again she pushed me away.

Lana crawled over and retrieved the spray can. I expected her to turn back to me and spritz her tits or fill her quim to the brim.

Instead, I was shocked when she stayed on her hands and knees, facing away from me, reached back and fired a blast of whipped cream into and around the tight, puckered opening in her ass.

My eyes bugged out and my mouth dropped open. I wasn’t the only one surprised.

“Holy shit,” Sue Two said.

“Merde is right,” Sereka noted.

“Come on,” Lana urged. “Before it dries up.”

“Or before she chickens out,” Carrie said.

The rest of the girls had formed a circle around Lana and me. I half expected them to start taking bets. I wasn’t sure which way I’d bet, myself. I’d done anal a few — very few — times. But I had never, as far as I knew, been anyone’s first.

Lana must have read my mind, or at least read the stunned, hesitant look on my face. “You won’t be doing anything to me that hasn’t been done before,” she said. “Remember when I said that guy thought I looked like a boy?” She wiggled her butt and sprayed another shot of whipped cream into her crack. “Well, I think he might have been speaking from experience.”

Our audience hooted and urged me to go for it.

I edged over to her. “Are you sure?”

In reply, Lana raised her ass higher.

I got into position, holding my cock in one hand to steady and stiffen it. I smeared some of the foam on the tip and carefully placed it at Lana’s anus.

With extreme caution, I pushed forward.


I tried again. And again.

Turns out the whipped cream in a can is not the best lubricant in the world. Has a tendency to be a bit too watery.

That, and my reluctance, frustrated my attempts. To the dismay of the other girls, I gave up. Lana didn’t seem all that disappointed, though.

She certainly didn’t complain when I abandoned her asshole and instead put my dick into her cunt. But I only took a few strokes before the Sues demanded their turns. Lana pouted, but Terry and Carrie wiped the frown off her face by joining to lap at her pussy.

The Sues yanked me away from that interesting tableau. Under Sue’s fussy direction, we arranged ourselves into an a tangled triangle as we stretched out on our sides.

My cock plunged into Sue Two’s hot Latin twat. Sue straddled her friend’s face, getting an enthusiastic tongue-lashing, while wrapping her arms around me and leaning in for a deep kiss.

Thus entwined, no one was in any position to issue any orders, so our sex was much less talkative than the first time. But no less energetic.

On my side, I had a tough time at first. Whenever I pulled out of Sue Two’s cunt I had a tendency to slip all the way out and get tangled in the blanket while trying to get back in. Eventually we worked out a system, with Sue Two’s legs holding me inside her, and a rolling motion providing the action.

The slightly awkward set-up had the advantage of making Sue Two’s cunt feel tighter than ever. And she found a way of shivering every time I moved deeper into her that had me moaning into Sue’s mouth.

Sue was moaning herself. I gathered that Sue Two was being as inventive with her tongue as she was with her cunt. I could even tell just when Sue Two’s tongue would drive into her friend’s pussy, because that’s when Sue’s fingernails would dig into my back.

Because neither of the Sues was very tall, I could reach all their good parts even in our twisted triangle. I took advantage of that to touch their tits, rub their smooth stomachs, even add a finger or two to the entertainment of their twats. It was definitely sensory overload.

The only disadvantage was that the arm underneath me — my right — began to get sore. The Sues were having similar problems, but it was difficult to shift very much in that coupling.

Sue took the lead, breaking off our kiss to suggest a realignment. As we reshuffled, Traci stepped up to claim her turn. The Sues insisted they deserved double time since they were sharing me.

Our little trio reassembled, with each of us having flipped over and the Sues switching places.

That time I entered Sue’s cunt, made wet and supple by her friend’s talented tongue. It was as comfortable as snuggling into a warm quilt, as smooth as dipping a spoon into a heaping bowl of vanilla pudding.

Sue took a minute or two to adjust to the position, but when she got the hang of it we fucked like mad. She had a way of grinding her body against mine when I was in her all the way that made it seem she could twist my cock right off. That sounds painful, but it was incredibly pleasurable.

Meanwhile, Sue Two, her face messy with Sue’s juices, was kissing me sloppily when she wasn’t giggling with delight. And, again, I let my free hand roam over both sexy bodies.

Though I was still going strong, I soon sensed that both girls were getting ready to come. Their movements became more frantic, even frenzied. I had to struggle to keep up.

Their orgasms arrived within seconds of each other, rocking them from stem to stern. As the tremors subsided the Sues oozed away from me in a blissful haze.

“Finally!” Traci’s tits jiggled as she stood over me. “I’ve been waiting forever, but now you’re mine.”

She knelt beside me, her warm thigh brushing mine. Her head cocked to one side, she looked me over. I was a mess. Face covered in various shades of lipstick. Hair sticking up like a wheat field after a windstorm. Crotch sticky with the fluids of so many girls. And my cock still bobbing merrily erect.

Traci leaned over me, a small smile as if she were enjoying a private joke. She ran her fingers across my sweaty chest like little skaters, tracing figure eights and doing spins.

She leaned closer. Her erect nipples brushed my skin, leaving a trail of unseen sparks in their wake. At last her lips touched mine, opened, took me in. Warmth flooded me. My hands held her gently, a porcelain doll.

Traci climbed on top of me, only it seemed more like she floated. Put my cock to her slit as carefully as we used to lay the needle on the album, back in the day when we had needles and albums. Eased down like a dandelion puff coming to earth.

And it was good. I mean, like the Mona Lisa is a good painting. Like Ali was a good boxer. Like Einstein had a couple good ideas. That kind of good.

I told her so, of course. Might have invoked a deity or two in doing so, too. Traci just purred.

Things get a little hazy after that. The rest of the girls began to drift over to us and join in. Soon it was one huge tangle of arms and legs and more interesting parts. Hands and mouths — and at least one big toe — found gainful employment in various orifices.

There was only one cock, of course, and Traci fended off attempts to usurp her position atop it. But she couldn’t stop the lips that found mine, the tits that presented themselves to me. I was drowning in sex. But, like they say, what a way to go.

I’ve seen some orgy scenes in videos and they seem more organized than the Michigan marching band. This was chaos with cunts. When the orgasms started hitting, it was like being caught in the middle of a WWF cage match as one by one, girls lost control and bucked, kicked, lurched and flailed.

When things got really crazy, Traci and I crawled away by ourselves. She stretched out on her back. I assumed the position and we settled in for some plain, simple sex. By then we could anticipate each other’s moves, no need to speak. We quietly, passionately pressed our bodies together, letting nature take its course.

It ended with the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I’m talking bright white sparkles dancing before my eyes, a rumbling heat building deep within me and exploding again and again.

Yeah. It was good.

I was utterly sated. My brain was awash in joy, crackling with ecstasy. Though my muscles should have been complaining vociferously, I felt no pain as I cleaned up, dressed up and helped the girls load the bus. We had the whole site cleaned up and everything stowed away before the sun had reached its zenith.

The bus engine roared to life after only three cranks, and we headed out, no doubt trailing clouds of pheromones. First stop, a drive-through, and then home. I mentally inscribed the day in my records as the best of my life — or at least the most exciting.

We had just pulled out of the parking lot when the excrement began to hit the cooling device.

Over the gabble of cheerful chatter came a screech that resembled Sami’s voice. “You lying little bitch!”

The other talk stopped. Claire’s reply echoed. “You stupid jealous slut!”

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