The neighborhood dog and the two whore 3.
By: Date: May 31, 2023 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , , ,

Earlier that morning, Don had called to let Barbara know his
luncheon date with Steve Smith was still on and that he intended to pour
it to their neighbor, along with the martinis, just the way they had
rehashed it the night before. Not that the voluptuous, onyx-eyed
brunette ever felt the need for an aphrodisiac, but the way Don had
painted mental images of what it would be like for her with Steve had
certainly reacted on her as one. God, she’d gone wild, and so had he,
neither of them able to get enough. He’d tongued her raging pussy right
there on the living room davenport for a good half-hour, until she’d
lost track of her climaxes, before fucking her the first time on the
floor. Then, it had been into the bedroom for another fierce bout with
him taking her from behind, his big, long, thick cock pumping into her
fire-filled vagina like a beautiful battering ram … and still neither
of them had been ready to quit.
Barbara’s yet roused brain sensually reflected the lustful scenes
from their wild sex-party as she went about straightening up the house.
Her dark-eyes glowed with the pornographic stimulant of her husband’s
lewdly phrased word-pictures of what she should look forward to and what
she should plan to surprise the young Mr. Smith with …
“Now, if he’s anything like me, baby, he loves to have his cock
sucked,” Don had goadingly suggested as they lay there naked and
breathing heavy from the animal-fashion fucking he’d just given her.
His arm was around her, his strong hand fondling her full breast and
worrying its tiny, hardened nipple, while she lovingly played with his
still partially swollen, amazing big cock. “What do you think?”
“Don, I hope so, darling!” she honestly exclaimed. It was one of
her favorite erotic acts. Nothing could turn her on like the hot,
hardened feel of a thick, virile cock in her mouth. And invariably when
it squirted its scalding-sweet jism down her throat she would cum like
an earthquake by the mere squeezing of her full thighs together to
massage her clitoris between the educated lips of her never unsensuous
cunt. “Though I’ve yet to find a man who doesn’t. And would that be
some sort of hint you’re passing on to me, Mr. Keller?”
He’d chuckled, giving her swollen breast an almost painful, loving
squeeze, sending revived little chills of desire up her naked back.
“Well now, seeing you put it that way … why don’t you just demonstrate
how you’ll suck old Steve … I mean, kind of practice on me.”
Again, she’d trembled with anticipating excitement, never
hesitating as she leaned over him to trail her soft, moistened lips down
across the taut muscles of his hairy stomach. Then, lifting her head,
she’d said: “And you can imagine that I’m Karen sucking your big cock
for you … but I want you to keep telling me what Steven and I will do!
Go on, lover, please …?” Her fingernails scratched lightly over his
re-stiffened hardness which was still wet and shiny from their fucking.
She crawled between his spread legs to hover on all fours with her face
just above its towering length, knowing that he could feel her hot
breath washing over it.
“Ah … he’ll lick your hot cunt … bury his tongue right up that
tight pussy hole … unh!” he had tried, choking out a grunt as haunched
there, she began to stroke his thick rod of hardness first with one hand
and then between both of them with a slow, pressuring motion. He’d
groaned again, thrusting his lean loins upward as the warm wetness of
her tongue-moistened lips closed over the throbbing, sensitive head of
his now rock-hardened penis.
“Mmmmmm,” Barbara had hummed, both as a signal for him to continue
telling her, and an added little thrill of vibration that she well knew
set him right up. “Mmmmmmmmmm …!”
“Oh fuck … ooohhh … he’ll lick your little asshole and … and
try to worm … ooohh worm his hot tongue into it …!” he groaned once
more, reaching down and tangling his fingers in her short hair to guide
the rhythm of her now bobbing head. She knew he would be lifting his
own from the pillow to watch her contorted face lustfully stuffed full.
It made the sensation that much more exciting when he could see the
thickness of his sinewy cock buried between her eagerly sucking lips,
just as it always did for her when she watched his laving tongue working
in the open wet crevice of her pink cunt.
And then, she no longer cared whether he went on with his lurid
visions or not, her rapt attention centered on the pulsating hardness
fucking into her mouth. Sometimes, she imagined it to be Steve’s, but
it wasn’t necessary to increase the sensation building in her soft belly
and feverish loins. She sucked up off of it then and began to play over
the purple, spongy glans with her tongue, the tip boring teasingly into
the wetness of its tiny slit the way all men liked. He tremored beneath
her as once more she worked the heavy outer layer of skin up and down,
finally drawing it all the way back to slide her warm lips down over the
hardened fleshy rod, enclosing the swollen rubbery head in a hot, moist
pressure. She tightened them elastically around its solid thickness and
again began moving her head in the lewd motion that sucking a cock
thrillingly demanded.
“Oh shit … suck it, honey!” Don gasped, as she cupped the flaccid
flesh of his cum-bloating balls gently with one hand and stroked the
base of his heavy-veined penis with thumb and forefinger of the other.
At the same time, she twirled her saliva-coated tongue spiritedly around
the smooth, fiery head with every upward suck, letting the tip flick
incitingly across its tiny split. She felt his buttocks flex and
imagined his head still raised to watch the lust-infusing sight her
obscenely bobbing labors below made for him.
She sensed his throbbing reaction and began to suck his big cock
harder, the tips of her teeth gently scraping the resisting hard flesh,
leaving small white trails beneath the surface of the skin. In
uncontrollable masochistic hunger, she began taking more and more of it
into her mouth toward her throat, sliding her hands beneath his tensing
buttocks to pull his loins up tighter toward her face. Furiously, she
swirled her tongue around and around the swelling head of his huge cock,
until she knew it was near the bursting point, almost all of its thick
length plunging deep into her throat!
It was then that she had tightened her thighs together, Barbara
heatedly remembered, massaging their soft fullness against one another
rhythmically to squeeze her flushed cunt lips between, and in turn, the
tiny bud of her quiveringly erect clitoris. Almost immediately, great
swirls of heat began to pressure in her seething loins and belly. She
felt her swollen breasts dancing and swaying delightfully to her slaving
motions. Beneath her, the muscles of Don’s lean belly tautened like
steel bands as he arched his hips up off the bed to push even further
into the hot cavern of her wetly sucking mouth and throat. He began to
groan incessantly, the signal for her that he was only seconds away.
She set herself, fervidly straining her thighs and cuntal muscles to
join him in the ultimate moment of his climax, knowing that the first
taste of his hot, sweet cum was all she needed to detonate the ecstasy!
Suddenly, he rasped: “Oh, sweet pussy! Fuck … fuck! Suck it
cock-girl! Shove it down your throat …! Here … it’s
Now, Barbara shuddered with a chill of passion as she remembered
the way his throbbing cock had shot its thick, boiling load of sperm
into her sucking mouth, the very first nectarous taste bursting the
bubble inside her Wildly, she’d sucked as he emptied his jism-filled
balls, his hands tangled cruelly in her hair while she swallowed the
white, hot gushes bloating her cheeks down into her raging belly …!
Ooohh, what a night that had been, and as thrilling a lover as
Steve Smith might turn out to be, the roused, raven-haired wife knew
that he could never out-perform her lusty husband.
God, she’d worked herself right up into a sizzling tizzy just
remembering and anticipating. This would never do … not even mid-day
and a case of the hots. She laughed to herself … as if there was
something new about that. All the same, she had no intentions of
playing lewd little finger-games with her pussy today. Besides,
sometimes the pleasures of hot-pants were more tauntingly exciting than
the satisfying of them. No, she’d just slip into a bikini and go out
beside the pool for some sun. In fact, she’d remove her halter out
there and get a good dose … their backyard was that secluded …

* * *

It didn’t make Karen feel any better to know that Satyr was unhappy
with his new curtailing rope, and she could readily see he was by the
way he was walking around in circles with flattened ears, presenting a
picture so unlike him. She’d watched off and on from the kitchen
window, especially when at one point he’d barked loudly, then began to
howl. Though she could understand how he must feel after being able to
run fancy free, there was nothing else to be done. The thought of him
being used sexually by her lustful female neighbors had filled her with
a jealous nausea. She could almost scratch their eyes out!
“Anyway, darling,” she whispered softly to herself as she watched
him uneasily stalk around the yard, “Karen’s going to make you happy in
a little while … right after lunch, I think. She’ll bring you inside
and you can go into the bedroom and bath with her … watch her undress,
then bathe … like last night. Yes … it’s going to be just like last
night for us, lover …!”
But there was no way that Satyr could know his new mistress’
intentions, or that she’d been watching him and had now turned away from
the window to prepare both of them some lunch. Instead, he knew only
the hurting bitterness growing within his powerful body at his shocking
imprisonment. No human had ever treated him this way before, and it was
not only impossible for him to understand, but the more impossible
because she, his golden-haired Karen, had done it!
Mild fury toward her rankled inside him, so much so that he ignored
her and the plate of food she brought to set beside the tree for him.
She came to where he had lain down and bent over him, petting his head.
“Come on, lover … aren’t you hungry? Are you that put-out with
Her sounds were soft and warm as always, but they didn’t satisfy
him as they had in the past. The rope stood between them, and the
young, possessive housewife in her unnatural love, felt his displeased
indignation. It would take a little time, she reasoned as she gazed
lovingly down at him. Soon, he’d be used to it, as he would’ve been by
now had she done this in the beginning.
“I’m sorry, darling, but Karen had to tie you. She couldn’t have
you making love to every woman in the neighborhood! You’re her … my
lover, you handsome angel … and very shortly you’re coming inside to
prove it. Just a little while longer, after I finish some things I have
to do. Then, darling, you and I are … well … we are …!”
Satyr listened to the silky sounds he’d become attached to and
which now confused him. Was she going to untie him, let him free again?
He got to his feet and watched her, waiting, hoping … But she walked
away toward the house, crooning something back at him, yet leaving him
tied there even as he whimpered after her.
“You eat, darling, then Karen will bring you inside. Please eat
now like a good baby …”
And then, she was gone again, with nothing left but the hateful
rope between him and freedom! He turned on it with a vengeance, a deep
growl angrily sounding in his throat, his powerful white teeth sinking
into the woven strands of hemp to sever it bit by bit. Constantly, the
brief while it took the infuriated animal to destroy his confining bond,
throaty snarls poured from him … until at last it was done and with a
single bounce he ran and leaped easily over the back gate to gallop
along the alley.
Satyr chose a different direction for no particular reason,
unmindful of the length of chewed rope which dangled from his collar and
trailed along behind him. He followed the alley to the street, crossed
it and entered into the mouth of a second. Free once more, the big
German shepherd’s wrath quickly left him and he trotted happily along
with no particular destination in mind. It was the soft faint sound of
music, beyond a wall that intrigued him and as effortlessly as he’d
leaped over the gate of his own yard, he repeated the feat to
Satyr saw the dark-haired girl lying beside the water, close to the
small radio, her nearly naked body showing whitely against the sun-
colored towel stretched out beneath her. She lay on her belly, her
cheek resting on a small pillow, her arms comfortable enfolded near her
head. She was the girl who answered to the sound of Barbara, the big
animal immediately recognized as he moved toward her. He whimpered and
she raised her head.
“Well … I seem to have company,” Barbara responded, looking and
finally smiling at the handsome German shepherd. “And just how did you
get in here, Satyr … if you didn’t jump over the gate? I know it’s
locked because I just checked it …”
Again, Satyr whimpered, watching as she turned over to sit upright,
her naked breasts, full and thrusting forward with their colorful crests
pointing teasingly at him. She reached out, petting his head and
continuing to smile.
The beautiful animal had found a soft place in Barbara’s heart from
the first day of his arrival, though she’d had little to do with him.
It was the first time he’d wandered over to visit her, but she knew that
Karen let him romp around the neighborhood, that, somewhat surprising
her. There was always the chance that he might run off or be stolen,
and after all, her blonde young neighbor was supposed to be looking
after him for her aunt …
“Hello … what’s this?” the onyx-eyed brunette questioned,
noticing for the first time the length of rope dangling from his collar.
“Hmmmm … looks as if someone did have you tied, darling, Karen, maybe
… or has someone else been trying to keep you for their own …? Come
closer and let Barbara untie it, then we’ll go inside and call Karen
Satyr let her gently draw his head closer so that she could remove
the terrible rope he had chewed … closer until the colorful hardened
tips of her soft, white breasts were almost brushing against his nose,
the sweet smelling essence of them filling his keen nostrils.
Reflexively, he licked out with his smooth wet tongue!
The unexpected contact caused Barbara to jerk back with a start,
her widening eyes bursting into a sparkle as she looked at him. “Why
… why you old lecher …! Just what made you do that?” she half-
whispered as she stared wonderingly at his almost grinning, handsome
animal-face, the expression in his rounded, big brown eyes one which she
was familiar with in the human male animal, but certainly never in a
dog. They were twinkling … seductively twinkling! as if he were well
aware of what he’d done and would like very much to do it again!
The temptation was too great for the voluptuous young neighbor
woman to by-pass. She felt a tiny ripple of excitement in her belly as
again she leaned forward to unknot the piece of rope, consciously
thrusting her naked, full mounds slightly toward him. And again, he did
it, his long length of hot, wet tongue grazing meaningfully over the
sensitive, hardened nipple of her left breast! Nor did it stop after
one or two laving swipes against the warm sensual flesh! Instead,
Barbara gaped excitedly down to watch his long, thick tongue curl in a
heated wetness over their smooth, fleshy resilience, moving from one to
the other to affectionately lick their undersides as well as upward
through the deep cleft between them! Again and again, her breathing
beginning to hitch in her throat, Barbara watched the pink length of his
long fluid tongue graze hotly over the erect, berry-like nipples of her
nakedly swelling tits, the feverish sensations she had known earlier
quickly rousing from their dormant state.
“Oooohhh … you loving devil you …!” the ardently astonished
brunette whispered in a tremulous, throaty voice. She had finally
fumbled the length of rope from his collar, and suddenly she braced her
hands behind her and leaned back in that half-erect position, the very
nature of it thrusting her up-tilted, full breasts even more invitingly
forward in their white nakedness. She held her breath and waited, the
now simmering little sensations racing through her tingling belly
causing the moisture seeping from her now warmly flushing pussy-lips to
dampen the wispy bikini crotch band between her thighs!
For a moment, he seemed to hesitate, disappointing Barbara, but
only for a moment … then, he whimpered and moved forward to wedge her
long legs willingly apart with his own legs, dropping his head and once
more his hot tongue darted out to provocatively wash over her exposed,
rising and falling breasts!
Wild emotions began to fill the raven-haired girl as she stared
into his deep-brown, dancing eyes raised upward to focus on her face
while his long, fervent tongue continued to lovingly lick her naked
tits! He knew exactly what he was doing … and what it was doing to
her! She could see it … read it there in his devilishly gleaming
eyes! My God, she was beginning to see the inside … but … but, a
dog …? Suddenly, his incessant, searing tongue began to work downward
over the softly giving flesh of her belly, dipping into her navel and
downward … until finally he was sniffing between her legs, as if he
could smell the slowly awakening heat of her moistened pussy!
He whimpered while Barbara stared with incredulity, the lustful
sensations his hotly probing nose was firing in her loins were nothing
short of rank obscenity! And it was the latter as much as anything, the
voluptuously sensual girl concluded, which could irresistibly drive her
to submit to him …! And then, a mind-shattering realization dawned
Her next door neighbor, Karen Smith’s, lover! No wonder she hadn’t
seen a man leave yesterday morning! There wasn’t any man …! “I-It
was you, wasn’t it, darling!” Barbara hissed at the whining animal still
sniffing at her aroused bikini-concealed vaginal split. “Of course!
You came out of that washroom first, then Karen with that silly bone,
her face blushing like a little girl who’d just been caught fingering
herself!” The excited young neighbor woman sat upright, taking Satyr’s
head between her hands to raise and stare into his eyes. “What was she
letting you do to her in that room, you handsome lover? Lick her pussy,
maybe? Was that it, baby … do you like to lick women’s pussies? Well
… Barbara just happens to have a real hot one that needs tonguing
something fierce … and if that’s your secret trick, you and I are
going to get on famously!”
With that, the curvaceous brunette was on her feet, wanton
sensations charging incitingly through her. “Come on, Satyr darling …
let’s go into the house and find out if Barbara’s hit the nail on the
head … or something …!”
Satyr happily trotted along behind the beautiful young woman who
had draped the towel around her shoulders, concealing her naked breasts,
the piquant fragrance of her mating heat firing his trained instincts.
He had not been in her house, nor ever smelled the rising aroma of
female excitement from the hotly burning vaginal crevice between her
legs before. It had been more potent than most, impulsively attracting
him with its pleasureful promise, and he was eager to sample it again
… but as always, he must wait until she bade him.
She led him into a room where there was the biggest bed he had ever
seen. It was round with many pillows and she walked toward it. She
turned then to look down at him, her dark eyes sparkly, a faint smile
widening her pleasing face as she dropped the towel to expose her white,
firmly rounded breasts once more.
“Now, we’ll see what we shall see, darling!” she sounded softly.
“Just what has young Mrs. Karen Smith been letting you do to her while
her husband’s at work, you handsome devil?”
Watching her, Satyr keenly detected the tiny shiver ripple upwards
along her white flesh, causing the colorful pointed mounds of her
breasts to quiver like soft jelly, then sway even more as she began to
roll the thin bikini panties down over her smoothly rounded hips. He
watched through unflinching eyes the darkened area of soft pubic curls
and the puffy fleshed lips of her glistening little cunt mouth as it was
revealed before him. She wiggled lightly and the thin, flimsy material
slipped down her long, trim legs to the floor where she stepped out of
it, then stood there with hands on hips, thighs pressed forward and
slightly spread as she gazed excitedly down at him.
“What now, lamb?” Barbara throatily questioned, intensive charges
of lurid sensuality hotly aglow inside her at the obscene act she
lustfully hoped was going to take place. God, his animal-eyes, she felt
certain, were reflecting as much anticipating desire as she knew hers
must be! Was it possible? Once more, a series of feverish little
chills swept over her as she stood there waiting … but he didn’t move
… merely stared hungrily at her, his beautiful ears standing erect,
his tail slightly wagging! “Just how do we … we get this little party
under way, precious … that is, if Barbara hasn’t misjudged …”
Satyr’s avid eyes never left her curved, white nakedness standing
before him, his yearning growing rapidly, but his training holding him
back. He had no way of knowing why they sometimes made him wait; his
real mistress had never done that. And then, she was crawling onto the
big, round bed to lie back, her eyes still fastened on him. Why didn’t
she call him …?
It occurred to Barbara that maybe the beautiful big animal was more
aggressive to the reclining position, associating the way she had lain
beside the pool when he’d approached her. But still, he didn’t move …
simply stood there staring at her through feverish, seductive eyes that
were driving her wild with anticipation! Damn!
“Well come on, damnit! Come up here you handsome brute and do
whatever it is you do … if you do anything at all!” the naked, raven-
haired young neighbor woman feverishly commanded, patting the huge bed
with her small hand.
And he did, with the most graceful, effortless leap Barbara could
imagine, the expression in his loving eyes and on his handsome animal-
face almost passionately human as he moved up over her from the side,
then leaned down to again graze his long, thick tongue over her desire-
swollen breast with a hot licking wetness …!

* * *

While finishing up the few minor household chores she’d set herself
to complete, Karen intentionally allowed her mind to play a small,
dreamy game of slowly building desire. She wanted to be as sensually
excited as she had been last night, but without the benefit of liquor,
and her fervid memories of the grand fucking her darling Satyr had given
her was all she needed. She thought in lewd, four-letter terms, the
lust-inciting words that Barbara could and did use so casually. Fuck
and cunt and cock and jism constantly flashed in her mind as she
mentally pictured the beautifully forbidden love-party they had shared.
And it was going to be as heavenly when she brought him in very shortly,
the moment she finished rinsing out the pairs of nylon panty-hose
filling the sink.
Flashes of her husband, Steve’s gentle face, interrupted her
thoughts, but she wouldn’t let him remain. What she and Satyr shared
had nothing to do with her flustrating husband … nothing! She loved
him and always would, but if he knew the truth he should be thankful
that the magnificent German shepherd had come into her life! What
might’ve happened with other strange men if he hadn’t, Karen didn’t want
to even imagine …!
Finished with her last personal task, the roused curvaceous
housewife scooped up the sheer garments with intentions of hanging them
on the umbrella clothes-lines in the backyard, at the same time freeing
Satyr and bringing him back inside. She smiled to herself, stirring
enchantment whirl-pooling at the base of her belly and downward into her
tingling loins at the thoughts of what it was going to be like. God,
could she ever thank Aunt Janie enough for bringing her such erotic
thrills? And just how was she going to make her Aunt Janie know that
she had to have him …? Well, there was still time to work that out
and she would, because she truly intended to keep him …
Karen stopped short outside the backdoor, her eyes widening, a
strange sensation of astonished emptiness completely engulfing her! She
scanned the yard in a glance, knowing that he was gone from the
sickening sight of the rope’s empty end lying unmoving on the lawn! She
dropped the plastic pan of wash, and ran to pick up the rope’s chewed
end. Tears uncontrollably bubbled upward into her eyes, brimming there.
For a moment, the shocked new wife couldn’t think … and then, she
began to!
He had run away! She never should’ve tied him! He was at one of
her neighbor bitches, fucking her like an animal! Or maybe, he’d gone
to the field! Had someone stolen him? No … the rope was chewed …
angrily chewed! Oh God, she’d made a terrible mistake in tying him up!
But … but it wasn’t going to do any good just standing there bawling!
She had to do something … but what? Call the police? Stupid, without
even canvassing the neighborhood first to see if she could find him!
Yes! That’s what was to do! Scour the whole neighborhood … and if
she found him with one of the bitches taking advantage of him, she’d
call the police! She’d have her arrested! She would! She would …!

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