Sensual and Sexual
By: Date: January 28, 2025 Categories: Pornstories Tags: , , ,

“Did that guy call you yet?” Karen asked me over dinner.

We were eating some Ramen noodles and a couple hoagie sandwiches.
It was getting near the end of the month and we were both running out
of allowance, especially after our little shopping expedition to the
porn shop Tuesday night.

“No,” I swallowed hard and wondered why I was lying. I didn’t want
to, but…

“He will,” Karen decided, shaking her blonde hair out of her eyes.
“It’s only been a couple days, don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried,” I said, looking down at my Styrofoam cup and
stirring it with my fork.

“What’s wrong?” she asked me.

“Nothing,” I said, forcing myself to look up and smile.

“If it’s the other night, Kylie…” Karen pushed her glasses up her

I think she was a little more nervous about what had happened than
she was letting on. We’d avoided each other Wednesday, me more than
Karen maybe, but she hadn’t come looking for me either. I felt bad
about that too. I’d embarrassed myself, and Karen, and even though
she’d forgiven me and tried to make it all better…I was still

“That night, um…” I made a face. “I was kind of wound up or
something. I had a good time.”

“Me too,” Karen smiled. “Hey, how about we skip our classes
tomorrow afternoon?”


“We can get an early start on the weekend,” Karen said. “There’s a
one o’clock bus that goes right through Hastings, I checked.”

“Oh,” I blinked at that.

“What?” Karen narrowed her blue eyes at me. “You changed your

“No, uh-uh,” I shook my head. “I want to go, I just, uh…”

I couldn’t tell her that I had a lunch date with Brandon. A date?
That was totally the wrong word. He was going to meet me at my dorm
room and fuck me with no strings attached. Fuck buddies working off
some college stress. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I
mean, once the excitement had worn off, and after I’d dealt with all
the guilt of having sex with a white guy, I’d hoped to be a little
more rational about it. But I hadn’t been able to decide if what we
were doing was good or bad.

I liked the sex just fine, but I wanted something more than that.
I wanted a guy I could at least hope to be serious with. Someone to
talk to and go out with, someone I could trust with my secrets. I
wanted a guy who was always there and always ready to listen, you
know? I wanted to be in love. Why did Brandon have to have a serious
girlfriend? The guy worked in a porn shop! What kind of girl could she
be? Probably a slut, I thought, conveniently ignoring the fact that I
would have dated the guy myself if I could.

What a hypocrite!

“What?” Karen was curious now and smiling and she knew me as well
as anyone did. Something was going on. I’d been giving her all the
signals, the little things only a best friend would pick up on.

“Brandon,” I cleared my throat. I wasn’t going to lie to Karen.

“The porn guy?” Karen asked. “He called you, didn’t he? What did
he say?”

“Um, he’s got a serious girlfriend,” I said.

“Oh,” Karen frowned at that and I was actually surprised. “I’m
sorry, Kylie. He was cute.”

“Yeah,” I nodded and I was trying to figure out why Karen wouldn’t
be happy about that news. I mean, Brandon was her competition, sorta,
wasn’t he?

“Give me a few days,” Karen wrinkled her nose at me. “I’ll find
you another guy. A better guy.”

“Karen,” I laughed and felt guilty for selling my best friend so
short. She’d told me that our friendship was more important than
anything else and now she was proving it. I was just feeling more and
more like an ass.

“What?” She grinned at me. “Just cause I’m queer, it doesn’t mean
I can’t pick out a decent guy. Trust me.”

“No, see, we’re sorta hooked up,” I said slowly. “Kinda.”

“Hooked up?” Karen tilted her head at me. “With Brandon?”

“Yeah,” I giggled nervously. “We did it today, during lunch, and
tomorrow we’re going to…” I sighed airily “…do it again.”

“Do it,” Karen nodded. “You and Brandon just jumped into bed and…”

“My bed,” I was nodding too. “He’s my, uh…fuck buddy.”

“What?” Karen finally laughed and that made me laugh too.

“That’s what he calls it,” I shrugged. “No strings, just…fucking.”

“Fucking,” Karen repeated and it wasn’t one I used a lot. “That’s
what you want?”

“I…” I held up my hands, looking as hopeless as I felt. “I want to
have sex with a white guy.”

“Well, you did, right?” Karen sighed. “Okay. Well, I guess that
proves it, right?”

“Proves what?” I asked her, thinking maybe she was mad now.

“That I can pick ’em!” Karen smiled at me. “So, you probably won’t
be needing that video anymore, huh?”

“Karen!” I stuck my tongue out at her and I wasn’t sure I’d even
needed it in the first place.

“I guess it’s a good thing I got mine,” she said, taking a bite of
her sandwich.

“I don’t know how I feel about it,” I said truthfully. “I like
him, but he made it so clear, you know? There’s never going to be
anything between us except sex.”

“At least he’s honest,” Karen shrugged. “Was he any good?”

“Yeah,” I nodded and felt myself warming. “He was pretty good,

“Pretty good?” Karen teased me.

“Really good,” I giggled. “I was there. Lights out. You know.”

“Hmph,” she nodded at that.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“So you wanna do him tomorrow too,” Karen said, ignoring my
shocked look. “Okay, I’ll call the bus depot and find out what they
got running later.”

“You sure?” I asked her, feeling a little guilty now that I’d told
her everything. “I can call Brandon up and tell him…”

“No, have some fun. God!” Karen shook that idea off. “At least one
of us is getting laid.”

We finished our little supper, cleaning up as we were down in the
dormitory lunchroom. Eating out of vending machines pretty much
sucked, but I really didn’t feel like calling my dad and asking for an
advance. He’d want to know where my money went.

“What are you doing tonight?” Karen asked me as we walked towards
our rooms.

“Studying,” I shrugged. “What are you doing?”

“Watching movies,” she laughed and I rolled my eyes. “I can paint
your toes if you want.”

“Nah,” I shook my head. “If I’m going with you this weekend, I
really need to get my reading done.”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “Me too. College sucks.”

“Some of it,” I giggled and sorta bumped the smaller girl with my
hip. “Some of it’s pretty cool though.”

“Yeah,” Karen shrugged and then she bumped me back.


“Hmmm…God, that feels good,” I sighed, straddling Brandon’s lap
while he sat on my desk chair.

“Yeah, Kylie…feels good, baby…” he agreed, bending his mouth to my
tits and he was eating my nipples for lunch.

I was going to cum, no doubt about it, but at least it wasn’t
crazy like it had been the day before. We’d had our first time thrill
together and now we could just work on figuring out what we really
liked. Brandon had learned quickly that I was a total slave to my
tits. The boy was working them over mercilessly while I cradled his
head and rode his long, white cock with my black pussy. That thrill
would never go away. White in black, Jesus! I loved that part of it.

“Umph…Oh! Harder…” I breathed, biting my lip as my orgasm
threatened to explode in my tummy.

My nipples were black and swollen, and thick as my little finger,
I swear. Brandon was giving me love bites, sucking and chewing my
sensitive flesh. We’d been at it for ten minutes at least, just the
fucking part, with a good twenty minutes of foreplay before that. I
was ready to pop and my nipples were screaming with pleasure. I was so
weak for that, more than anything else a person could to me, loving my
tits was the absolute best.

“I’m gonna cum soon,” Brandon whispered, lifting his face red and
wet from my heaving breasts. “Do you want to suck it?”

“Yeah!” I blinked, not with surprise, but only because I was
trying to hold on to my sanity.

“Okay,” Brandon was in so much more control than I was. I didn’t
know if it was because he had more experience or just because he was a
man, or what. But he was always in control, unlike me. I was quivering
and nearly helpless as Brandon helped me up, letting his cock slip out
of my pussy so that it slapped wetly against his stomach.

I licked my lips and more or less fell onto my knees between his
spread legs and he was already taking off his condom for me. What a
beautiful cock, ruddy now with his arousal and jerking with the need
to cum. I wrapped my hands around it, both of them and took the head
into my mouth quickly. I tasted him slightly salty and smelled the
musk of his sweat, it was all good for me and my empty pussy throbbed
with a dull ache. I wanted him to finish inside me, in my pussy and
make me cum with him, but I so badly wanted to taste his sperm. I’d
told him that before and it was why he’d asked me if I wanted to let
him finish in my mouth. He was going to enjoy it anyway.

“Kylie…Yeah! Almost…Almost…Oh! Yeah!” Brandon lifted his hips and
grabbed my head with his hands, not hard, not forcing me, but just
needing to hold me as his cock ejaculated rapidly into mouth.

I swallowed quickly, but still choked as there was simply too much
cum for me to handle. I wasn’t really very good at this yet, but I was
determined and I managed to keep my mouth on him. I swallowed
Brandon’s semen and it seemed rather like thick cream with a big pinch
of salt added for flavor. A lot of it had spilled out from my lips and
stained my black hands white, but I’d swallowed a lot too and I washed
Brandon’s cock thoroughly with my tongue. I wasn’t letting him go, not
right away. I wanted to make sure I got every drop of him I could.

“That was great,” Brandon was nodding and smiling, stroking my
hair while I licked his cum off my hand. “You really like that?”

“I guess so,” I giggled self-consciously. “Um…why?”

“A lot of girls don’t,” he said with a small shrug. “It’s pretty
awesome, Kylie.”

“Oh,” I nodded and I had no idea how I was supposed to reply to
that. “I’m glad you liked it.”

“No,” he laughed at me. “I’m glad you liked it, Kylie.”

“Heh!” I stuck my cummy tongue out at him and I was wondering if
his girlfriend swallowed. Like I was jealous of the girl or something.

“I need to get going to my classes,” Brandon picked up his watch
from my desk and started putting it back on. “I’m kinda busy this
weekend, but if you want to try…”

“This weekend? I’ll be out of town,” I said and I was feeling a
little frustrated that I hadn’t had my orgasm. I’d been close, really
close, but I’d gotten into sucking Brandon off and eating his cum and
then…it sorta went away. That sucked, but I was hiding it. I couldn’t
blame him for anything, Brandon had fucked me great. It was just my

“Okay,” he nodded at that. “You want to get together Monday?”

“Um…Maybe,” I said. “Can you call me Sunday night?”

“Sure,” he agreed. “Early or late or…”

“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “Late is okay.”

“Okay,” Brandon smiled and that’s how easy it was gonna be for us,
I realized. We’d just get together when it was convenient, have our
sex, and go our separate ways. Maybe it was because I hadn’t cum, but
right then I was sort of thinking that I didn’t like it very much.



I glanced up at the sound and Brandon was just leaving my room
when he bumped into Karen. Literally, I guessed.

“Hi. Sorry,” Brandon apologized, standing in the open doorway.

“I shouldn’t have been peeking through the keyhole,” my best
friend laughed lightly, obviously teasing him as there was no keyhole
in my door.

“Yeah, uh…Karen right?” Brandon was smiling and I was still naked,
wrapping my bathrobe around me.

“Let him out, Karen,” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah,” she replied to Brandon, ignoring me. “Hey that dildo is
awesome, by the way.”

“Oh, um…Good,” Brandon sort of laughed.

“Better than the real thing,” Karen told him.

“Okay, cool.” Brandon nodded and then looked over his shoulder at
me. “I’ll see ya later, Kylie.”

“I call it my little fuck buddy,” Karen said as Brandon slipped
around her finally.

“Karen!” I frowned at her.

“What?” she giggled, stepping into my room and closing the door
behind her. “Whew! You need some air freshener!”

“That’s not funny,” I told her, getting my shower stuff together.

“It’s true,” she shrugged, looking at my unused bed. “Did you guys
do it on the floor, or what?”

“I mean teasing him like that,” I frowned again, just to make sure
Karen saw it.

“Oh! He’s a big boy, right?” Karen laughed at me. “That’s what
best friends do.”

“What?” I asked her, picking up my towel and sniffing it before
deciding it was clean enough to use one more time.

“Tease boyfriends,” Karen said. “There’s a bus at three going to

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I sighed.

“…It goes right through Hastings, so…”

“And he probably doesn’t want to talk about dildos when he isn’t
working,” I shook my head.

“…we need to get ready,” Karen finished and then blinked at me.

“Never mind,” I rolled my eyes at her. “I’m going to take a

“Good,” Karen grinned at me. “I wasn’t gonna say anything, but…”

“But?” I made a face, reaching for my door.

“You look like you just got seriously fucked.”

“That’s funny,” I smiled sweetly at her. “That’s exactly how I
feel too.”

“It’s a good look for you though,” Karen got the last word in, as
always, and I had to laugh as I left her standing in my room.

I wasn’t really mad at her or anything, but Karen didn’t have to
throw it in Brandon’s face like that. The fuck buddy thing, I mean.
And the dildo being better than a real cock too? God! She was jealous,
I realized as I washed my body under a nice, hot shower. Karen might
have been able to hide it the night before while we’d talked, but
seeing the guy coming out of my room? Catching me smelling like sex
and looking all hot and sticky…Yeah, that was probably a little harder
for her to take.

How did that make me feel? Annoyed, a little bit, but not
completely. Maybe Brandon did deserve a little teasing. No strings.
Why did he have a girlfriend? I wanted the strings! And Karen, she was
jealous and I was washing my breasts slowly, looking at my nipples.
They were still swollen, long and thick and even darker than usual, or
the skin around them was at least. I had love bites there, on both my
tits, and it felt good to massage them with my soapy hands.

I was alone in the community shower and I hadn’t cum. The need was
still fresh and I tried to ignore it. My clit was still hard, barely,
and I moved my fingers across it lightly. Karen was thinking about me
and I wondered if she was still in my room. I didn’t mind, but what
was she doing there, I wondered. Did she find the panties I’d been
wearing, laying on the floor where I’d tossed them in my haste to ride
Brandon’s cock? Was Karen holding them, lifting them to her nose while
she imagined Brandon fucking me?

“No,” I sighed aloud, my left hand moving lower, down between my
thighs as I started washing my pussy gently.

Karen would be thinking about me. About fucking me with her brand
new dildo. Better than the real thing, she’d whisper in my ear.
Sliding her cock inside me from behind. Holding my tits in her small
hands. Squeezing me while I pushed myself back, on my hands and knees
for the girl and nodding my head. Begging for it. Fucking her deep and
hard and Karen was telling me she loved me. Better than the real

I blinked rapidly and turned towards the tiled wall when I heard
someone coming in. I was breathing hard and my pussy was trembling as
I realize I’d been masturbating. I’d gone from washing my cunt to
fingering it while I thought about Karen. I hadn’t planned on that and
I wasn’t sure why I’d been thinking of her. I felt vaguely humiliated
as another girl came into the shower, some white girl that I barely
knew and we exchanged the small, polite smiles that the situation
required. I was afraid to look at her, not for any real reason except
what if I found her attractive somehow. Like, what if I was turning
into a lesbian? That was dumb, but knowing that didn’t help.

I washed myself quickly, my hair taking entirely too long as I had
to give the conditioner a full minute or it would be hopeless later. I
hated my hair. It was naturally coarse and kinky and I needed to get
it straightened again. That was going to eat up half of next month’s
allowance, but maybe I could talk to my mom and…I forced myself to
think about innocent, stupid things like that. Thinking about Karen.
Where had that come from? I wasn’t a lesbian.

“Better than the real thing,” I sighed as I dried myself off and
those words just wouldn’t go away. I knew why they were stuck in my
head and it had nothing to do with her dildo and everything to do with
Karen. But I didn’t want to think about it. I wasn’t turning queer
just because I hadn’t gotten the orgasm I’d wanted. God!


“Back of the bus!” Karen laughed as we got on the big Trailways
that conveniently stopped just outside the campus. The college gave
the bus company some good business and we weren’t the only kids taking
off for the weekend. and Karen wanted to sit in the rear. There were
other seats available, but Karen was going for the last row and I felt
like I was back in high school.

“This is what I need,” I decided after shoving my small backpack
onto the shelf above the seats.

“What’s that?” Karen smiled at me as I sat down next to her. She
was already reclining her seat back and I did the same. It wasn’t that
much more comfortable, really.

“Getting away from that place,” I sighed and I meant it. I needed
a break from college and my little dorm room.

“No kidding,” Karen agreed, watching me stretch my long legs as
much as I could.

We were dressed about the same, comfortable jeans and t-shirts.
Karen was wearing a leather jacket, a simple one and cute. It made her
look like a sixteen year old boy trying to look tough, a pretty one to
be sure, with her blonde hair combed back from her forehead and those
little round glasses on her nose. No makeup at all and she didn’t need

I’d just thrown on a pink sweatshirt with CK across my tits in
big, baby blue letters. It was real fleece and soft and warm. I love
sweatshirts and I had a dozen of them probably. One for every
occasion, Karen liked to tease me and that was sorta true, maybe.
Riding a bus for an hour was certainly a sweatshirt event and I
settled back for a nice little nap.

“You’re gonna wake me up before we get to Chicago, right?” I asked
Karen, turning my head and then my whole body to face her. It was more
comfortable like that. Barely.

“I hope so,” Karen nodded and she was squirming a little, grabbing
at her crotch and I blinked at the serious bulge she had down there.
It hadn’t been obvious until she’d sat down.

“You’re wearing it?” I asked her, my soft voice tinged with

“I’m always wearing it,” Karen stuck her tongue out at me. “It’s

I giggled at my friend’s slight frown as she tried to adjust her
strap-on through her pants.

“What?” Karen blushed sweetly and that was cute, seeing her cheeks
turn a little red. “It’s just…there…ohhh better…okay.”

“You’re so weird,” I sighed and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Yeah,” she shrugged. “I don’t know. I just don’t want to be

“Boring?” I teased her.

“Yeah,” she giggled lightly. “That too.”

“You’re definitely not boring, Karen.” I took a deep breath and
closed my eyes. “Just a little…weird.”

“I know I make you mad sometimes,” Karen said and I opened my eyes
again. “I don’t mean to.”

“You don’t make me mad,” I told her.

“Why did you come to my room the other night?” she asked softly
and I just shrugged.

“I don’t know.” I cleared my throat and my arms were crossed over
my tummy. “I didn’t want you to think I was mad.”

“I didn’t think you were,” Karen smiled.

“I just get really…confused sometimes,” I said and I didn’t know
what else to say.

We just looked at each other, sitting in the back row of the bus
as it rolled pleasantly along. The deep vibration was relaxing and
subliminal, like the sound of the engine and the thrum of the tires on
the highway. Everyone was quiet and we were hidden behind the high
seatbacks in front of us. It felt like we were alone and isolated from
the world passing outside, an alien landscape viewed through the dark
tinted glass which turned the sky mauve and the trees blue. It was
like a dream and maybe one I’d had before. I felt a sense of déjŕ vu,
a familiarity that I knew to be impossible.

It was Karen that gave me those feelings. How many times had I
seen her just like this? She was so close to me as we tried to curl up
on those almost comfortable seats. Karen was on her right side and I
was on my left, facing each other. The armrest between us was up and
there was nothing to separate us but the gulf of emotion, and that was
the confusion. The currents that pulled me closer and farther away
from the girl were beyond my control and I didn’t understand them. I
was feeling it again; something was being shared between her bright
blue eyes and mine. There was a secret in my heart and I didn’t know
what it was.

Was she seducing me, I wondered, or was I seducing myself? I knew
what I wanted. A man to love me, a white man with all the strings
attached. I wanted the attention and the concern. I wanted him a
little selfish with just enough jealousy to make me feel desirable and
important to him. I wanted everything Karen was giving me, but…I
closed my eyes because she was so cute and so white and so feminine
despite her best efforts to be a boy. I wanted her in Brandon’s body,
I thought, and that made me smile.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Karen whispered and I shook my head

“You don’t want to know,” I whispered back.

“Kylie…” Karen sighed and I knew she was feeling it too.

“Did you ever want something you couldn’t have?” I asked her and
it was a thought we’d shared before, many times. Our favorite question
it seemed to me.

“Everyday,” she said.

“Me too,” I opened my eyes and bit my lip and my heart was going
faster. My tummy was tight and I was wondering why I had to fight

“What do you want?” she asked me and when I didn’t say anything,
“I’ll tell you what I want.”

“I know what you want,” I laughed softly and a warmth spread
through me. “I wish I was gay.”

“Really?” Karen laughed and I turned my eyes down.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe. At least I’d know what I was doing

“You think it really matters?” Karen asked me seriously.

“Doesn’t it?”

“I used to wish I was straight,” Karen said. “When I was a kid,
when I was trying to figure out why all my friends like boys and I
liked all my friends.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, as if I understood anything.

“I figured all my problems would be solved,” Karen smiled. “But
that’s what labels do. I’m this or I’m that, like we’re a part of
something and none of it really means anything.”

“Why not?” I wondered.

“It’s the person we’re attracted to,” Karen said. “I mean, as soon
as I decided I was gay…which wasn’t really a decision at all,” Karen
rolled her eyes. “I basically decided I’d never let myself love a

“Mmmm…” I thought about that, but I didn’t really understand what
Karen was saying.

“I could meet the best guy in the world,” she told me. “The
perfect guy, my soulmate and all that, you know? And I’d walk right on
by him without a second glance.”

“You think so?” I asked her.

“Even if we did meet,” Karen shrugged. “I’d talk myself out of it.
I’d tell myself I’m a lesbian and I can’t love him. I’d make up
reasons and excuses and blame everyone else but me probably.”

“That could happen anyway though,” I said, thinking of Brandon.
“That’s just…life. Right?”

“Yeah,” Karen said with a little smile. “I don’t know what I’m
talking about.”

“Me neither,” I giggled softly.

But we both knew we were talking about each other. It was obvious,
like so many other things about our relationship. Karen loved me and
wanted me, and I was scared and desperately wanting to be straight,
whatever that was. And neither of us were willing to jeopardize our
friendship by trying to push it. When one of us did, the other would
draw back and try to protect us.

“Are we cowards?” I wondered.

“Love makes cowards out of everyone,” she told me with a shrug.

“Who said that?” I lifted my head and smiled.

“Uh…I did,” Karen stuck the tip of her tongue out at me.

“I bet it makes some people brave though,” I sighed, putting my
head back down. “Love makes heroes out of all of us.”

“I wish,” Karen sighed and shimmied her shoulders a little, just
getting more comfortable.

“Me too.”

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