A BBW shares a story with me her husband about an interesting time back in her high school days
By: Date: January 3, 2020 Categories: Sex stories, and erotic novels Tags: , , , , , ,

As with most husbands, I’ve always found the idea of my
wife Melanie with other men exciting. During sex I’ve
often used her vibes on her as she is sucking my cock
or I’m fucking her, usually putting it in one of the
holes I’m not current filling. She plays along as I
tell her it’s some other man’s cock inside her pussy or
in her ass, usually choosing the biggest vibe she has
to do the job (I’m pretty much “average” in size).

She obviously enjoys this sort of thing during sex,
moaning and writhing around as I tell her how much “he”
is enjoying her body and being inside her. And yet, I’d
never been able to convince her to actually do these
things in real life.

Part of the issue is basically because she is a larger
girl. Not like gigantic, just more of that plus size
I know some guys aren’t into that obviously, but
I’ve always liked more woman than less. And from the
first time I saw her, I knew I wanted her. She stands
about 5’4 with long dark brown hair. Her eyes are also
brown, which tend to have a come-hither smolder to them
when she is turned on.

Her large pouty lips often puff out also when she is
excited, adding to the overall sultry look. She has
some wonderful DD cup breasts, cute voluptuous ass and
a pussy that she knows how to use (along with that
fantastic mouth I mentioned before). All that wrapped
up in her buxom figure and she is quite the package.

We started dating right as she started college, and I
was 4 years older than her. So of course being an 18
year old girl out on her own for the first time, she
wanted to make the most of it. And she did. Our first
dated ended up back at her dorm room where we wasted
little time getting our clothes off. We were together
constantly after that, fucking every chance we got.
Soon she moved in with me, and the almost nonstop sex

I’m not sure if Melanie was playing catch-up for her
lack of sex during high school (or so I thought-more on
that in a moment) or just those typical early heady
days of a new relationship. Probably both. Not that I
minded. Being a typical 22 year old horn-dog male, I
was in heaven.

As I said, I assumed Melanie really hadn’t had that
much experience. She had told me about past boyfriends
of which there were few. Again, being a larger woman
meant fewer opportunities, relationship wise or
sexually speaking. She would tell me about occasional
incidents, of which even those I relished hearing. Even
then the thought of her with other men turned me on
like crazy. Eventually I let it slip how much it
excited me. Hard to say what she thought of that the
first time I confessed it, but one night she told me a
story that to this day makes my rock hard when I think
about it. I’ll relate the story as she told it to me,
which she swears is the honest truth. I have no reason
to think it’s not true either.

Around her sophomore year in HS, she was out one
weekend night with her friend Christine. She was one of
those girls that most of the guys wanted. Tall, blond,
skinny, giggly. You know the type. And of course my
wife was the sidekick. They were friends, but it’s
obvious which one usually got the guy. On this
particular night, they were where they usually were-the
local teen hangout, equipped with pool tables, video
games and a pizza joint. Every small town has one, and
our town was no different. The two of them were there,
bored silly and shooting pool. Not much happens in our
hometown, so this is where most of the kids hung out
regardless of what school they went to.

After a while a group of 4 boys came in, one of whom
knew Christine. They saw each other, hugged and began
talking. They all looked to be about 16 or 17. Melanie
just kind of stayed at the pool table they were at,
shooting various balls in, and waiting for her friend
to re-join her. The other 3 boys looked just as bored,
wanting also to go find something else to do.
Eventually Christine came bounding back, chirpy with

“Hey, Mike wants to go someplace else. Want to come?”

Melanie wasn’t too keen on the idea of running around
for what was sure to be a 3rd wheel situation. Sensing
that this wasn’t going over well, Christine added,
“They would be going too,” motioning to the other 3
boys still waiting on their friend. None of them seemed
to show much interested in Melanie, not that she cared
really. She wasn’t really the adventurous wild type in
high school. It was bad enough they were in a small
town with nothing to do. Add in some shyness and a
predisposition to getting good grades, and Melanie was
no wild child. Still, the thought of going back home on
a Friday night early didn’t exactly strike her as a
better alternative. So with a lot of apprehension, she

Introductions were brief and soon everyone headed out
to Mike’s truck. Christine hopped in the front seat
while Melanie squeezed into the back with the other 3
boys. It was obvious that the only people who were
really enjoying themselves were in the front seats. As
the drove off, Christine kicked something in the front

“What’s that?” she said looking at the darkened floor.

“Oh that. That’s just something we picked up before we
headed out tonight,” Mike snickered. The other boys
laughed a little.

Christine reached down, picked up a heavy paper bag and
pulled a large bottle of vodka from it. Everyone except
Melanie and Christine cheered a little. Christine
looked back at Melanie in an apparent look of surprise
and smiled. Melanie knew what she was thinking, being
as Christine could be a bit of a party girl sometimes.
Melanie had drunk some in her day as most teenagers
had, no more or less than most kids. Despite this, she
wasn’t too sure about getting a buzz with a bunch of
boys she had just met.

Christine had no such hesitation and cracked open the
bottle, taking a swig. A few mild cheers went up from
the boys in the truck. The bottle was handed to the
back seat, where one of the boys grabbed it and took a
swallow. Each of them drank a little and then handed it
to Melanie. What the hell, she thought and drank some

Mike headed the truck into the woods as everyone else
drank from the bottle. Eventually they ended up at a
state park that at this hour of night was deserted. He
parked as far back as he could and shut off the truck’s
engine. It was summer, but up in the mountains
thankfully the temperature was mild. Everyone exited
the truck in some state in inebriation. Melanie
stumbled out a little, the sound of a creek running
fast nearby from all the rain, the air fresh and clean.
The moon was out, which added a subdued light all
around. Christine, quite a bit more buzzed than
everyone else, was loud and giggling and already
holding hands with Mike. Melanie and the other 3 boys
wondered after them in buzzed silence.

Soon they wondered upon a concrete picnic bench while
Christine leaned against a nearby tree, Mike just in
front of her now as they talked and laughed. Melanie
climbed up and sat on the picnic table’s edge, feet
hanging over the side. Despite the start of the
evening, she was relaxed and in a fairly good mood. She
and the other boys chatted for a while, not more than a
few “yeah’s” or “no’s” as they talked about what
schools they went to, how they knew Mike or Christine,

Soon Christine came up to Melanie and said, “Uhm, me
and Mike are gonna go take a walk, we will be right
back.” Melanie mouth dropped open a little. Figures.
Christine had pulled this kind of thing before-ditching
Melanie so that she could go make out somewhere with a
random guy. Melanie thought about saying something, but
bit her tongue and nodded. Christine hugged her then
ran back over to Mike and the two of them walked hand
in hand into the woods.

Things got quiet with Melanie and the other remaining
boys. They passed the bottle of vodka around a few more
times, Melanie not quite realizing how much she had had
before noticing a pretty heavy buzz setting in. She
still to sit on the edge of the picnic table, her legs
moving around nervously as they all continued to murmur
to each other.

Without warning, one of the boys walked over to her,
stepped between her legs and kissed her. Melanie was
surprised to say the least. She had not been expecting
this as none of the boys had shown much of an interest
in her prior. In most cases she probably would have
pushed the boy off, but for some reason tonight she
didn’t want to. Maybe it was the vodka, or the
moonlight, or whatever it was, but she found herself
kissing the boy back.

They continued to kiss, and as they did the boy moved
closer, his crotch now in line between Melanie’s legs
as she sat on
the edge
of the table. He began to grind
against her and seeing as that she was wearing a denim
skirt that night, could feel his erection through his
jeans as it pressed against her panties. As they kissed
his hands began to roam over the top half of her body,
not long before they found their way up her shirt,
fondling her breasts over her bra. Melanie’s head was
swimming now, hormones mixed with a large amount of
vodka, and she quickly forgot about the two other boys
standing nearby, who were watching all this with great

Melanie for her part wasn’t sure if this boy actually
liked her or just wanted to make out, but at this point
she didn’t really care much either way. Her love life
has been very limited up to this point, with just a
couple of relationships to speak of and a few dates
here and there. Most boys didn’t like larger girls,
though in high school she wasn’t that big
comparatively. All the same, she was sort of happy
about this sudden attention.

Melanie’s breathing was getting more flustered as they
continued to make out, his rough hands pulling her bra
down and massaging her breasts directly now, something
that I can say I know turns her on big time. Their
kissing became more intensified as the boy grinded his
crotch faster and harder into Melanie’s panties, which
she could tell were already getting quite wet. Soon the
boy’s hands left her breasts and immediately went under
her skirt. She felt him trying to pull her panties
down. She thought for second, but the vodka had
impaired her usual good judgment and she lifted her ass
off the table long enough for the boy to quickly pull
them off her legs and down her feet.

She then heard him fumbling with his belt, followed by
the sound of a zipper being pulled down. In the dark of
the woods it was hard to see a lot and only a little of
the moon illuminated the clearing. But regardless it
was pretty clear what was happening. Soon she felt him
move again between her legs and something warm press
against the opening of her pussy. She opened her legs
more, and she felt the boy slowly sink his cock into
her depths.

She let out a moan as his cock pushed inside her. The
boy gasped, feeling the wet warmth of her pussy around
his throbbing cock. They embraced, returning to their
kissing as the boy began to work his cock in and out of
her pussy. They both moaned loudly, oblivious to the
other boys watching the show just a few feet away. The
boy’s motions intensified and he started to fuck
Melanie harder and faster, his hands now back on her
exposed breasts.

Melanie for her part had her arms around his shoulders,
their tongues swirling around as they fucked. She
scooted to the edge of the table, making sure that she
had as much of him inside her pussy as possible. The
boy’s breathing was becoming more labored, and it was
obvious he would soon come. Melanie suddenly realized
that he had not put on a condom but in the moment she
also realized that she didn’t really care anyway.

Suddenly the boy moaned loudly as his body tightened
up. Quickly he pulled his cock from her pussy and
Melanie felt the hot ropes of cum as it shot from his
cock, spraying her tummy and the outside of her pussy.
As his orgasm slowed, they kissed lazily, his hand
still around his cock as he coaxed out as much cum as

He shuddered, both their bodies now a little damp from
sweat and breathing heavily. Melanie collapsed back on
the bench, her legs still hanging over, staring up at
the sky. The boy sighed and she could hear him pulling
his pants back up as she stared up at the stars. Her
head was spinning now, between the sex and the alcohol,
and she felt heavy and languid.

She heard some low mutterings and suddenly remembered
the other 2 boys! She was embarrassed and was about to
sit up and cover herself when she felt a set of hands
on her spread legs. She looked down to see another one
of the boys standing between her legs, a sly grin on
his face. She realized what he intended and before she
could move she felt his cock inside her. The boy
growled loudly as he pushed his cock into her. Melanie
couldn’t believe this was happening. And again despite
her better judgment she found herself opening her legs

“That’s it baby,” the boy said as he pushed deeper.
Melanie gasped as the boy pushed his warm cock harder
inside her. She lay looking up at the night sky, not
wanting to move as all she could feel was the hard cock
that was sliding in and out of her. His pace quickened,
as her body bounced back and forth on the table. She
closed her eyes, basking in the feeling of having him
inside her.

“God I can’t believe this is actually happening,” she
thought. “Two boys in one night?! What if people find
out? Will they think I’m a slut? What if my parents
find out?! I will be grounded forever!”

Her thoughts were broken as she heard the boy groan
loudly. He gave a couple more hard pushes and then
pulled his cock quickly out of her. Even in their
drunken state, the idea of getting a girl pregnant was
not something they wanted. Melanie once again felt the
warm splash of cum on her legs, tummy and pussy. Unlike
the first boy, it felt like this one came a lot more as
she felt shot after shot of thick semen on her.

The boy gave one last loud groan and stepped away. What
happened next was inevitable as she heard someone else
walking up. The 3rd boy stood between her legs and
quickly undid his pants. Almost if on cue now, she
opened her legs wide, giving herself to him. He moved
forward and plunged into her now soaked pussy. Her body
arched upward, the sensations of having all these
different cocks inside her filling her with pure carnal
lust. She had never experienced anything like this
before and certainly hadn’t planned it. But it was
happening and she was really enjoying it.

The boy grabbed her legs and put them on his shoulders
now as he drove himself deeper inside her. Unlike the
other two, he seemed to want to take his time as he
drove his cock into her in long slow strokes. He moaned
and grinded his hips, his hand reaching down to her and
grabbing her heavy glistening breasts. She in turn
cried out loudly, feeling his cock go deeper than the
others had, and his hands sending little shocks through
her body as her nipples hardened. She tightened her
pussy around his cock, wanting to feel every inch as
intensely as possible.

He quickened his pace, trying to push deeper and deeper
into her. Her legs on his shoulders, he bent her knees,
putting a little of his weight on her. She could barely
make him out in the moonlight, his eyes closed, his
mouth round, making little noises and groans as he
fucked her. Her buxom ass up in the air a little now,
meeting his thrusts. Soon she saw his face contort and
felt his cock throb inside her. She knew he was close.
She wanted to feel it, to feel him spray his cum deep
into her pussy. But like the others he quickly released
her and pulled his cock from inside her. Again she felt
the warm ropy semen shoot onto her body, her pussy
hairs now caked with the different boys’ cum.

The last boy gasped a few times, putting one hand on
her bare hip the other around his cock making sure to
pump out as much come as possible. He was breathing
very hard now, taking in as much of the cool night air
as he could. When he was done coming he put both hands
on the table to support himself as he looked down at

“Fuck that was awesome!” he gasped. “Here, let me help
you up,” as he reached down and took a hold of her
hands. Reluctantly she let him pull her back up to a
sitting position. Her head immediately spun as the
alcohol still ran around her body, and lying on her
back for so long didn’t help. As she regained her
composure, the boy leaned up and kissed her gently.
“Thanks” he said softly. She kissed him back slowly,
now tired and groggy.

In all her life she never would have imagined that she
was capable of something like what had just happened.
She felt the cum oozing down her legs and dribbling
over her pussy lips, the smell of semen and sex filled
the night air. She wondered if any of the boys had come
inside her, even just a little. Oh well, not much she
could do about it now if they had. She looked around
for her panties, finding them lying on the bench of the
table. She pulled them back on slowly as she looked for
the other boys, both of whom were sitting at another
table nearby, smoking cigarettes. The last boy still
stood in front of her, his pants now zipped up.

“Need some help?” he said to her as he reached his
hands out.

“Thanks,” as she scooted down off the table, her legs
now wobbly. They walked over to the other table

“Can I get one a drag?” she asked. One of the boys

her up his smoke and she took a long hit off of
it. Like most girls her age, she smoked from time to
time, stealing the occasional cigarette from her
mother’s purse at home when she could. She handed it
back to him and they all sat around quietly. Melanie
could feel the come trickling down her legs now,
wishing she had a towel or something to wipe it off

After a while Christine and Mike wondered back over.
Melanie, petrified that one of the boys would say
something about what had just happened, just smiled
shyly. Luckily for her, none of the boys even
snickered. “Nuthin,” was about all that was said and
shrugs all around, much to Melanie’s relief. It was
getting late and Christine indicated she needed to get
home. Everyone hopped back into the truck and headed
back into town to where Christine had left her car back
at the pool place.

Melanie never mentioned anything to Christine about
what happened, and apparently none of the boys ever
told her. She is sure that as soon as they got dropped
off it came up among the boys, but as long as they
didn’t tell anyone else, she didn’t really mind. After
all, despite the situation, she would have to say it
was a very liberating moment, one she would never